List of Bill Votes in the Imperial Federation

Revision as of 01:37, 31 October 2023 by Thejmqn (talk | contribs) (Another 50 bills)
Bill # Date Introduced Introduced By Text Vote Result
1 9-27-22 JAW689 A Volunteer Construction and Mining Corp controlled by a representative chosen at the Senates Behest is to be created and marketed by the Imperial Federation. 8-0 Pass
2 10-2-22 King_Cupar The Imperial Federation Government shall focus its resources on public infrastructure projects including the completion of ice roads between Imperial Federation settlements, the completion of the rail network, the establishment of snitch grids and bastions throughout the nation, and the construction of a ground bunker with a sky bunker at every state connected by ice roads with junction bunkers. As part of this, a new national infrastructure citizens channel will be opened where current national projects will be pinned and citizens can propose national infrastructure projects for the country to pursue subject to the approval of the senate or chancellor. 7-0 Pass
3 10-3-22 King_Cupar The Imperial Federation shall reorganise its federal districts based on the map supplied by King Cupar and it shall admit of The Free City of Lovira as a state of the Imperial Federation encompassing Federal District 1. 8-0 Pass
4 10-3-22 TheJmqn After the admission of the Free City of Lovira, no state formed out of federal territory shall be admitted to the Imperial Federation with a population of less than three. 8-0 Pass
5 10-4-22 King_Cupar A new governmental seat will be established, one that works under the chancellor as an advisor of sorts and is chosen by the senate. The proposal is the creation of a “Deputy Chancellor” that works in tandem with the elected chancellor in order to help guide infrastructure that is specific to the mechanics of civ, with this being the only responsibility they really the potential to give them the power to check bills and force them back into discussion if they notice something fundamentally wrong in regards to their field and/or they see ways we can enhance a bill in regards to their field. 6-1 Pass
6 10-5-22 JAW689 The senate is to trifurcate its members into the following committees. and can decide who serves on what committees and for how long unless stated otherwise in the Bill The Construction and industrial committee. Investigates economic and construction opportunities. Oversees the CRN and the construction corp. It has the vested authority to summon citizens for investigation. The following authorities only apply when the IF is placed in Heightened alert by the senate. It has the vested authority to veto any construction corp projects. It has the vested authority to halt all CRN projects. It has the vested authority to order the Construction corp start any project It has the vested authority to take command of the CRN. The Military committee. Investigates foreign policy and military related opportunities. Oversees the Military. It has the vested authority to summon citizens for investigations. The Judiciary committee. Decides whether or not laws are constitutional. Is comprised of all senate members. 3-3 Fail
7 10-10-22 King_Cupar The Imperial Federation shall claim the lands outlined by TheJmqn in ⁠bills-discussion (the defunct state of Ancapistan) which will become a new state of the Federation led by ch4r. To solidify the Imperial Federation's claim, the military of the IF shall be informed of the decision in advance of the claim being made publicly in order to support infrastructure development in the new state. 8-0 Pass
8 10-10-22 King_Cupar The Imperial Federation shall allow the Western Boundary to opt out of having any obligations within the Imperial Federation's alliance with Pavia and Venne should a majority of Western Boundary citizens agree to this proposal. The Western Boundary shall still be protected as part of the alliance and remain part of the Imperial Federation. 4-0 Pass
9 10-11-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the Imperial Federation approves the signing of a Non-Aggression Pact with the nation of Esberg 6-0 Pass
10 10-11-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the Imperial Federation approves the forming of a bilateral alliance with the United Tribes of the South Sea (UTSS) 6-0 Pass
11 10-15-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the Imperial Federation shall open its Ice Roads to Citizens of the IF. 4-4 Fail
12 10-15-22 JAW689 The Construction and Military reorganization ACT This bill Creates 2 new positions. Army Chief of staff and Construction Chief of staff. These positions will head their respective departments and create progress reports which will be reviewed by the senate. These positions will carry out any senate orders made for their Department 6-0 Pass
13 10-15-22 JAW689 The Executive reorganization ACT All positions in the Imperial Federation government excluding the Chancellory, and the two Monarchs must be appointed by the Chancellor and approved by both the King and a simple majority of the Senate 5-4 Pass
14 10-17-22 King_Cupar Do you agree granting King Cupar the emergency powers set out in the discussion thread to amend the constitution of the IF, Senate composition and Foreign Policy as agreed at today's constitutional convention? 9-1 Pass
15 10-18-22 King_Cupar That the senate appoints Leo Simensen (S0uthw3st) as Chief of Construction 6-0 Pass
16 10-18-22 King_Cupar That the senate appoints CaitlyNFT as chief security officer as per his offer in the discussion page 6-0 Pass
17 10-18-22 King_Cupar The IF shall reach out to the Arsenio Pact to form an alliance 7-1 Pass
18 10-19-22 King_Cupar That the senate of the IF approves the land division of the Collective as marked on the map on the discussion page, assuming Kornekov and Jaw accept it. 8-1 Pass
19 10-19-22 King_Cupar Leo Simensen and Joel J Troll are appointed as administrators for the discord 10-0 Pass
