Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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(The pearling of ChrisChrispie and the factual events that occurred in Icenia city after.)
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| label8 = <div style="text-indent:-0.9em;margin-left:1.2em;font-weight:normal;">•&nbsp;Judge
| data8 = Quanton_BiscuitGavbea
| rowclass9 = mergedbottomrow
| label9 = <div style="text-indent:-0.9em;margin-left:1.2em;font-weight:normal;">•&nbsp;Judge
| data9 = AzulaloiSanstor
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Icenian population continued to flourish after May of 2019, and the May elections in Icenia saw the highest turnout yet, electing Figasaur and Quanton_Biscut to the positions of Judge for the first time. Icenia was still underdeveloped militarily however, and its economy at its lowest state. Quickly the state decided to take on a policy of both defensive and economic development, especially in the face of what they saw as a growing threat from the UDF, specifically the nation of Varkonia. Also aiding this desire to expand defensively was that Icenia and SATO had come to a mutual agreement to end the associate member status of the nation due to Figasaur gaining more prominence within the Icenian government. It was around this time that the decision to construct both a skybunker downtown and a medium sized vault in the further reaches of the nation took place, and construction on both with Figasaur and Minister of Defense Rurick at the head of it all started. However, construction on the vault was placed to the backburner after Rurik left Icenia and Figasaur determined that his plan for construction was leaked to NATO. The result of this was all work went into the skybunker, dubbed the 'The Spaceneedle'. Also during this time the majority of the New Sovia minority left the nation out of a growing tension between Gamephobic, Pirater, and the Icenian government.
=== Entrance intoand Victory in the Ransakistani War. WWII ===
On December 1st, 2019 Icenia was obby bombed by VPN alts. After a massive outpouring of help from many of the nations on the server, one of the admins, Baggi, removed the grief after it was found out that one of the perpetrators had been using a VPN. Shortly after the attack upon Icenia, Genoskyo, Coventhia, Commonwealth, and SPQR were also obby bombed forcing Icenia to begin to militarize along with the rest of the UDF. Eventually, the base of operations for the obby bombings was found by Lodish, when he walked into the territory of the vault.
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ChrisChrispie was later pearled during a valiant midday effort to break bastions at Parkervault, a place of degeneracy and sin the likes of Sodom and Gomorrah. Chris was flaked from the side while the more competent PvPers fought daringly and pushed with massive force into the trench of Parkervault. Finding himself in the dung infested waters, ChrisChrispie allowed himself to be pearled by one of Parker's goons, a man who no doubt bought child slaves earlier that day in order to work faster on the vault. Upon Chris being pearled, Icenia entered into a perpetual state of mourning. Church bells rang, the parrots DSclouse had placed in the town center stopped chirping, and the sky opened up as a cascade of rain fell upon the city. Enforcer it is even said wept a little, a man who prided himself on stoic behavior on the field of battle. One thing was clear however after Chris' death-Icenia was in the midst of war.
Over the course of the week, Icenia was used as a coalition staging ground and massive infrastructure was created out of it to ensure quick and safe travel to the frontlines outside of Lusitania. By 12-16-19, Ransakistan was in a downward spiral with many of its leadership pearled in consistent bastion breaking efforts by combined cotillion and Entente/Mirrian forces and by 12/17/19, the Ransakistanis were on life support before a final and impromptu push began to disable 'Cumdragon' the name chosen by Parker for the vault. After a 14 hour siege, the vault was disabled and the pearls of Hockey and Chris were freed. Ransakistan had fallen, and the coalition had won.
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== Icenia City ==
Icenia City is a sprawling urban center that is the capital of the Republic of Icenia. With a population of approximately 35 active players, Icenia City is one of the most populated and active cities on the Civclassic server during the summer of 2019. The city does not conform to the standard "city block" meta that is common to Civcraft and instead utilizes a more organic planning methodology similar to those used in cities on the American East Coast. Icenia City is divided in to several smaller districts or neighborhoods that each contain a unique building style or theme. The most well known areas include The Jewish Quarter (JQ), Oak Row, Ram Ranch, and Mansion Row. Icenia City also houses the primary rail station in Icenia that has international rail lines to the [[Zero Zero]] (Nexus), Bloom, [[Varkonia]] ([[Gabon]]), [[Imperial Trudence]], and [[Vinland]]. Furthermore, Icenia's rail station has a vast network of domestic lines that allow citizens and visitors to quickly traverse the nation. The city is surrounded by a series of wheat farms allowing new players access to free food.
