Item Exchange

Revision as of 22:14, 9 July 2022 by Tybug (talk | contribs) (add mechanics tempalte)

An Item Exchange or Shop Chest is a chest which allows players to exchange items in their inventory for items in the chest's inventory. It is managed by the ItemExchange plugin (source). These exchanges are governed by exchange rules placed inside the chest. Item exchanges allow for asynchronous trading.


Chests contain "Exchange Rules" which are stone buttons with lore containing trade information.

1) First way to create exchange rules:

  • Hold the item you want, in the quantity you would like, (For example, 5 diamonds) and type /iec input. An exchange rule (lored stone button) will be created in your inventory.
  • Hold the item you are selling, in the quantity you are selling for, (For example, one cow egg) and type /iec output. An exchange rule (lored stone button) will be created in your inventory
  • Place the two buttons in a chest (make sure to reinforce it!). If you left click the chest it will now tell you the exchanges available.

Note: You can place multiple exchanges in a chest. For example, you can have one input rule of 5 diamonds and output rule of 1 cow egg. And also have one input rule for 4 diamonds and one output rule for 1 pig egg in the same chest. Left clicking the chest multiple times will allow you to move through all the available exchanges.

Note: You can have multiple inputs for one output, or one input for multiple outputs. For example, one input rule of 5 diamonds and output rule of 1 cow egg, and a second output rule of 1 pig egg. Second example, one input rule of 5 diamonds, and a second input rule for 9 iron blocks and one output rule for 1 cow egg.

2) Second way to create exchange rules:

If you don't have access to the items you're buying/ selling there are other commands you can use.

/iec input [item] [quantity]

For example: /iec input diamond 5

/iec output [item] [quantity]

For example: /iec output sapling 10

Note: The name of the item has to be the Minecraft data name. For example, dark_oak_sapling.

Editing exchange rules

While holding an exchange, use the following command to change the quantity it trades:

/ies amount [number]

For example: /ies amount 5. This will change the exchange to trade 5 of whatever item


It is customary to put a sign on the chest with the exchanges. However, if you left click the chest there will be text that says what the input and output for the chest are.

Note: Always check that there is an output! You don't want to put in diamonds only to realize you gave a free donation because they forgot to add an output.


There can be multiple exchanges available from a single shop chest. Make sure to left click and be looking at the exchange you want (For example Exchange 1/2 or Exchange 2/2). Hold the input item in your hand and then right click the chest. The input will be removed from your hand and the output automatically added to your inventory.


Enderchests search and return contents of nearby shopchests when clicked. More information.