Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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'''Icenia''', or the '''Republic of Icenia''', is a Semi-Democratic nation located in the [[Geographical Regions|-,-]] quadrant of the map led by ChrisChrispie, and well know for its storied past in the closing months of Civcraft 2.0. In Civclassic, it is a very active nation, with a considerable number of active people. Icenia borders [[Imperial Truidence]] in the east, Bloom in the north, and [[Varkonia]] in the west and south. Icenia also holds rightful claim over the [[Nexus|0,0 Nexus]] as per the Icenian-Finglish summit. Icenia is a cultural hub with growing trade ambitions and a large player-base.
[[File:Icenia Render.jpg|thumb|Icenia City (August 2019)]]
== History ==
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* Judge: '''Gollygeekid'''
* Judge: '''Soundtech''' <br />
The placing of these ministers into their positions effectively ended the "Pre-Constitution-Era" of Icenia and began the First Constitution Era.
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=== Early First Constitution Era: May 2019-June 2019 ===
May in Icenia was defined by a short stagnation of growth and a slow political straightening out. Many of the original players from Sovia had gone to go form New Sovia, though New Sovia as a nation and city would not become a physical entity until late May/early June of 2019, Icenia was officially at this point an associate member of SATO in an effort to protect against perceived UNC advances, and Imperial Truidence was developing to the South-East of Icenia. During this early time the JQ also quickly developed into a larger body in the town and the Icenian rail station top was finally finished.
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Oak Row was soon considered by many to be a massive eyesore in the shadow of the Icenian downtown, which by May was almost fully built and many advocated for tearing down the homes there and making pre-built apartments for these players instead, however this never came about. It is notable that no resident of Oak Row has ever maintained Icenian elected office, as most elected officials from Icenia come from more affluent regions such as Stone Row (Anvil, Quanton_Biscut), JQ (Figasaur, Enforcer, ChrisChrispie), or Versailles Loop (Soundtech, Azu).
====== First Elections, Leaving SATO ======
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== Icenia City ==
Icenia City is a sprawling urban center that is the capital of the Republic of Icenia. With a population of approximately 35 active players, Icenia City is one of the most populated and active cities on the Civclassic server during the summer of 2019. The city does not conform to the standard "city block" meta that is common to Civcraft and instead utilizes a more organic planning methodology similar to those used in cities on the American East Coast. Icenia City is divided in to several smaller districts or neighborhoods that each contain a unique building style or theme. The most well known areas include The Jewish Quarter (JQ), Oak Row, Ram Ranch, and Mansion Row. Icenia City also houses the primary rail station in Icenia that has international rail lines to the [[Zero Zero]] (Nexus), Bloom, [[Varkonia]] ([[Gabon]]), [[Imperial Trudence]], and [[Vinland]]. Furthermore, Icenia's rail station has a vast network of domestic lines that allow citizens and visitors to quickly traverse the nation. The city is surrounded by a series of wheat farms allowing new players access to free food.
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== External Districts ==
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=== '''West Isle''' ===
West Isle is a state and populated city located West of Icenia City and connected to Amiens Island and Icenia City via the Witeriuh Bay Bridge. The city of West Isle was founded in Mid-July of 2019 by VolutionFS and others. Its charter was approved on July 31st, 2019. The city of west Isle is comprised of a fort and several surrounding homes and it maintains a factory room and rail connection to Icenia Central Station via the Drippy Domestic System. The West Isle Highway also connects to the Witeriuh Bay Bridge and Icenia City. West Isle is an important EXP and production island as well, containing Icenia's spruce farms, beatroot farms, some potato farms, and the national Ice Production facility. Also located on the island is an unused but fully functional automatic build in the early days of Icenia and the Icenia Pumpkin Farm, a infrastructure build before Icenia's switch to EXP recipe #2. West Isle is the second most populated island in Icenia outside of Amines Island.
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=== Canduro ===
Canduro is an unpopulated Mesa Biome which was ceded to Icenia by Gensokyo to facilitate the production of cactus during the time when Icenia was considering a different EXP recipe. It is connected to Icenia via the Drippy Domestic System. Canduro has relatively little use to Icenia today, unlike its former glory days when Icenians ventured to make the island habitable for bot accounts. Today the only structures on the island are the Canduro Station, a small structure that houses the islands rudimentary water drop, and the Icenian National Automatic Cactus Farm, which is owned by the Minister of Interior.
== Culture and Religion ==
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Historically, Icenia maintained positive relations with [[Sovia]]/[[New Sovia]], and much of the Pre-Constitution era was defined by a peaceful co-existence between Icenian's and Sovians in the nation. Many 'first wave' citizens in Icenia were avid players of /pol/andcraft, and were brought into Icenia by Sovians creating a strong early culture in the nation and several 'districts' with Ram Ranch being the most notable. The land Icenia was built upon was also at one point owned in part by Gamephobic, who's first house on the server still stands in the Southeastern region of Antietam Island, where Icenia City is located.
Relations began to sour after breaches of trust between the government of Icenia and Sovians. After the attack on [[Nyasaland]], the government of Icenia cracked down on TNT stashes carried into the nation after it was discovered that AngryPepsi had compacted incredible amounts on the explosive and had stored it within Icenian territory. The UNC was also given the authority to pearl anyone involved in the Nyasaland bombing not yet captured even if they were residing in Icenia. Later, ChrisChrispie was accused of stealing diamond blocks from [[Pirater]] which were being used to help build New Sovia. When presented with evidence, ChrisChrispie gave the blocks back. However, this would permanently damage relations between the two groups.
Relations collapsed in mid June of 2019, when Swiftfizz and many other New Sovians entered Icenian territory and entered restricted land, later spamming the coordinates of this area in the in-game global group chat, Civclassic discord, and Civclassic subreddit. This resulted in Swiftfizz's banning from Icenia under the newly passed 'Reasonable Suspicion Act'. Days later, a player by the name of mugo would be pearled in New Sovia for carrying TNT on his person. This player would later be revealed to be an alt account of LordChieftain. A few days later the conflict heated up into what is known as the '[[Clown Wars]]'.
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Despite this, the UNC was Icenia's greatest trading partner until its eventual demise and in June 2019 Varkonia remained the only active [[Enchanting|EXP]] and [[Jargon|Bastion]] supplier in Icenia after the shuttering of [[Hjaltland|HJI]] on an international scale.
In late July of 2019, tensions with the UNC began to flare again after the Sovia-Icenia War, nicknamed the Clown Wars. This was directly related to the releasing of screenshots by Swiftfizz that showed Icenian leader ChrisChrispie had partook in the obbybombing of Crowsroost before the UNC invasion along with [[Pirater]], and that Chris had invited the Sovians to build defensive infrastructure in Icenia after the attack on Nyasaland. The June 20th Attack upon Icenia had also served as pretext for the pearling of BritishWanderer by Thoths_Librarian in an attempt to free PapaPound through negotiations from the Hjaltland Vault. This led to controversy involving Ev0cator and Thoths over their alleged alt-raiding of UNC territories. As a result of the leaking of screenshots, the UNC for a short time considered declaring war upon Icenia, however, this never came into fruition as the screenshots were over four months old, Icenia was no longer allied in any way with the Sovians, and there were bigger issues ongoing in the region.
By the time the UNC disbanded, Icenia had shored up relations with Imperial Truidence and Bloom and the UDF was created in the wake of the abandonment of the UNC, leading to an era of Icenian history known as Pax-Icenia-a time comparable to the 1990's in the United States.