20 10-19-22 King_Cupar Thoria is dissolved as a state and designated as land for federal districting as needed. 11-0 Pass
21 10-21-22 King_Cupar That the Senate admits Gotland to the Imperial Federation in the lands which South Augusta have proposed to cede to the Imperial Federation, and the former land allocated to Gotland is reverted to Federal District Land 8-0 Pass
22 10-21-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the IF approves the updated map posted by Britisher in the discussion page as territory that the Collective will join the IF as, including the jointly administered area where a bridge will be build between Civmarket and Lambat/the Collective 9-0 Pass
23 10-21-22 King_Cupar Wilwithonel is appointed as High Judge 7-2 Pass
24 10-23-22 King_Cupar That the senate of the IF approves the admission of the newly established Esberg-Ostersund Federation into the IF, grants the state the defunct land of Christopia and grants the state its entitlement of senators upon the passing of this bill (one senator) 9-0 Pass
25 10-23-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves the above bill text but with an amendment that Christopia remains separate from Ostersund-Esberg unless there is a specific request from them for the land 9-0 Pass
26 10-23-22 King_Cupar The Constitution of the IF will be amended that people running or holding positions of power in other countries cannot hold positions of power within IF. 6-2 Pass
27 10-23-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the IF approves the construction of a jointly controlled FCC military base in a section of the Collective 8-0 Pass
28 10-23-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the IF allows players who are part of foreign governments to hold a position as high as Senator in the IF Government so long as they give up their say on foreign affairs in the other nation 3-5 Fail
29 10-23-22 King_Cupar Party Limitation Act 1. All political parties must have two or more members. 2. All political parties must create a party platform that will be made publicly available on the discord 3. All parties must make it clear who is a part of their party and who, if anyone, is the leader 8-0 Pass
30 10-24-22 King_Cupar That the senate approves expanding the area of joint control between the IF and Lambat based on the brown area of the map as posted by Britisher on the bills discussion page which has been requested by the state of Kalengrad; and further accepts the construction of the FCC military base in the white cirlced area of the map (which will remain sovereign IF land) 9-0 Pass
31 10-25-22 King_Cupar That the senate rejects Moloka's offer to trade Irkhah for Novo South 9-0 Pass
32 10-25-22 King_Cupar That the senate accepts an alliance between IF and AP 2-7 Fail
33 11-2-22 King_Cupar That the senate approves that, in the event of a tie in an IF election, the Senate of the IF will arbitrate which candidate should win the election and become Chancellor. In the event of a tied senate vote this will be decided by the Deputy Chancellor. 7-2 Pass
34 11-4-22 King_Cupar That the senate approves the appointment of Melon as Chief of the Capital District and aggonious and violett as deputy chiefs following a period of inactivity from Violett 9-0 Pass
35 11-4-22 TheJmqn Remove Fur as military chief of staff due to inactivity 10-0 Pass
36 11-5-22 King_Cupar That the senate approves the appointment of JAW689 as military chief of staff 8-0 Pass
37 11-5-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the IF rejects Arsenio Pacts proposal of building a bunker below IF territory 9-0 Pass
38 11-6-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF rejects Temporal Island's request to tour the IF and will ignore any further diplomatic efforts by TI towards the IF 10-0 Pass
39 11-6-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves approaching Estallia to improve diplomatic relations 8-3 Pass
40 11-6-22 King_Cupar That the senate of the IF approves the diplomatic disengagement of the Imperial Federation with all nations other than with its primary allies, Pavia and Venne. 10-0 Pass
41 11-6-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the IF approves the draft announcement from King Cupar in the discussion channel to citizens advising them to avoid responding to provocative messages in global, reddit and discord from other nations. 10-0 Pass
42 11-6-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the IF approves the opening of an intermediary channel of communication with the Security Enhancement Coalition to discuss and resolve the actions of any problematic individuals or groups of individuals provoking war between nations. 6-1 Pass
43 11-7-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves working to establish a new continent in the area marked by King Cupar in the discussion page as a news story, and further supports the possibility of establishing special territory in the continent earmarked for newfriend nations only 8-0 Pass
44 11-9-22 King_Cupar That the Senate of the IF approves the removal of Venne from the FCC alliance; withdrawal from the Meridiem Compact and revision of alliance with UTSS that neither party shall establish a new alliance without the approval of the other party in the alliance 7-4 Pass
45 11-11-22 King_Cupar Access to snitch logs is limited to Government and head of military 9-4 Pass
46 11-11-22 King_Cupar Access to the snitch logs will be limited to Government, Head of Military and a new rank of trusted military players 10-1 Pass
47 11-15-22 King_Cupar That the senate of the IF supports abolishing the state of Lovira following viiolet's exit from the server 10-0 Pass
