Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

fixed some spelling and formatting, a few hyperlinks for mentions of notable players and a slightly more balanced take on the incentives case
m (fixed some spelling and formatting, a few hyperlinks for mentions of notable players and a slightly more balanced take on the incentives case)
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=== Political Conflict (January 2021-August 2021) ===
With the fall of CivUniverse and the inactivity of CivRealms due to wars, Icenia received a massive influx of players from both servers. Notable players included [[1drop]], [[prawny331]], [[Juniortide|JuniorTide]], [[binchymonkey]], IKEAFRIDGEIKEA_FRIDGE, [[MrJeremyFisher]], and [[SpacemanSpleef]]. Spacemanspleef would go on to form the ill-fated "colony" of [[Nexton]] near 0,0, while IKEAFRIDGE would be released from their pearl, gained previously for vault EZ violations, and become a judge.
The influx in players would result in the first true political divide in Icenia since the West Isle conflict, with this coming to a head in the May Elections in which over 9 candidates would run for judge. Primary concerns of new players including the government favoring the "Old Guard" Icenians in court cases, the government not following the Icenian Constitution properly, and laws being flouted in favor of convenience. Notably in April before the May elections, Binchymonkey had been pearled for the actions of his sister, those being building a house on top of Diziantree, and getting pearled for it. ChrisChrispie was sued for murder, lost the court case, and nearly refused to pay reparations to Binchy.
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=== Passage of the Third Constitution of Icenia (July-August 2021) ===
By July 2021 it became obvious that synergy levels in Icenia were at an all time low. This was exceptionally clear after ChosenTwice turned himself into Varkonia rather than Icenia and was given a relatively light sentence. As a result of a litany of reasons, longtime government member Soundtech would resign from his position as Minister of Defense. Following a pearling of a player by Icenian citizen Asumaru (Neptun3), and the pearls subsequent constitutional but controversial extradition to Hjaltland, it became abundantly clear to a previously stalwart ChrisChrispie, along with others, that the Icenian Constitution and Code of Laws needed an extensive rewrite. Soundtech subsequently rejoined the Icenian Government and went to work with others on what would become the Third Icenian Constitution. During the period in-between, Icenian government member 1drop was removed from the Icenian government after it was found out that he was leaking the Government chat to Hjaltland on his own accord in order to make Icenia look bad and probably get some laughs. His citizenship was subsequently revoked, along with his access to the Cringe Pit Home for Troubled Youth and Icenia city and suburb bastions.
The Third Icenian Constitution would be approved by all members of the July government in late July. Changes included the creation of a Grand Council formed by a Secretary of State, the renaming of most Presidential Cabinet level positions, and the creation of two new rolls; City Manager and District Attorney-both elected positions. The Code of Law aspects of the Second Constitution were carried over with the intention being to rewrite them at a later date.
=== August 2021 Government and Growth ===
The August 2021 elections in Icenia were much quieter than expected and most of the original "established" positions carried over to the August government. Massive change was seen within the judicial branch though, with many ex-realms OntonabeeOtonabee members being elected into judge positions. BinchyMonkey, MrJeremyFarmer, and FreestyleJr would take the seats with Sadie becoming Icenia's first DA and August, a former NATO fighter who had been previously paroled to Icenia by Columbia, becoming the first City Manager.
The biggest trial of this period occurred when Incentives, a Caledonian-Adinan who had been pearled for suspected collaboration during the Ez2Crew raids, was unbanned and unexpectedly came back-retaining notable e-lawyer and outspoken critic of the Icenian government Prawnyprawny331 as his attorney. Despite theThe state presentingaccused Incentives of treason and presented evidence claiming that Incentives planned on joining up with Ez2 and other banned VPN players, while the defence argued that the prosecution had failed to show Incentives had 'serious and provable' due intent necessary for a guilty charge for treason. FreestyleJr ordered him released without much prejudice, arguably costing him the following judge election.
From Midmid to Latelate August, Icenia experienced another massive cycle of growth brought on by a spawn point finally being re-established in the city and Wingzero consistently advertising on other subreddits. Notable citizens arrive during this period were Alador, PhysicsGamer, and Twillie. Many of these new residents were set up by Fort Gua outside of bastions in order to prevent any VPN alts from slipping into the city.
=== September 2021 Elections ===
The September Electionselections would become the first very close elections in Icenia sincefor Westsome Isletime, rosedue to prominencethe forcontroversial severalIncentives Theand firstan beinginflux theof releasenew of Incentivesplayers. Former Icenian Government member Naglafer, upset at the release of Incentives, would unexpectedly run for judge under the Titan Party under a platform of tough justice toward criminals. Asumaru (Neptun3) would throw her hat in the ring for District Attorney, also running on a hardline position. When the election concluded on September 1st however, newcomers Alador and PhysicsGamer would be thrust into the positions of City Manager and District Attorney. Both ran on relatively moderate platforms more in line with the positions of Soundtech.
FreestyleJr would once again find himself out of government, and Binchymonkey would lose his seat to an up and coming August. Naglafer would be victorious in his run and MrJeremyFarmer would be re-elected as the favorite to his judge seat.
== Internal Districts of Icenia ==
