Imperial Truidence: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Imperial Truidence(Truidence or IT for short) is a nation in the -,- region. The government of Imperial Truidence is a mixture of a absolutist monarchy and a representative de...")
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|name = Imperial Truidence
|bodystyle =
|titlestyle =
|abovestyle = background:#;
|subheaderstyle =
|above =Imperial Truidence
|imagestyle =
|captionstyle =
| image = [[File:Flag of imperial Truidence.jpg]]
|caption =
| image2 =
|caption2 =
|headerstyle = background:#;
|labelstyle = background:#;
|datastyle =
| label1 = Capital City
| data1 = Anburon
| label2 = Government
| data2 = Absolute Monarchy/Parliamentary Democracy
| label3 = Emperor
| data3 = [[XxxBezxxX]]
| label4 = Founded
| data4 = April of 2019
| label7 = Population
| data7 = 12
| label8 = Location
| data8 = [,-531,r1000]
Imperial Truidence(Truidence or IT for short) is a nation in the -,- region. The government of Imperial Truidence is a mixture of a absolutist monarchy and a representative democracy.
