List of Bill Votes in the Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

Another 50 bills
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(Another 50 bills)
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|The senate of the IF approves granting King_Cupar (Britisher) the ceremonial title of Emperor of the IF
|Myra becomes personal hereditary property of the king. Who ever rules the federation Myra is his property. Myra gets renamed to Royal Archkingdom of Myra. When the King visits Myra he will be carry the title Archking of Myra. Ruler of Myra get granted an offical title Handler of Myra. He is responsible to the King. Handler can be called before the senate if Myra breaks any laws of the federation. Same goes if any state has a dispute with Myra and wants to settle it before the senate instead of the King. Handler can be removed by the senate with at least 2/3 vote or by the King.
|The senate of the IF approves the issuing of a dereliction notice to Vermont.
|The February Election Act/Amendment 1. The candidacy period will be open from January 28th, 12AM EST to January 30th, 12AM EST 2. The voting period will be from January 31st, 7PM EST until February 2nd, 7PM EST
|The Senate of the IF approves removing CyberKraken as a judge due to his toxicity towards another player which resulted in them leaving the IF.
|The Senate of the IF approves removing coolchacha97 as senator due to the following new threats of obby bombing
|CoolChacha97 would become an infa advisor instead of being a senator, perms would be similar/same to sankaras role
|The Cupar Canonization Act Along with being the ceremonial Emperor of the Imperial Federation, King_Cupar will also become its Patron Saint.
|Previous rules and bills regarding voting eligibility in the upcoming chancellor election will be replaced with the following updated/reformed bill: All non-primary citizens of the Imperial Federation must demonstrate activity in the Imperial Federation by having been present within an Imperial Federation snitch field within the last two weeks. The electoral commission will be in charge of enforcing this rule.
|The Senate of the IF approves calling the judge election due to there only 2 candidates and not including it on the ballot.
|The Treaty of Vernon: 30% of the original Vermont claim is ceded to the Federal Government of the Imperial Federation. In exchange, the Federal Government: donates resource funds to help the construction of the new capital St. Vernon, starts work on the Vermont rail again to increase citizen population, and helps develop St. Vernon in the later stages of completion.
|The Senate of the IF approves enacting a permanent ban of DockerImage and Dredd_kiji from imperial federation territory and discord on account of their repeated harrassment of Imperial Federation citizens.
|he Senate of the IF approves enacting a restriction on all Kallosian citizens and government officials entering Imperial Federation territory. In order to do so they must: 1. get prior approval from the King, Chancellor, or Military Chief of Staff 2. have a military escort during their time in IF territory.
|The Senate of the IF approves enacting a ban on Imperial Federation citizens inviting DockerImage and Dredd_Kiji into Imperial Federation territory and a ban on IF citizens selling military equipment (defined as armor, tools, weapons, pearls, obsidian, experience, potions, or associated materials) to Kallosian citizens or officials.
|The Senate of the IF approves issuing a dereliction notice to Lugoj (Waterside)
|That the Senate of the IF supports passage of the Imperial Federation Government Regularization Act as detailed
|Does the IF senate supports removing coolchacha97's IF citizenship
|That the Senate of the IF ratifies Asgeir9, Frostwarrior, and Aeth as the Senate representatives to the IF security council
|That the Senate of the IF approves the proposed ''Imperial Common Currency Act'' as posted in ⁠💭old-bills-discussion, recognising poisonous potatoes as legal tender and setting a fixed exchange rate of pp:i:d to 36:12:1
|An amendment to the Imperial Common Currency Act, changing the proposed exchange rate of pp:i:d to 48:16:1
|That the Senate of the IF approves that JapperJax be made interim judge under the provision in Section 6 point 5b. of the IF constitution
|That the Senate of the IF supports the ratification of the Two Lions Concordat establishing the Pridelands and Imperial Federation as two independent nations.
|That the Senate of the IF supports the Surmadrian Land Exchange Proposal
|The Senate of the IF approves the spending of 120d from the treasury to acquire 15 sets of diamond armor
|The Senate of the IF approves the redistricting as presented in the following map, including the naming of certain federal districts, and the ceding of a small amount of land from the military district to Regentsburgh to make the military district borders more compact.
|Imperial Federation Citizenship and Residency Act: Primary Imperial Federation citizenship is defined as: 1. Having a primary residence built in an Imperial Federation State. a. Citizens should declare a state of primary residence for the purpose of senate apportionment and voter registration. b. A primary residence is defined by the citizen spending a majority of their time. 2. being active on Imperial Federation snitches in the previous 2 weeks. Individuals may additionally apply for Imperial Federation Permanent Residency Visa. 1. An IF Permanent Resident: a. Retains the right to residency within the IF pending approval from the relevant authority (state government or federal government) b. Residents may have access to relevant citizen discord channels. c. Does not have the right to vote, the right to hold public office, or the right to serve in the military. d. Is fully subject to state and federal law as applicable. e. Is not counted for the purposes of Senate apportionment or statehood status. Citizenship applications: 1. All state leaders and government officials should have access to the citizen application channel. a. the channel should be used for citizen application purposes and discord moderators or admins reserve the right to moderate discussion if it is off topic. b. To prevent espionage using discord alts, prospective citizens or permanent residents should not be granted the citizen or resident role in discord prior to arriving to IF territory in-game.