48 11-19-22 ComradeSankara Imperial Federation Espionage Act: 1. Espionage is defined as: Entering or residing in Imperial Federation territory under false or misleading pretenses, purposefully collecting confidential information for foreign or malicious actors, and purposefully distributing confidential information to foreign or malicious actors. 2. Treason is defined as: The betrayal of the Imperial Federation or her constituent states to foreign or malicious actors. 3. Temporary protective action is defined as: denial of entry into or expulsion from Imperial Federation territory, pearling, and confiscation of goods and equipment. 4. Espionage and treason are crimes under Imperial federal law. 5. Citizens may report suspected espionage to Imperial senators, the sovereign, the military chief of staff, federal judges, the Chancellor, and Vice Chancellor. 6. The military chief of staff, chancellor, the sovereign, or their designee are authorized to temporary take protective action against those suspected of espionage and treason for a period not exceeding the duration of 72 hours. 7. Upon taking protective action the case must be referred to the judiciary who have final say to send the case to trial or modify the temporary protective action. 9-2 Pass
49 11-23-22 King_Cupar Senate approves setting up a department of intelligence as outlined by Duckwithamonacle, whose remit will include mapping Ontonabee's snitch network and Ontonabee's allies snitch networks 0-11 Fail
50 11-24-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves the establishment of "the Agency" as set out in the document posted by King Cupar which was passed to him by theduckwithamonacle. 0-12 Fail
51 11-25-22 King_Cupar Suggestion by coolcacha97: each town of IF is required to have a resident board 2-7 Fail
52 11-25-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves a state visit to the IF by the Princess of Winterbourne 12-0 Pass
53 11-28-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF votes to overturn the granting of Khione Senate Representation 9-0 Pass
54 11-28-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF votes to grant Senators of Khione a more limited role where they cannot see important government channels/snitches 9-0 Pass
55 11-28-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves inviting Icarus to the FCC alliance with Pavia and Venne 8-2 Pass
56 11-28-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF grants Khione the beach marked by bikmik in the bills discussion page 7-1 Pass
57 11-29-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves retracting Freeport's overclaim on Leibniz territory and approves the purchase of the islands outlined in the map posted by King_Cupar in the ⁠bills-discussion channel for 128d to be paid for by Spoonce which Leo Simensen will pay back later in order to avoid conflict with leibniz 9-0 Pass
58 11-29-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF supports asking Icarus for a bilateral alliance with Icarus on the condition that neither party should make any further alliances without consulting the other. 6-0 Pass
59 11-30-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF accepts TI's request that following the reclamation of TI, refortification of TI(with the necessary upgrades to ensure this exile doesn’t happen again), and a tour of IF, the IF might be interested in Temporals assisting with the construction of some basic fortifications in major population centers? 7-0 Pass
60 11-30-22 King_Cupar IF supports granting Khione a small section of FD4 and FD5 as marked on the maps sent by Cupar in the ⁠bills-discussion page at the request of Khione 7-0 Pass
61 11-30-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF maintains Wilwithonel as High Judge 8-0 Pass
62 12-1-22 King_Cupar The IF bans dual citizenship for the nations of Arnen and Gang Shi 4-1 Pass
63 12-2-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF shall arrange a discussion with the leadership of Icarus to consider the possibility of merging with Icarus into a new nation. 4-6 Fail
64 12-2-22 Spoonce Should the IF require states to have public factories? Many citizens do not have acess to even some of the most basic factories, and they really should by now. 5-5 Fail
65 12-2-22 Spoonce Should the IF require builds to be at least 95% reinforced? If the majority of votes are yes I will donate a CS of stone to each state. 5-5 Fail
66 12-4-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves renouncing Sapien's citizenship of the IF following an invasion of Gensokyo 5-4 Pass
67 12-4-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves renouncing SpeedyJustice's citizenship of the IF following an invasion of Gensokyo 9-0 Pass
68 12-5-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves regranting Sapien citizenship of IF with an official warning 9-0 Pass
69 12-5-22 King_Cupar The Senate of IF approves announcement on game mechanics of citadel plugin 9-0 Pass
70 12-5-22 Spoonce The Senate approves all of our borders being snitched by Spoonce and Bstalio. 9-0 Pass
71 12-7-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves designating Federal District 5 (Thoria) to the state of Oaklee 10-0 Pass
72 12-7-22 ComradeSankara The Senate of the IF approves ComradeSankara's constitutional changes to the Judiciary, Senate, and Chancellory. 8-0 Pass
73 12-9-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF supports withdrawal from the Meridiem Compact and UTSS Security Compact, and further supports the expulsion of Venne from the FCC 4-0 Pass
74 12-9-22 Spoonce The senate supports stripping artray1111's citizenship. He is hurting our PR a lot. He said something like this in global today "Who would win? HC or IF?" and he also was asking about if Spleef has prot. Joke or not this isn't acceptable behavior from our citizens. Before this he has also lied frequently. 3-6 Fail
75 12-9-22 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF moves to issue artray1111 a final warning to act and speak appropriately in discord and in game. Any further innapropriate behavior will result in the removal of citizenship. 9-0 Pass
76 12-9-22 King_Cupar The senate approves changing the constitution so that the King cannot run for Chancellor 7-3 Pass
77 12-9-22 King_Cupar The senate approves removing Topher (Nara Citizen with no connection to IF) as the ceremonial emperor of the IF 11-0 Pass
