Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

Linked a bunch of stuff and added in border info.
(Linked stuff together)
(Linked a bunch of stuff and added in border info.)
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Icenia, or the Republic of Icenia, is a Semi-Democratic nation located in the -,- quadrant of the map led by ChrisChrispie, and well know for its storied past in the closing months of Civcraft 2.0. In Civclassics it is one of the "Big 4" nations with the most activity: Icenia, [[Bloom]], [[Mount Augusta]], and [[The Commonwealth|Commonwealth]]. Icenia borders [[Imperial Truidence]] in the east, [[Bloom]] in the north, and [[Varkonia]] in the west and south. Icenia also holds rightful claim over the 0,0 Nexus as per the Icenian-Finglish summit.
== Icenian History ==
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==='''Founding on Civclassics'''===
In March of 2019, ChrisChrispie became active on the Civcraft community again after 2 years of inactivity and traveled to the -,- with the intention on joining [[Bloom]] and running for their Parliament. However, these plans did not pan out and after consulting with [[Varkonia|Varkonian]] leader Mickale, a tract of land over what once was Antietem Isles and [[Nexus]] was granted to ChrisChrispie to re-establish Icenia. The re-establishment of Icenia occurred on March 11, 2019, and was announced to the Subreddit that night.
==='''Early Icenian History (March 2019)'''===
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== Icenia City ==
Icenia City is a sprawling urban center that is the capital of the Republic of Icenia. With a population of approximately 20 active players, Icenia City is one of the most populated and active cities on the Civclassics server. The city does not conform to the standard "city block" meta common to Civcraft and instead utilizes an more organic planning methodology similar to those used in cities on the American East Coast. Icenia City is divided in to several smaller districts or neighborhoods that each contain a unique building style or theme. The most well known areas include The Jewish Quarter (JQ), Oak Row, Ram Ranch, and Mansion Row. Icenia City also houses the primary rail station in Icenia that has international rail lines to [[Bloom]], [[Varkonia]] ([[Gabon]]), [[Imperial Truidence]], and a soon to be completed line to the [[Zero Zero|0,0 Nexus]]. Furthermore, Icenia's rail station has a vast network of domestic lines that allow citizens and visitors to quickly traverse the nation. The city is surrounded by a series of wheat farms allowing new players access to free food.
==='''The Jewish Quarter'''===
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==='''Jah Park'''===
Jah Park is one of the many holy sites of Jah'ism. Dedicated to the rapper XXXTentacion, the park contains an open space sporting many stores and a large water fountain. Near the park, there are there are several Icenian heritage sites including the Cock and Ball Torture Emporium, the Grand Icenian Septic Tank, and the Shitter Shack.
== Icenia Capital District ==
The Icenian Capital District consists of the main island of Icenia in which the overwhelming majority of its population resides. The capital district contains Icenia City, Sunnyshore Village, Old Concord, and a series of castles known as the Quantonimo Bay Castle, Antiem Isles Castle, Lord Chieftan's Castle, Fort Olenor, and Barad-dûr. The Capital District is almost entirely a forest biome with much of the island being an oak forest with a number of small lakes and ravines dotting the landscape. To the south there is a sparsely populated snowy forest biome that houses Fort Olenor.
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==== Bridges: ====
* Icenian-[[Bloom]] Friendship Bridge
* Icenian-[[Imperial Truidence]] Bridge
* Unnamed Icenia City Bridge
* Old Concord Bridge
