List of Bill Votes in the Imperial Federation: Difference between revisions

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(60 Large bills - 300 Total votes. Many more to go.)
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|That the senate of the IF approves Joseon claiming the island north of them which was previously declaimed
|That the senate of the IF approves Joseon claiming the island north of them which was previously declaimed
|That the Parliament supports the ratification of the Frostlands Treaty with Don Fuer
|The Parliament allocates 10d to pay CapianColton for the upgrade to Ohio's rail station.
|That the Parliament of the IF supports reaching out to hg80 about declaiming otonabee for newfriends
|That the constitution of the IF is changed from "The interpretation must be made in a broad way, taking into account the spirit of the writers of these laws, the statutes and the customs while ensuring a legal stability in front of the laws and judgments previously made by our nation." to "The interpretation must be made in a broad way, taking into account the context and intent of the adoption of these laws, the statutes and the customs while ensuring a legal stability in front of the laws and judgments previously made by our nation."
|That the Parliament of the IF supports joining the BUILD alliance
|The Imperial Border Act. That the Parliament of the IF supports the attached changes to the borders of the IF.
|Federal Land Act. That the areas in the attached map in addition to the Lionsgate Archipalgeo become federal land under the jurisdiction of the federal government.
|That the Parliament of the IF supports diplomatic engagement with Arsenio Pact regarding Icarus's decision to build potential military infrastructure in Khione and concerns regarding the Arsenio Pact's behaviour against Dalgon
|That the parliament approves a spending of 20d to pay reps for Joel and gain back his full set of prot and Sword from Okx
|That the Parliament approves spending 30 diamonds out of the treasury for 10 cs of stone to supply builds in Imperia
|That the Parliament supports co-hosting the Summer olympics with Venne
|That the Parliament approves a spending of 30d to buy building mats
|The IF supports Highrolls release and accepts him as an IF citizen <nowiki></nowiki>
|Parliament members can have the "Manage Rolls" permission on discord
|That the senate approves the establishmewnt of Comanche state in the areas marked in the attached map
|That the Parliament supports reorganising the discord to remove ticket bot and bring back citizens application channel. Bring back flags channel. Add jobs thread. Add market thread. Archive judiciary and military support channels.
|The IF agrees to an agreement with SEC as follows; The SEC adheres to protect the IF from raiders; The IFAP guarantees the peaceful and diplomatic relationship between the SEC and the IF; The SEC is obliged to inform the IF of any military infrastructure being built in the immediate vicinity of the IF's borders as soon as the situation allows it; The SEC and affiliated parties cannot claim the lands unclaimed by the IF henceforth the signing of the treaty unless the IF agrees to it or a third party unaffiliated with the SEC claims the land
|Conditional to the signing of the above, the Parliament of the IF approves the Declamation of the following lands proposed by King_Cupar
|That the Parliament removes SlothInASuit as an MP, triggering a by-election
|That the Senate of the IF supports the Expansion of States Bill (Surmadri and Regentsburgh)
|That the Parliament supports the passage of the ⁠Citizenship Reform Bill, Removing the citizenships of the 35 listed players
|Another chance for Highroll, I am probably the person who hates him the most but I think we can put him in Imperia (as its highly snitched) and just give the guy 1 more chance
|Do you support the above adjusted declaim <nowiki></nowiki>
|That the Parliament supports the creation of an international ⁠Olympic Committee to develop the Summer Olympic Games
|That the Parliament of the IF supports the unbanning of Ila Kyluv citizens from the nation
|20 diamonds from the treasury can be used for the "bumping competititon" that gives prizes to the citizens who bump the IFs dicord using disboard the most over the next 2 weeks
|The parliament supports releasing prot sets from the Treasury to citizens and grants King_Cupar access to the namelayer and location of the treasury
|The parliament supports the proposal asking for de-escalation, including the release of plupsnup and a recognition that approval should've been asked for pearling.
|That the Parliament of the IF supports a trial of Plupsnup for his actions
|The Parliament supports cupar posting the PR Post on the CCTT Conflict in its current form
|the parliament supports granting 50d to pay for builds in imperia
|The parliament supports the posting of ⁠CCTT post (pt 2) to declaim the lands of the CCTT
|That the Parliament of the IF supports Cupar's proposal to hold a ⁠Government Opinion Poll
|Do you support the following constitutionnal modification proposed by colton : That the Parliament of the IF supports the amendment to the consitution regarding the free cities as outlined; Free city shall be renamed to territory; Each territory get a senate representation but no voting right; Append the name of "Federal Lands" to the article 4, section 7 as we don't have district according to the political map. This will allow us to be able to recognize and cover federal lands formally.; Territory government may be able to modify their border with senate approval. Borders cannot be farther than a completed building (Appox. 30 blocks distance). Fences may be counted as such as long as it is connected to a building or as a farm.; Territory may be able to self govern within the border but with the federal government oversight.; Territory government system chosen during founding a territory after senate approval. Initial territory border may be drawn regardless of the existence of building(s), must pass senate first before establish a territory government.
|That the Parliament supports opening the IF to SEC refugees
|That the parliament agrees to the Chancellor appointing a Goverment advisor in his cabinet
|That the Senate of the IF supports the ⁠Creation of the Territory of Nalora
|That the parliament/senate agrees to hand over Freeport, currently federal land, to Crazando to be re-established as a state. Thus allowing more developement in the land
|The parliament approves to give the power to the cabinet to publish, every week, a newsletter as described in ⁠government chat. With this new structure of announcement, the parliament approves that announcement that are non-urgent or not major may not be published outside of the newsletter.
|The Parliament agrees that Crispy should be freed due to the emergence of falsified evidence against him
|Approval is given to the following plan for the next parliament election: The nomination period will occur on Wednesday and Thursday, the voting period will occur on Friday and Saturday, and a meeting of the new parliament and government in the capital will occur on Sunday where the new chancellor will formally be chosen
|The Parliament agrees to aproach Akawija to exchange embassies
|The Parliament agrees to block the independence of Freeport should Crazadno attempt to do so
|The Parliament of the IF supports removing Crazando as a citizen of the IF
|The Parliament/Senate of the IF supports giving Crazando a final warning for his recent behaviour
|The senate of the IF supports the removal of Crazando as a senator of the IF
|The Parliament approves ⁠The Return of Halland by reclaiming the land into IF
|The states of Vermont, Gotland, Vermont, Comanche, Anor Londo X, Grenada, Freeport, FELINE and Nolora are territories as per the constitution. This allows them to allocate one senator without voting rights .
|Halland is also allowed to become a territory instead of joining midgard
|The Parliament/Senate of the IF supports renaming Senators without voting rights to Delegates
|That the Parliament/Senate supports auctioning Kalengrad and the farms within it to raise funds for the federal government
|Parliament/Senate supports claiming Meriecta for smothyhoo to develop
|King_Cupar is elected as chancellor by the Parliament
|That the IF accepts Kibbles as a citizen of the IF in Midgard
|That the IF accepts K0mmi as a citizen
|That the Senate supports the readmission of Halland as a state
|The Parliament of the IF supports advising citizens to dropchest all valuables
|Should Hassdamahn still have the admin role on the IF discord?
|The Parliament of the IF supports a second part to Cupar's opinion poll
|That the Parliament supports The Second Purge of the 17 Listed citizens