78 12-9-22 King_Cupar The constitution will be changed so that the Chancellor, Senior military and king can perform military actions outside of war, including pearl-on-sight orders 11-0 Pass
79 12-9-22 King_Cupar The national anthem is added to the constitution 5-5 Fail
80 12-9-22 King_Cupar A newfriend guide building will be added to Imperia, explaining rules and mechanics of game, IF states, and giving them 8 stacks of stone, iron tools and gold prot armour for completing the guide and joining IF 10-0 Pass
81 12-9-22 King_Cupar A new snitch channel will be created giving citizens access to border snitches 6-4 Pass
82 12-9-22 King_Cupar Senate reserves right to intervene on border disputes between states, and has administrative power over federal lands 10-0 Pass
83 12-9-22 King_Cupar States cannot claim land outside of IF without consent of senate 5-5 Fail
84 12-9-22 King_Cupar A new role on discord for tour guides will be created; tour guides guiding newfriends in IF must tour them to all major states if the newfriend agrees to a country-wide tour. tour guides will be penalised if they only show a newfriend joining the IF to their own state and no-where else 10-0 Pass
85 12-9-22 King_Cupar Military will be reorganised: membership will be determined by military chief of staff; all current military personell will be re-evaluated and removed if they fail to attend training sessions 11-0 Pass
86 12-9-22 King_Cupar Military will be required diamond prot armour, sharpness 5 diamond sword and pots to be a member of the military 10-1 Pass
87 12-9-22 King_Cupar Senate reserves the right to serve dereliction notices to inactive states 10-0 Pass
88 12-9-22 King_Cupar The senate approves changing the constitution so that war can be declared by a two-thirds majority of votes in the senate 11-0 Pass
89 12-10-22 King_Cupar A new snitch channel will be created giving citizens access to border snitchlogs- this will be a law; not part of constitution 8-1 Pass
90 12-10-22 King_Cupar King Cupar is appointed the commander in chief of the military 9-0 Pass
91 12-10-22 Jalhf Shops supporting public works will be implemented in whichever major cities have a place for them following a brief period of market research. 7-0 Pass
92 12-11-22 King_Cupar Do you approve the current moderation policy: which includes that posts seen to be politically or ideologically inflamatory should be removed where possible. 8-0 Pass
93 12-13-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves transitioning the voting system to a system that is in-game only. 2-8 Fail
94 12-13-22 King_Cupar Should having "f* joe biden" in small text of discord be kickable 1-6 Fail
95 12-14-22 Spoonce The senate approves turning federal district 1 into a military zone with a skybunker and traps 9-2 Pass
96 12-14-22 King_Cupar The amendment to make access to the border snitch network available to citizens shall be passed as a law instead of a constitutional amendment so that this right can be quickly retracted from all citizens to trusted individuals in the event of a war 8-0 Pass
97 12-14-22 Spoonce Bill to Establish a National Treasury for the Imperial Federation Article 1: The national treasury of the Imperial Federation shall be established by this bill, and the budget shall be managed by the chancellor and king of the Imperial Federation. Article 2: The funds for the national treasury shall be obtained by the sale of market stalls in the mall or real estate in the capital, and by bots that produce exp, stone, wood, etc. which will be sold in a dedicated building in the mall. Article 3: The budget for the national treasury shall be decided by the chancellor and king, who shall have the authority to allocate funds as they see fit, in accordance with the needs and priorities of the Imperial Federation.The budget will be posted publicly and the senate may make suggestions or create bills to dedicate a portion of the budget to be higher or make new bills that require a certain percentage of the budget to be spent on new public works / projects. Article 4: The king and chancellor will be the only members of the government who have direct access to the treasury and knowledge of where it is stored. The king may decide not to give access to a newly elected chancellor at his discretion but a order from the senate can overrule this. 10-0 Pass
98 12-17-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves allowing those whose main residence is Imperia to vote in Chancellor elections, however they will not have the right to any senate representation. 9-2 Pass
99 12-20-22 King_Cupar The IF Senate supports the ban on Arnen from IF territory 11-0 Pass
100 12-20-22 Jalhf The Senate of the IF supports declaring war on Arnen. 11-0 Pass
101 12-21-22 Spoonce Citizens should not be allowed to build their own military infrastructure within 200 blocks of current IF infrastructure without permission. 8-0 Pass
102 12-21-22 Spoonce Ammendments to the latest bill: 1. Distance decreased to 100 blocks 2. To gain permission to build military infrastructure within this zone, citizens should go directly to either the military chief of staff or leader of the state, if the military chief of staff doesn't approve but the state leader does then the king can overrule the military chief of staff. If the nation leader does not approve it cannot be built within their claims. For the purpose of this bill, military infrastructure is to be defined as bunkers that are used for storage and making potions, ice road connections, traps. Must also specify if bastions are being used and the dimensions of the infrastructure. 8-0 Pass
103 12-22-22 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF approves holding talks between Reggio Argeddina and a separatist group from that region as requested by the government of Reggio Argeddina 9-0 Pass
