Kaltsburg: Difference between revisions

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|abovestyle = background:#;
|subheaderstyle =
|above = The Principality of Kaltsburg-Leuven
| image3 = [[file:kaltsburg_coaLeuven_coa.png|140px]]
| image2 = [[file:Flag_kaltsburg_newFlag_west-rheinland.png|160px]]
|captionstyle =
|caption2 = Royal flag of KaltsburgFlag
|caption3 = Royal Coat of Arms
|headerstyle = background:#;
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|datastyle =
| label1 = Capital
| data1 = [[Kaltstadt]]''none''
| label2 = Government
| data2 = Constitutional Monarchy
| label3 = PrinzKing
| data3 = deyan
| label4 = nokiababy
| label5 = Kaltsburg Founded
| data5 = 18 August 2018
| label6 = Re-established
| data6 = 5 December 2018
| label7 = DemonymNations Merged
| data7 = Kaltsburger16 February 2020
| label8 = PopulationDemonym
| data8 = 1Kaltsburger
| label9 = LocationPopulation
| data9 = 4
| label10 = Location
| data19data110 = [https://ccmap.github.io/#c=-5650,-1300,r250 -5650 -1300]
| label11label12 = Preceeded by
| data11data12 = [[file:kaltstadt.png|20px]] [[Old Kingdom of Kaltsburg|Kingdom of Kaltsburg]] and [[file:flag_donau-wolden.png|20px]] [[Leuven]]
| label7 = Demonym
| data7 = Kaltsburger
| label8 = Population
| data8 = 1
| label9 = Location
| data19 = [https://ccmap.github.io/#c=-5650,-1300,r250 -5650 -1300]
| label11 = Preceeded by
| data11 = [[file:kaltstadt.png|20px]] [[Old Kingdom of Kaltsburg|Kingdom of Kaltsburg]]
The '''PrincipalityKingdom of Kaltsburg-Leuven''' is a smallKingdom principalitywith locatedland on the3 Kaltsburgmain peninsulalocations atin [https://ccmap.github.io/#c=-5621,-1171,r1081 -5600, -1300]. This is the third Kaltsburgisch country to exist (preceded by the [[Old Kingdom of Kaltsburg|First Principality and the Kingdom]]). The governmentNation iswas leadcreated on the 16th of February by the Princemerging (Prinz)of deyanthe andPrincipality situatedof inKaltsburg and the nowDuchy renovatedof [[Kaltstadt]]Leuven, both of which were lead by Deyan.
== History ==