|Senate Apportionment Act: 1. States shall be granted senate seats and additional senate seats as outlined in the constitution. a. For the purposes of senate apportionment, only primary IF citizens should be counted. 2. Upon receiving the requisite number of primary citizens states shall immediately be granted a senate seat. 3. State population should be evaluated immediately after a Federal elections and 14 days later. a. If a state lacks the required number of citizens, an appropriate number of senators should be removed by the King. b. If a state leader believes apportionment decisions to be incorrect, they may present evidence of primary citizens to the King for re-evaluation
|That the Senate of the IF approves serving a dereliction notice to Anor Londo X
|That the Senate of the IF Supports the consolidated IF legal code as the comprehensive set of criminal, judicial, and legal statutes of the Imperial Federation that supercedes previous records of law.
|The Senate of the IF moves to allow HassDaMahn to declare candidacy for chancellor and Aeth to declare candidacy for judge despite the nomination period having been already closed.
|That the Senate of the IF approves the Treaty of Reorganization with AwdryFan1997 of Anor Londo X: AwdryFan1997 will not contest the dereliction of Anor Londo X under the following terms: Anor Londo X officially be derelicted and is divided in the following manner: - Old Anor Londo would becomes a national park under the care of the Federal Government. - the Islands of Anor Londo X would become the Federal Territory of Anor Londo X with AwdryFan1997 as territorial governor. - Mainland Anor Londo is fully ceded to the Federal Government as the Northeastern District. As territorial Governor AwdryFan1997 will: - work with Jalhf and ComradeSankara to reorganize the Anor Londo X Government. - Assist Jalhf and ComradeSankara in advertising the territory. - Commit to being active over the next several weeks to assist new players in the area. In return the Federal Government of the IF will: - provide a minimum of 4 new player starter kits plus building materials from the Myran development fund. - assist in advertising the state and direct interested new players to Anor Londo X. - Assist in any reorganization efforts.
Anor Londo X may receive statehood status with 1 other player and a senator with 2 new players per the constitution.
|That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Coastal district
|That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Waterside District
|That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Oaklee District
|That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Christopia District
|That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming FD3
|That the Senate of the IF supports declaiming the Northeastern District
|That the Senate of the IF ratifies the Republic of Midgard Unification treaty unifying Halland, Federation Esberg-Ostersund, and Mt. Hassaan.
|That the Senate of the IF supports dissolving the Archkingdom of Myra and merging the territory with Imperia
|That the Senate of the IF supports placing the territory of Irkah under the full control of the Grand Duchy of North Africa, mandating that North Africa begin development on the territory.
|That the Senate of the IF supports Potato_Duke's nomination as Capital Chief
|That the Senate of the IF approves constitutional amendment proposal I regarding the reselection of federal officials and state dereliction.
|That the Senate of the IF approves constitutional amendment proposal 2 regarding minor corrections, removing proper names and official religion from the constitution.
|That the Senate of the IF supports the appointment of Blu to Military Chief of Staff, SturdyShelf to Construction Chief, and Mat_Potato_king to Capital Chief
|That the Senate of the IF supports the appointment of Aeth , Frosty , and HassDaMahn as the Senate members of the IF Security Council.
|The Open Ice Roads Access Act Section 1 - Access to Ice Roads: All primary citizens of the Imperial Federation shall have the privilege of access to the ice roads, access can be given by Aeth, the current Military Chief of Staff, the current Chancellor, and the King. International companies and individuals shall be permitted to use the ice roads for commercial purposes, but will not be able to retain permanent access. Section 2 - Penalties for Misuse: Any individual who intentionally damages or destroys any section of the ice roads without permission from Aeth, the current Military Chief of Staff, the current Chancellor, or the King may have their ice road access removed and be subject to additional charges. If any individual with access to invite members intentionally invites international players that use the ice road for malicious intent, the minimum sentence will be losing access to the ice road permanently and may be subject to any of the High Crimes listed in the Imperial Federation legal code. Access may also be removed unilaterally if a citizen has committed any previous crimes which are deemed as a potential security threat to the ice roads.
|That the Senate of the IF supports the appointment of Mat_Potato_king as High Judge
|That the Senate, Chancellor, and King of the IF support amending Section 3 Point 4bi of the IF constitution to say: If a senator fails to complete their duties in good faith, the Federal Judiciary will decide punishment. - 2 out of 3 federal judges must agree on any punishment, any punishment must be decided upon in a hearing under normal judiciary procedure. - A senator may only be removed or suspended from office by the Federal Judiciary if they have been convicted of a high crime under the criminal code. That they further support amending Section 6 point 6 of the constitution to say: Federal Judges should recuse themselves from cases in which they have a direct interest.
|That the Senate of the IF ratifies the IF-AP Treaty
|That Section 8 of the constitution will be ammended to reflect the capital of the Imperial Federation as a state. Ammendment will be as follows: The capital city of the Imperial Federation is Laurentia. As the capital city, the state of Laurentia is not allowed to leave the federation.The federal governement buildings in the state of Laurentia are the property of the Federal government. (This amendment to Section 8 of the constitution does pass with an approval of 4 senators, 1 senator against, 2 senators abstained and 2 senators absent from the vote.)
|That the Senate, Chancellor, and King of the IF support the following to replace Section 8 Part 1 of the IF constitution: 1. The capital of the Imperial Federation is the state of Imperia. 2. The capital is not allowed to leave the federation. 3. The federal government buildings in the state of Imperia are the property of the Federal government. 4. The form of the capital government should be decided upon by primary residents and contributors. 5. All interested Imperial Federation Citizens may have the opportunity to participate in the planning, development, and construction of the capital. - Build style, block palettes, and creative access for pre-planned areas of the capital shall be clearly outlined and provided to all Imperial citizens interested in contributing. - Adequate space should be allocated for all states to have an embassy in order to showcase the diverse build styles of the Imperial Federation. - A major portion of southern capital outside of the train station is allocated to free building for all Imperial citizens, granted they respect the guidelines and palette established by Imperia's leadership