104 12-22-22 King_Cupar Once hyperborea is derelict, should esberg-ostersund and mat be allowed to reform hyperborea within the IF? (Citizens here make up a majority of the old HC before it's collapse) 9-0 Pass
105 12-22-22 King_Cupar That Mat and Ostersund-Esberg make a post on reddit covering the following provided they support the move to unify Hyperborea into IF: The land's now derelict because the only remaining citizen has been inactive 2 months - The people who separated would like to revitalize the nation because it has meaning to them - Said people have also gotten newfriends to make sure that their territory is properly settled. 9-0 Pass
106 12-22-22 King_Cupar If the above proposal is approved, should we still contact Spacemanspleef with Icarus? 9-0 Pass
107 12-22-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves disbanding the meridiem compact 9-0 Pass
108 12-22-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves removing Venne from the FCC as part of a joint decision with Pavia 9-0 Pass
109 12-22-22 Spoonce Amendment to the infrastructure law: it specifically also applies to any current structures built by a citizen without permission. Any current structures may stay if groups are given to the military and chancellor. 6-3 Pass
110 12-22-22 King_Cupar Cupar has the power to reject Otonabee citizens, Bronnakus and any other trolls potentially attempting to inside the IF 9-0 Pass
111 12-23-22 King_Cupar That the IF ends its alliance with UTSS due to a lack of activity or engagement 3-6 Fail
112 12-24-22 TheJmqn Constitutional Amendment: Sections 8-13 of the Constitution will be merged into one "Miscellaneous" section of the constitution to reduce clutter 10-0 Pass
113 12-25-22 King_Cupar That the senate approves readmitted RTPMark into the IF 1-8 Fail
114 12-25-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves an extended voting period due to the chancellor election taking place over the holiday season 11-0 Pass
115 12-25-22 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves holding an series of indictative votes during the chancellor election to determiner whether citizens of the IF support: a union with Icarus and closer economic; and military cooperation with Icarus 7-5 Pass
116 12-27-22 TheJmqn On the next CivMC map should the IF states all be displayed as similar (but not the same) shades of blue instead of the current multicolors 10-2 Pass
117 12-29-22 Jalhf The senate of the IF approves designating obby bombing anything that is not defensive infrastructure as a war crime. Citizens or military which are found guilty of this will be at minimum required to clean it up, but can be sentenced to pearl time or exile at the discretion of the judges. 10-0 Pass
118 12-30-22 King_Cupar From the next Chancellor election onwards, the IF will enforce activity rules in administering election results 6-4 Pass
119 12-30-22 King_Cupar From the next chancellor election onwards, voting for IF chancellor elections shall be conducted in-game, with polling stations set up throughout the nation and jukebox snitches to log who enter the polling station 1-10 Fail
120 12-30-22 King_Cupar From the next chancellor election onwards, the IF will enforce voting for primary IF citizens only 10-0 Pass
121 1-2-23 King_Cupar The senate of the IF supports issuing a public statement defending coolchacha 0-9 Fail
122 1-2-23 King_Cupar The senate of the IF will inform the government of kallos that entering IF territory to capture coolchachas pearl will amount to war and trigger our alliances 7-1 Pass
123 1-2-23 King_Cupar The senate of the IF supports issuing warnings to Spoonce and Zolo for leaking messages from citizens chat to dockerimage 10-0 Pass
124 1-2-23 TheJmqn The IF senate approves of the "tricky" subreddit poll plan 7-1 Pass
125 1-4-23 King_Cupar Senate of the IF approves establishing a new nation in civreign called Imperia which will be more centralised than the IF 9-0 Pass
126 1-4-23 King_Cupar The senate approves appointing Aeth as the military chief of staff 9-0 Pass
127 1-4-23 King_Cupar The senate approves letting Cupar appoint royal advisors and giving out ceremonial titles to people who have helped in the IF 8-0 Pass
128 1-7-23 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves the development of the free city of surmadri in FD4 9-0 Pass
129 1-7-23 King_Cupar Senate approves granting khione some additional land from myra as outlined by bikmik in the bills discussion channel 8-0 Pass
130 1-8-23 King_Cupar Senate approves coolchachas advanced xp propsoal 4-5 Fail
131 1-9-23 King_Cupar Senate approves the proposed comment on Mt Hassaan reddit post 9-0 Pass
132 1-10-23 King_Cupar The Senate of the IF supports adding South Augusta to newfriend reserve land 6-4 Pass
133 1-10-23 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves releasing a statement about the newfriend reserve lands in Karyidia and Deluvia 8-0 Pass
134 1-10-23 King_Cupar The senate of the IF supports having the newfriend reserve jointly protected with icarus 9-0 Pass
135 1-12-23 King_Cupar The senate approves putting a small DRO box underground in FD1 to house the advanced exp factory for now 8-0 Pass
136 1-15-23 Jalhf The Senate approves serving a dereliction notice to Pejite, United Donikboure and Christopia. Each state will have a week from the issuing of this notice to contest the dereliction, otherwise the land will be granted either to neighboring states or transferred to federal land subject to Senate vote. 6-1 Pass
137 1-15-23 Jalhf The senate of the IF approves being able to remove inactive senators (making their state able to send someone in their place still) by a 66% super majority of senators present for the vote. (Abstaining or not voting within the 24 hour period means you are not counted in the total for the percent calculation). 3-7 Fail
