List of Bill Votes in the Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

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(March 2024 Bills)
(600 Bills Total, 81 Added)
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|Redo our vault because of the new trapdoor changes
|Bestfiretop for Senate's judge
|IF signs this pact with TE <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate approves the Imperial East Karydia Act <nowiki></nowiki>
|The senate approves the creation of the Department of Technology with the head of this department picked by me at a later date, based on the contributions made.
|Reorganization of Vanaheim to a state
|The senate approves funds for repairing 3 compactors in Karydia. At Joseon wheat farm and San Pietro compactor & Sugarcane farm.
|Create a department of Education tasked with teaching all newfriends the basics of civ and other more intricate and more obtruse details of this game with Frosty as the head
|The senate approves military training with the standards detailed in this spreadsheet -<nowiki></nowiki>
|Amendment: The King of the Imperial Federation reserves the right to suspend the Government of the Imperial Federation with the support of at least 2 of the following three bodies: 1. The Senate, by the expression of the will of more than 50% of the Senators The government, by expression of the will of the Chancellor 2. The Judiciary, by expression of the consent of 3 out of 3 judges.
|The senate approves the land exchange of Empordania to the GWB Council & Will be displayed on the map as “Empordania (GWB)”
|Make gidein the senate judge
|Potato_duke is approved for service as Governor General of Mayguow
|All indecisive cases will be solved by having both parties pick 2 champions who will battle to the death in 3 different rounds in a best of 3 format and whoever's champion wins will also win the case.
|The Senate amends to the Department Reorganization Act; Creation of the Department of Foreign Affairs. <nowiki></nowiki>
|Approve of the GWB Council claiming Batavia to expand farming and economic potential as well as future secured and developed land for new friends or new states.
|The senate supports repealing the "Senate Requiremens Suspension Act"
|Officially leaving BUILD
|Change section 6.4 of constitution from: "Defendants may appeal their case to the Federal Senate if they believe they have had an unjust trial. The Senate reserves the right to deny an appeal for any reason. Federal cases with sentences of more than a week of pearl time or of a fine of more than 32 diamonds are automatically appealed to the Senate, and this appeal cannot be rejected." to: "Defendants may appeal their case to the Federal Judiciary if they believe they have had an unjust trial. The Judiciary reserves the right to deny an appeal for any reason. Federal cases with sentences of more than a week of pearl time or of a fine of more than 32 diamonds are automatically appealed to the Judiciary, and this appeal cannot be rejected."
|Change the additional housing tax to per property owned, not per purchase
|Increase exchange rate for copper as mentioned in the bill discussion
|Reinstate the 2 property policy in NC for people who aren't primary IF citizens
|Reintegrate Vouxian-Hyperborea Into Vanaheim
|Stop accepting diamond ore at the MG IF branch.
|Unification of Empordania and Joseon under the name "Imperial Karydia"
|Abolish Glenadough National Park and convert it into a federal territory with the goal of creating a federal farming complex
|Thule becomes a new state of the IF
|Every week, 5% of federal revenue will be placed to the side and designated as emergency funding. This money is not to be removed, spent, or allocated anywhere else except: 1. With the approval of both the majority of the Senate and the Chancellor and no less, or 2. The approval of just the King only during the time in which the government is in suspension in accordance of the terms outlined by section 1.7 of the imperial federation constitution It is to be understood that spending or allocation of these funds by the parties involved are only to be spent during a time of economic, political, or military crisis.
|The next chancellor election candidacy period begins is on the 9th and 10th and the voting period is the 11th and 12th in Eastern Standard Time. Each period should last roughly 48 hours, give or take a few hours for the King and Electoral Comission to make the voting form
|Central Territories Act: 1. Abolish Federal District Center / West and splits it into new parts 2. The Territory of Verdalon in pink will be created under the control of Ghas__ 3. The Territory of Acheron in red will be created under the control of Byhalia 4. The rest of Federal District Center / West will be transferred to the federal district of Myra which may be known as Federal District North 5. The area of Federal District West by the coast below the clifftops off the shore of Nalora will be given to Nalora due to their builds already being there, similar to how is seen on this map (the formal border is not this map but rather the clifftops) 6. The newly created territories of Acheron and Verdalon may apply for statehood in the future when their population allows for it
|Alliance with Transylvania
|The king swears in the chancellor every term in NC
|The Senate grants DockerImage citizenship with the following terms: cant hold any federal office (including senator) unless approved by the senate at a later date; Cant bounty hunt in the IF unless explicitly approved; Must avoid causing trouble for the sake of his and and the IFs reputation
|Approve the selection of Gabe as the Vice Chancellor
|Approve the following department heads and budget requests: Head of Infrastructure @𝖆𝖘𝖌𝖊𝖎𝖗 Budget Request: 128d Head of Defense @Unemployed Sloth Budget Request: 150d Head of Construction @Prince Colton of Nalora Budget Request: 64d Head of Economy @Gidein Economic Assistant @The Gobbster Budget Request: 64d Head of Culture S0UTHW3ST Budget Request: N/A
|DuckDuckNuke is appointed Senate's Judge
|Approve the Corporation Protections Bill https ://
|The Senate approves the Nalora expansion as marked in the provided image
|Unban Cuppy from the IF in game and from the discord
|Approve the creation of the new territory ">:3c" to be run by RileyNiko.
