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'''Monterrey,''' oficialmente El Reino Unido de Monterrey, es una monarquia constitucional situada en la tierra anterior de Akai, Georgia y Risk. Es el successor de la [[Republic of Georgia|Republica de Georgia]]. Limita [[Amyr]] al oeste, [[Cortesia Del Mar]] al este, el [[Communist Cities Caretaker-Protectorate|Cuidadora-Protectorado Ciudades Communistas]] al norte (via el Mar Provincia) y el Sur, Krowatia al norte y el sur, [[Lambat]] via la colonia de georgia historico, y el exclave de Querocia limita con [[Mir]] al noreste. Es famoso por el capital de [[Rainier]], y su mucho restos historicas. Es compuestiocompuesto de tres principados, [[Risk Republic|Risk]], [[Akai]]. y [[Republic of Georgia|Georgia.]] {{Infobox civilization
| above = UKReino Unido de Monterrey
| image = MonterreyBetterQual.png
| image2= Monterrey_Emblem.png| location = Central +,+ Central
| demonym = MonterranMonterreños
| alliance = [[CES]]
| capital_city = [[Rainier]] {{Coord|7777|5100}}
| government_type = ExecutiveMonarquia Constitutional MonarchyConstitucional
| position_title1 = KingRey
| position_name1 = [[MrDoomBringerAlzubloxer]]
| position_title2 = TheLos Princesprincipes
| position_name2 = Dilbuercito ofde Georgia and, LE22 ofde Fljora, Gabrielmagoo de Risk. (él es el rey tambien0
| foundation_date = [ December 12th, 2020]
| discord =
| subheader=|caption=Flag of MonterreyBandera|caption2=Seal of MonterreyEscudo|header=TheEl UnitedReino KingdomUnido ofde Monterrey
|name=UnitedReino KingdomUnido ofde Monterrey|headerstyle=background:#db0909;|language=Ingles<br/>Espanol}}
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== Government & Politics ==
<big>'''TheEl RoyalSenado SenatoReal'''</big>
El senado real es el legislatura de Monterrey, es compuesto de dos casas, el senado mejor, y the Senado menor.
The Royal Senato is the Bicameral legislature of Monterrey, it is comprised of two houses, the Upper Senato, and the Lower Senato. The Upper Senato is comprised of the three princes of Georgia, Risk, and Akai, while the Lower Senato is comprised of three Senators who are appointed by the Princes. <br />'''The King'''
El senado mejor es compuesto de los tres principes de Georgia, Risk y Akai, mientras el senado menor es compuesto de tres Senadores que son designado por los Principes. <br />
=== '''El Rey''' ===
The King is an elected position where the elector is given autocratic powers of the state. The King is not able to intervene in the Senato unless the Lower Senato approves.
<big>'''TheEl JusticeConcillo Councilde Justica'''</big>
The Justice Council is a council that acts similar to a Jury, but it is comprised of all citizens of Monterrey in an equal forum where all are equal.
[[File:RainierMay.png|left|thumb|Rainier onen May16 24thde Julio, 2021|453x453px]]