138 1-15-23 Jalhf The senate of the IF approves being able to remove senators for acting in ways which are detrimental to the IF (making their state able to send someone in their place still) by a 66% super majority of senators present for the vote. (Abstaining or not voting within the 24 hour period means you are not counted in the total for the percent calculation). A senator removed in this manner will be barred from serving for 30 days or a period of time designated by the vote for removal. 6-3 Pass
139 1-15-23 King_Cupar The senate of the IF approves issuing travel advice to avoid travel to the -,- as a consequence of rising global tensions and the recently declared war between Kallos and TI vs. Valyria 7-0 Pass
140 1-15-23 King_Cupar The senate of the IF rejects the PM of Temporal Isle's request to form a state in the IF following Kallos and TI's decision to go to war with Valyria 1-9 Fail
141 1-15-23 King_Cupar The senate of the IF condemns Temporal Isles and Kallos's declaration of war against Valyria 4-5 Fail
142 1-16-23 TheJmqn The breakaway citizens of temporal isles will be given a tour of the IF and may be given some federal land if they wish to make their own state here 12-0 Pass
143 1-16-23 Jalhf The senate of the IF approves reorganizing of the military into military and military-support. Military will be those who have the equipment required, and who are able to reach 0 pots in most PvP matches. Military support will be those without the previous requirements who are interested in either reaching that point or supporting the military in other ways such as building defensive infrastructure 10-0 Pass
144 1-17-23 Jalhf The Senate of the IF approves the Walled City-State of Surmadri's statehood proposal in full (including granting the entirety of FD4) as posted in ⁠bills-discussion and grants them statehood and all rights associated with it. 10-0 Pass
145 1-17-23 TheJmqn An official IF postal service will be created and headed by Postmaster General emilpop2. the postal service will work to deliver mail and create a more interconnected IF. Land will be alloted in the capital district for the main postal office, and states may build their own branch offices that will be connected to the main network upon request. The postmaster general will be in charge of all postal related activities and can be removed by a simple senate majority 10-0 Pass
146 1-19-23 Coolchacha97 For new states to have their state names to go alphabetically in the sidebar section 10-0 Pass
147 1-22-23 TheJmqn A new state will be created in the following area that will be known as "Thule." It will be composed of previous godhaven residents who are moving to the unclaimed area. 9-3 Pass
148 1-23-22 Pandastical The Newfriend Reserve Disestablishment Act 1. The IF will still recognize that unclaimed areas in Karydia should remain solely for newfriends. 2. The Imperial Federation will, however, cease its support of the ‘newfriend zone’ as a mapped entity/area, and merely wishes to leave it empty on the map for newfriends to come and settle 11-1 Pass
149 1-24-23 Jalhf Monarchy & the role of the king 3. Remove paragraph 6 from section #1 and replace it with: King Cupar reserves the right to suspend the Government of the Imperial Federation with the support of at least 2 of the following three bodies: - The Senate, by the expression of the will of more than 50% of the Senators - The government, by expression of the will of the Chancellor - The Judiciary, by expression of the consent of 2 out of 3 judges. 4. Replace all mentions of king cupar by ‘’The king of the Imperial Federation’’ 4.1 Remove paragraph 8 from section #1 4.2 The king may give up the crown and give it to any person they see fit. Chancellor of the Imperial Federation 4.3 Add the following section : (A) Following the vote of at least 50% of senators, and the approval of the chief justice, the King may, for a determined set of time, accomplish the tasks and the role of the chancellor with full legitimacy. (B) This disposition is considered to be active for a period of 10 days starting from the adoption of this document. 10-0 Pass
150 1-24-23 Jalhf The senate of the IF approves granting King_Cupar (Britisher) the ceremonial title of Emperor of the IF 10-2 Pass
151 1-25-23 Jalhf Myra becomes personal hereditary property of the king. Who ever rules the federation Myra is his property. Myra gets renamed to Royal Archkingdom of Myra. When the King visits Myra he will be carry the title Archking of Myra. Ruler of Myra get granted an offical title Handler of Myra. He is responsible to the King. Handler can be called before the senate if Myra breaks any laws of the federation. Same goes if any state has a dispute with Myra and wants to settle it before the senate instead of the King. Handler can be removed by the senate with at least 2/3 vote or by the King. 6-2 Pass
152 1-26-23 Jalhf The senate of the IF approves the issuing of a dereliction notice to Vermont. 9-1 Pass
153 1-26-23 Pandastical The February Election Act/Amendment 1. The candidacy period will be open from January 28th, 12AM EST to January 30th, 12AM EST 2. The voting period will be from January 31st, 7PM EST until February 2nd, 7PM EST 9-0 Pass
154 1-26-23 Jalhf The Senate of the IF approves removing CyberKraken as a judge due to his toxicity towards another player which resulted in them leaving the IF. 8-3 Pass
155 1-28-23 Jalhf The Senate of the IF approves removing coolchacha97 as senator due to the following new threats of obby bombing 6-2 Pass
156 1-29-23 Coolchacha97 CoolChacha97 would become an infa advisor instead of being a senator, perms would be similar/same to sankaras role 7-2 Pass
157 1-29-23 Pandastical The Cupar Canonization Act Along with being the ceremonial Emperor of the Imperial Federation, King_Cupar will also become its Patron Saint. 8-0 Pass
158 1-30-23 TheJmqn Previous rules and bills regarding voting eligibility in the upcoming chancellor election will be replaced with the following updated/reformed bill: All non-primary citizens of the Imperial Federation must demonstrate activity in the Imperial Federation by having been present within an Imperial Federation snitch field within the last two weeks. The electoral commission will be in charge of enforcing this rule. 6-1 Pass
