Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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'''Icenia''', or the '''Republic of Icenia''', is a Semi-Democratic nation located in the [[Geographical Regions|-,-]] quadrant of the map led by ChrisChrispie, and well know for its storied past in the closing months of Civcraft 2.0. In Civclassic, it is a very active nation, with a considerable number of active people. Icenia borders [[Imperial Truidence]] in the east, Bloom in the north, and [[Varkonia]] in the west and south. Icenia also holds rightful claim over the [[Nexus|0,0 Nexus]] as per the Icenian-Finglish summit. Icenia is a cultural and religious hub with growing trade ambitions and a large player-base.
== History ==
===Pre-Civclassic History===
Icenia's history traces back to its roots in [[Civcraft 2.0]] as an outpost of Kaiserinreich. At the time of Icenia's initial founding as a colony, Kaiserinreich was involved in a conflict with [[SPQR]] and Volterra (modern day Varkonia) over much sought after land needed for the production of [[Enchanting|EXP]], specifically cactus. TheAfter a sucessful invasion by joint SPQR-Volterran forces over the establishment of a city in SPQR desert land, the colony of Icenia was established on the remote edges of the Kaiserinreich-Volterra boarder in an effort to create more legitimacy on the land as being rightfully Kaiserins, and to serve as a base for a potential invasion of Volterra through the North. Icenia however grew very quickly grew and with that grew independent culturally of Kaiserinreich itself, and soon the majority of the players within Kaiserinreich lived in Icenia. Due to the distance between Kaiserin City and Icenia City, and the lack of a strong ruler in Kaiserinreich, many Icenians began to reject Kaiserin rule, and on July 8th, 2015, declared independence from Kaiserinreich and joined the Grand Northern Alliance. After this, Icenia experienced a massive population boom of which it could not handle, and eventually suffered from its overall lack of infrastructure leading to its eventual annexation by Volterra after several obby and firebombing attacks committed by alt accounts from Icenia's own alliance, the GNA.
===Founding on Civclassic===
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===Pre-Constitution Era (March 2019)===
Icenia's early development was initiated by ChrisChrispie shortly after Icenia's announcement in regards to their existence went public. Despite the notoriety of Icenia as a nation, most players on the server were well established and not many wanted to make the trek out to the then backwoods country. Thus, ChrisChrispie was alone when he built the first building in Icenia; a dirt shack on the beach. Slowly new players started to join the nation. The first few came from Musicbook, where ChrisChrispie was well known, but did not stick around for long. DarkMalivas was the first non-musicbook member to join the nation and built Icenia's first residential complex-the Sandstone Tower. The Sandstone Tower would later draw the ire of most Icenians as being an eyesore upon the expanding harbor skyline. Eventually, it was torn down after standing for three months to make way for Icenia's own [[Corvus]] shop, which itself was torn down after a period of dereliction.
It was around this time that Icenia began to develop its Chan influence when DreadedNova, a previous citizen of Polynesia in Civcraft 2.0, joined the nation and quickly moved up the ranks to become assistant leader of Icenia during its Pre-Constitution era. DreadedNova would go on to invite other players from various [[4Chan]] associated Minecraft servers and soon Icenia began to grow at a quick pace-but nothing compared to what would later come. LordChieftain would join during this era too. During this time Icenia saw growth along Gapplar Drive-then considered the central hub of Icenian development. DreadedNova would build his windmill during this time and LordChieftain would construct the "Cobble Castle" - the first stage of a planned city development that would have made Icenia a walled and compact city. This plan never came to fruition. The Cobble Castle would later be torn down, and its basement used for the Icenian Space Needle-a massive [[skybunker]] complex which serves as the central station of command for the Icenian Militia.
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By this time, Icenia had become known around the server as one of the main destinations for new players, and eventually started gaining non-chan members into its folds. The result of this immigration was the creation of the "Oak Row" district, more or less a slum of houses located behind the now abandoned LordCheiftain tower, which had remained empty since Lord moved to his estate near Old Titan in Icenia. During Icenia's early days, the land where Oak Row was cleared of trees and flattened to make way for a fortified Yoahtl style village, however this never came into fruition and the result was land perfect for placing newfriends upon. Some newfriends that came during this era were Timbez, PaintedWolf666, Alphagale, and most infamously, sk8terg8tr, whos first actions upon joining Icenia were to raid Ram Ranch.
Oak Row was soon considered by many to be a massive eyesore in the shadow of the Icenian downtown, which by May was almost fully built and many advocated for tearing down the homes there and making pre-built apartments for these players instead, however this never came about. It is notable that no resident of Oak Row has ever maintained Icenian elected office, as most elected officials from Icenia come from more affluent regions such as Stone Row (Anvil, Quanton_Biscut), JQ (Figasaur, Enforcer, ChrisChrispie), or Versailles Loop (Soundtech, Azu).
====== First Elections, Leaving SATO ======
