King Cupar: Difference between revisions

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CapColton (talk | contribs)
Update to King Cupar's citizenships, known for, and residence.
CapColton (talk | contribs)
Added more info regarding the events prior to the secession crisis. Added past tense for his positions in the IF as well as him founding regentsburgh.
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{{Infobox person|image=King_Cupar.png|caption=King Cupar's skin|citizenships=* [[Asgard]]
* {{flag|Imperial Federation}}|main_residence= [[File:Capital District Flag.png|25px]] [[Imperia]] ([[Asgard]]) |first_civ_server=[[CivMC]]|known_iterations=[[CivMC]]|known_for=* Founding the IF on CivMC
* Founding Regentsburgh on CivMC
* Founding Asgard on CivMC}}
'''King Cupar''', affectionately known as '''Cuppy''', is the founder, former Patron Saint, former Emperor and former Chancellor of the [[Imperial Federation]] on [[CivMC]] as well as founder of [[Regentsburgh]] on CivMC. He is also the founder and councilor of [[Asgard]] on CivMC. He previously served as King of the Imperial Federation from August 2022 until his resignation in January 2023.
In September 2022 and May 2023, Cupar served as a Senator in the Imperial Federation. He was elected as a Member of Parliament for the [[Unionist Party]] after pushing for democratic reform in the nation, which was chosen as the Chancellor of the IF from June to August 2023.
In 4 August 2023, Cupar would found his own nation [[Asgard]] alongside with the former IF states of [[Imperia]], [[Midgard|Vanaheim]], [[Kalengrad]], and [[Joseon]] after a dispute between the King Jalhf and ComradeSankara over hosting a election which would led to [[Imperial Federation Secession Crisis|the crisis]].