159 1-31-23 Jalhf The Senate of the IF approves calling the judge election due to there only 2 candidates and not including it on the ballot. 8-0 Pass
160 1-31-23 Jalhf The Treaty of Vernon: 30% of the original Vermont claim is ceded to the Federal Government of the Imperial Federation. In exchange, the Federal Government: donates resource funds to help the construction of the new capital St. Vernon, starts work on the Vermont rail again to increase citizen population, and helps develop St. Vernon in the later stages of completion. 7-1 Pass
161 2-4-23 ComradeSankara The Senate of the IF approves enacting a permanent ban of DockerImage and Dredd_kiji from imperial federation territory and discord on account of their repeated harrassment of Imperial Federation citizens. 11-0 Pass
162 2-4-23 ComradeSankara he Senate of the IF approves enacting a restriction on all Kallosian citizens and government officials entering Imperial Federation territory. In order to do so they must: 1. get prior approval from the King, Chancellor, or Military Chief of Staff 2. have a military escort during their time in IF territory. 10-0 Pass
163 2-4-23 ComradeSankara The Senate of the IF approves enacting a ban on Imperial Federation citizens inviting DockerImage and Dredd_Kiji into Imperial Federation territory and a ban on IF citizens selling military equipment (defined as armor, tools, weapons, pearls, obsidian, experience, potions, or associated materials) to Kallosian citizens or officials. 11-0 Pass
164 2-5-23 Jalhf The Senate of the IF approves issuing a dereliction notice to Lugoj (Waterside) 6-2 Pass
165 2-7-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports passage of the Imperial Federation Government Regularization Act as detailed

8-1 Pass
166 2-8-23 Frostwarrior112 Does the IF senate supports removing coolchacha97's IF citizenship 7-2 Pass
167 2-11-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF ratifies Asgeir9, Frostwarrior, and Aeth as the Senate representatives to the IF security council 8-0 Pass
168 2-11-23 Plupsnup That the Senate of the IF approves the proposed Imperial Common Currency Act as posted in ⁠💭old-bills-discussion, recognising poisonous potatoes as legal tender and setting a fixed exchange rate of pp:i:d to 36:12:1 3-6 Fail
169 2-11-23 Plupsnup An amendment to the Imperial Common Currency Act, changing the proposed exchange rate of pp:i:d to 48:16:1 3-6 Fail
170 2-12-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF approves that JapperJax be made interim judge under the provision in Section 6 point 5b. of the IF constitution 6-0 Pass
171 2-14-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports the ratification of the Two Lions Concordat establishing the Pridelands and Imperial Federation as two independent nations.

5-1 Pass
172 2-15-23 Inkognius That the Senate of the IF supports the Surmadrian Land Exchange Proposal 6-0 Pass
173 2-16-23 Jalhf The Senate of the IF approves the spending of 120d from the treasury to acquire 15 sets of diamond armor 4-1 Pass
174 2-22-23 Jalhf The Senate of the IF approves the redistricting as presented in the following map, including the naming of certain federal districts, and the ceding of a small amount of land from the military district to Regentsburgh to make the military district borders more compact. 7-0 Pass
175 2-24-23 ComradeSankara Imperial Federation Citizenship and Residency Act: Primary Imperial Federation citizenship is defined as: 1. Having a primary residence built in an Imperial Federation State. a. Citizens should declare a state of primary residence for the purpose of senate apportionment and voter registration. b. A primary residence is defined by the citizen spending a majority of their time. 2. being active on Imperial Federation snitches in the previous 2 weeks. Individuals may additionally apply for Imperial Federation Permanent Residency Visa. 1. An IF Permanent Resident: a. Retains the right to residency within the IF pending approval from the relevant authority (state government or federal government) b. Residents may have access to relevant citizen discord channels. c. Does not have the right to vote, the right to hold public office, or the right to serve in the military. d. Is fully subject to state and federal law as applicable. e. Is not counted for the purposes of Senate apportionment or statehood status. Citizenship applications: 1. All state leaders and government officials should have access to the citizen application channel. a. the channel should be used for citizen application purposes and discord moderators or admins reserve the right to moderate discussion if it is off topic. b. To prevent espionage using discord alts, prospective citizens or permanent residents should not be granted the citizen or resident role in discord prior to arriving to IF territory in-game. 6-0 Pass
176 2-24-23 ComradeSankara Senate Apportionment Act: 1. States shall be granted senate seats and additional senate seats as outlined in the constitution. a. For the purposes of senate apportionment, only primary IF citizens should be counted. 2. Upon receiving the requisite number of primary citizens states shall immediately be granted a senate seat. 3. State population should be evaluated immediately after a Federal elections and 14 days later. a. If a state lacks the required number of citizens, an appropriate number of senators should be removed by the King. b. If a state leader believes apportionment decisions to be incorrect, they may present evidence of primary citizens to the King for re-evaluation 6-0 Pass
177 2-25-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF approves serving a dereliction notice to Anor Londo X 4-1 Pass
178 2-27-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF Supports the consolidated IF legal code as the comprehensive set of criminal, judicial, and legal statutes of the Imperial Federation that supercedes previous records of law.