|New state in the Kirian Territory - "The Goatian Empire"
|Player Engagement Activities Bill (PEA Bill)
|Update disboard message
|Create a federal territory, not meant for newfriend settlement and not meant to be owned by any state, kinda like new callisto. Purpose is to make this land specifically allocated for this project and outside the rule or bias of any specific state. <nowiki></nowiki>
|Rescind the ban of cuppy from the discord and exclusively the discord
|Bestfiretop is confirmed as Head of Technology
|The circled land is to become federal land <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate approves the following changes to the legal code: Remove references to the crown steward and Myra, including the removal of section 9.3. Remove section 5.1 as the role was replaced via the Department Acts Replace references to "Military Chief of Staff" with "Head of Defense" Replace references to "the mall" with "the capital"
|The Senate repeals the trickle down act
|The Senate approves the following constitutional convention format: 1. Asyncronous discussion threads: A channel will be created where anyone can make a post outlining a suggested amendment to the constitution. Any citizen may comment and discuss the amendment on that thread, as well as vote on it's movement to the senate via a thumbs up or down on the post. Citizens with multiple unrelated amendment proposals should make separate posts. This channel will be open for a week, after which the amendments will be evaluated and popular ones will be put to separate formal votes. In the case of contradicting amendments, the most popular one will take precedence for being passed to the senate. 2. In-game meetings: A poll for availability for in-game meetings will be conducted, and at least two times will be chosen based on the interested citizens' availability, to be conducted during the week that threads are open. A neutral moderator will be chosen for each of these discussions. Results of in-game discussions should be recorded/posted to the discussion channel.
|Create a new national currency.
|Let Jahlf pick the currency name
|An in-game meeting and convention to discuss the state of the Imperail Federation will be held Sunday 3 pm EST at the Withervale Council Chambers. All citizens will be invited to attend. Attendance is highly encouraged for all government members but not mandatory.
|Grant hekghlkegh IF citzenship
|Recognition of the Right to Self Determination by the Peoples of the Great Western Bay Bill - This bill formalises in law the right of the peoples of the Great Western Bay (GWB) to self-determination 1. Member states/territories of the GWB will be allowed to hold an independence referendum if a majority of senators from the GWB wish to do so 2. The Imperial Federation (IF) formally recognises the peoples of the GWB as having a distinct culture and heritage separate from that of the rest of the federation 3. Member states/territories of the GWB which vote in majority in the referendum to leave will leave the IF as one block, this will require ⅔ majority approval by IF senators in line with the constitution. GWB states/territories that do not vote in majority in the referendum will stay part of the IF. 4. The IF senate and GWB will engage in good faith negotiations around the terms of the new GWB nation.
|Approve Sunanic as the new Chancellor
|Repeal the Second Department Reorganization Act and disband all departments
|repeal the bill that has Jalhf picking the currency name, instead, pick the name that won the opinion poll Gidein posted (effectively naming the currency "imperial marks")
|Appoint ImmediateDescent as Head of Economy
|The Senate approves Potato's Vice Chancelorship
|State Anthem Act: Every state that officially chooses a state anthem will get 3 diamonds in reward from the federal government. A channel called #anthems will be created to place these anthems, similar to the #flags channel.
|Imperial federation Embassy to be built at dirt
|Approve coolchacha97's citizenship
|Approve the No Wild West Act: 1. Foreign bounties are null and void inside IF territory. 2. Bounty hunters, whether foreign or IF nationals, will be POS if they fulfill a bounty inside the IF placed by a foreign entity. 3. This can be overruled for specific bounties with approval of one of the following governmental entities: The King, Chancellor, Majority senate rule, or Department Of Defense for good faith diplomacy. The exemption takes 24h to take effect, and during that time can be overruled by a senate majority.
|The Senate approves restricting primary citizenship changes to once every 7 days. Exceptions may be granted by order of a federal judge due to extenuating circumstances.
|The Senate approves the final Karydian expansion of Mayguow.
|Elevate Jalhf from King to Emperor of Deluvia
|The Senate approves the Treaty of Illustrius Kingdoms with Amicitia <nowiki></nowiki>
|Create an events/advertisements channel
|The senate approves the creation and Joining of the Antarctic Treaty Entity <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate approves the Public Senate Voting Act: 1. All Senate votes will be made public to citizens of the Imperial Federation except on matters of security. 2. #secure-polling will become used for bills on matters of security 3. A new channel will be created where all public senate votes must be held.Gabe used poll
|Appoint Blu as HoD
|Icenia-Imperial Federation Friendship Treaty The nations Icenia and The Imperial Federation hereby announce a friendship treaty with these terms: Both nations will construct an embassy in the others capital. Both nations will exchange ambassadors with these perks for each ambassador: Imperial ambassador: Will have the same rights as an Icenian citizen without being able to vote or join the armed forces Icenian ambassador: Will have the same rights as an Imperial Federation citizen without being able to vote or participate in any federally governing bodies. Both nations commit to diplomatically and peacefully resolving all incidents that happen between them.
|senate approves territorial purchase and integration of Slum town into Vanaheim and Karydia Imperial
|The Senate passes “The IF Gives Up” Bill - The IF will give up if the Senate votes to enact this bill into law
|The Senate changes the National Anthem to The Song of Songs Which Is Solomon’s
|The Senate Approves the Treaty with Marstria, ceding the shown lands <nowiki></nowiki>
|The Senate approves the Free City of Maugate
|National Anthem Referendum Act: A contest will be announced for people to nominate a new national anthem after the passage of this bill. During the next chancellor election ballot there will be two votes: one on whether to replace the national anthem and another that if it is replaced, which anthem should it be.
|At the end of every IRL year there should be a fight between every pearled prisoner to gain their freedom
|At the end of every IRL year there should be a fight between every pearled prisoner to gain their freedom