5-0 Pass
179 2-28-23 Jalhf The Senate of the IF moves to allow HassDaMahn to declare candidacy for chancellor and Aeth to declare candidacy for judge despite the nomination period having been already closed. 6-0 Pass
180 3-6-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF approves the Treaty of Reorganization with AwdryFan1997 of Anor Londo X: AwdryFan1997 will not contest the dereliction of Anor Londo X under the following terms: Anor Londo X officially be derelicted and is divided in the following manner: - Old Anor Londo would becomes a national park under the care of the Federal Government. - the Islands of Anor Londo X would become the Federal Territory of Anor Londo X with AwdryFan1997 as territorial governor. - Mainland Anor Londo is fully ceded to the Federal Government as the Northeastern District. As territorial Governor AwdryFan1997 will: - work with Jalhf and ComradeSankara to reorganize the Anor Londo X Government. - Assist Jalhf and ComradeSankara in advertising the territory. - Commit to being active over the next several weeks to assist new players in the area. In return the Federal Government of the IF will: - provide a minimum of 4 new player starter kits plus building materials from the Myran development fund. - assist in advertising the state and direct interested new players to Anor Londo X. - Assist in any reorganization efforts.

Anor Londo X may receive statehood status with 1 other player and a senator with 2 new players per the constitution.

4-2 Pass
181 3-13-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Coastal district 6-1 Pass
182 3-13-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Waterside District 4-2 Pass
183 3-13-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Oaklee District 5-2 Pass
184 3-13-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Christopia District 2-5 Fail
185 3-13-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming FD3 5-2 Pass
186 3-13-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Northeastern District 2-4 Fail
187 3-20-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF ratifies the Republic of Midgard Unification treaty unifying Halland, Federation Esberg-Ostersund, and Mt. Hassaan. 6-0 Pass
188 3-28-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports dissolving the Archkingdom of Myra and merging the territory with Imperia 6-0 Pass
189 3-28-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports placing the territory of Irkah under the full control of the Grand Duchy of North Africa, mandating that North Africa begin development on the territory. 6-0 Pass
190 3-28-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports Potato_Duke's nomination as Capital Chief 6-0 Pass
191 3-29-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF approves constitutional amendment proposal I regarding the reselection of federal officials and state dereliction.

7-1 Pass
192 3-29-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF approves constitutional amendment proposal 2 regarding minor corrections, removing proper names and official religion from the constitution.

7-0 Pass
193 4-3-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports the appointment of Blu to Military Chief of Staff, SturdyShelf to Construction Chief, and Mat_Potato_king to Capital Chief 7-0 Pass
194 4-3-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports the appointment of Aeth , Frosty , and HassDaMahn as the Senate members of the IF Security Council. 7-0 Pass
195 4-6-23 Aetherix The Open Ice Roads Access Act Section 1 - Access to Ice Roads: All primary citizens of the Imperial Federation shall have the privilege of access to the ice roads, access can be given by Aeth, the current Military Chief of Staff, the current Chancellor, and the King. International companies and individuals shall be permitted to use the ice roads for commercial purposes, but will not be able to retain permanent access. Section 2 - Penalties for Misuse: Any individual who intentionally damages or destroys any section of the ice roads without permission from Aeth, the current Military Chief of Staff, the current Chancellor, or the King may have their ice road access removed and be subject to additional charges. If any individual with access to invite members intentionally invites international players that use the ice road for malicious intent, the minimum sentence will be losing access to the ice road permanently and may be subject to any of the High Crimes listed in the Imperial Federation legal code. Access may also be removed unilaterally if a citizen has committed any previous crimes which are deemed as a potential security threat to the ice roads. 8-0 Pass
196 4-7-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF supports the appointment of Mat_Potato_king as High Judge 8-0 Pass
197 4-9-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate, Chancellor, and King of the IF support amending Section 3 Point 4bi of the IF constitution to say: If a senator fails to complete their duties in good faith, the Federal Judiciary will decide punishment. - 2 out of 3 federal judges must agree on any punishment, any punishment must be decided upon in a hearing under normal judiciary procedure. - A senator may only be removed or suspended from office by the Federal Judiciary if they have been convicted of a high crime under the criminal code. That they further support amending Section 6 point 6 of the constitution to say: Federal Judges should recuse themselves from cases in which they have a direct interest. 10-0 Pass
198 4-11-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate of the IF ratifies the IF-AP Treaty

7-1 Pass
199 4-14-23 HassDaMahn That Section 8 of the constitution will be ammended to reflect the capital of the Imperial Federation as a state. Ammendment will be as follows: The capital city of the Imperial Federation is Laurentia. As the capital city, the state of Laurentia is not allowed to leave the federation.The federal governement buildings in the state of Laurentia are the property of the Federal government. (This amendment to Section 8 of the constitution does pass with an approval of 4 senators, 1 senator against, 2 senators abstained and 2 senators absent from the vote.) 3-7 Fail
200 4-17-23 ComradeSankara That the Senate, Chancellor, and King of the IF support the following to replace Section 8 Part 1 of the IF constitution: 1. The capital of the Imperial Federation is the state of Imperia. 2. The capital is not allowed to leave the federation. 3. The federal government buildings in the state of Imperia are the property of the Federal government. 4. The form of the capital government should be decided upon by primary residents and contributors. 5. All interested Imperial Federation Citizens may have the opportunity to participate in the planning, development, and construction of the capital. - Build style, block palettes, and creative access for pre-planned areas of the capital shall be clearly outlined and provided to all Imperial citizens interested in contributing. - Adequate space should be allocated for all states to have an embassy in order to showcase the diverse build styles of the Imperial Federation. - A major portion of southern capital outside of the train station is allocated to free building for all Imperial citizens, granted they respect the guidelines and palette established by Imperia's leadership 10-0 Pass