Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

fixed a bunch of links, improved language in some area
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=== Involvement in Nyasan-Channer War (March- Early April 2019) ===
On April 9th, 2019 [[Sovia]] attacked the [[UNC]] member nation [[Nyasaland]] for the pearling of Lakupippu. After heavy fighting and bombing of Palgrave City (Nyasaland's capital), the majority of the attackers were pearled and sent either to either [[Mir]] vault or Nyasaland vault.
One of the attackers pearled was LordChieftain, then an established member of Icenia. Additionally, the majority of the Sovian attackers had been granted, or were or were being processed for, Icenian citizenship.
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=== First Icenian Population Boom and Mount Augusta Dispute (April 2019) ===
Icenia again experienced a population boom in March 2019. Many [[Sovia|Sovians]] established dual Icenian citizenship including [[Pirater]], Gamephobic, and iakwai. A rail to Bloom, which had just closed its borders to new players after continuing alt-raids, was completed. This caused many new players not associated with Sovia to join Icenia, given that it was the closest active nation to Bloom. Also helpful to was Icenia's association with former Chan players. Many players joined Icenia from /int/craft, /pol/craft, and the remnants of the [[Chanseatic State]]. Most of the new population during this time settled in Versailles Loop, located next to the Greenbelt that had existed to block off what became the Redlight district from the JQ. Ram Ranch was founded during this time, as well as the famous Icenian CBT shack, and many of the original buildings constructed in the Pre-Constitution era were torn down.
The prominent event of this era was the "Mount Augusta Crisis". During the week of April 20th, 2019, a new account named Tylerj05 entered Icenia and became a resident of the nation, joining the Icenian discord and renting a room in Figasaur's apartments. On April 24th, 2019, Figasaur logged in for the first time since since Tylerj05's arrival and was subsequently pearled and brought to Mount Augusta over Augustan claims of treason. The pearl was handed to DRECO and Figasaur was placed in [[Mount Augusta (CivClassic)|Mount Augusta]]'s vault, eventually being upgraded to an end pearl.
The Icenian response was immediate and harsh. Tylerj05, and thus Mount Augusta, had violated Icenian sovereignty by illegally pearling and extraditing Figasaur. While Icenian leaders searched for a solution to the issue, Icenian nationals organized a protest on the streets of Mount Augusta. On the night of April 24th, 2019, Icenians and members of [[SATO]] descended on Mount Augusta to protest the pearling under strict orders to not engage in any combat with the Augustans. The protest began peacefully, but eventually devolved into chaos as Callum lit TNT against the protesters, killing many. Fed up with being bombed, they went home to Icenia.
The next day, on April 25th, Augustan mayor Citylion released Figasaur's pearl to avoid further escalation with Icenia.
==== Signing of the First Icenian Constitution ====
At the end of April 2019, the First Icenian Constitution was finalized and approved by [[ChrisChrispie]], forming the modern Icenian governmental system.The following players were chosen to lead the first iteration of the Grand Ministry.
* President: '''ChrisChrispie'''
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====== Kennedylaw and HJE Industries Destruction ======
In late April, Icenia began to experience issues with alt-raiding. It was around this time that Neotide decided to build the first bunker in Icenia to help prevent and respond to raids. Many of the raids targeted Icenia's [[Hjaltland]] Industries XP shop, at the time one of two shops in Icenia that provided the city with EXP. The most successful of these raids was done by KennedyLaw, who managed to not only destroy much of the HJI supply chests, but pearl Figasaur and take him to the border of Imperial Truidence. KennedyLaw was eventually caught on the border of Mount Augusta and his pearl was sent to the NCA, and eventually Hjaltland's vault. As a result of the raid in Icenia, and other attacks on their EXP production facilities, HJE industries effectively shut down and its plot stood vacant and falling apart until torn down to make way for new shops.
====== More changes in government structure and early EXP ambitions. ======
Vendetta would serve as judge for a week and a half until resigning in an attempt to create his own nation near near Caledonia. In his place, [[ChrisChrispie]] appointed Lagiacrus11 who brought stability to a judgeship that seemed perpetually in motion. Icenia also negotiated land from [[Gensokyo]] during this time for a mesa colony and a rail line was built to it. This mesa claim became Icenia's first exclave, served as the springboard for discussions on producing XP domestically. Though unable for most of the summer to produce EXP on their own, eventually Icenia was able to create a revolutionary EXP co-op in August of 2019.
====== Icenia at the Gensokyo Olympics ======
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====== Continued Population Expansion and Creation of Oak Row ======
By this time, Icenia had become known around the server as one of the main destinations for new players, and eventually started gaining non-chan members into its folds. The result of this immigration was the creation of the "Oak Row" district, more or less a slum of houses located behind the now abandoned LordCheiftain tower. During Icenia's early days, the future Oak Row was cleared of trees and flattened to make way for a fortified Yoahtl-style village, however this never came into fruition and the result was land perfect for newfriends. Some newfriends that came during this era were Timbitz, [[PaintedWolf666]], [[Alphagale]], and most infamously, [[sk8rg8r]], whose first action upon joining Icenia was to raid Ram Ranch.
Oak Row was soon considered a massive eyesore in the shadow of the Icenian downtown, which by May was almost fully built. Many advocated for tearing down the incoherent homes and making pre-built apartments for new players instead, however this never came about. It is notable that no resident of Oak Row has ever maintained Icenian elected office, as most elected officials from Icenia came from more affluent regions such as Stone Row ([[Anvil]], [[Quanton_Biscuit]]), JQ ([[Figasaur]], [[Enforcer15]], [[ChrisChrispie]]), or Versailles Loop ([[SoundTech]], [[Azulaloi]]).
== Late First Constitutional Era and Second Constitutional Era ==
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{{See also|Chic-Fil-A Crisis}}
Icenia continued to flourish after May of 2019, and the May elections saw the highest turnout yet, electing [[Figasaur]] and [[Quanton_Biscuit]] as Judges for the first time. However, Icenia was still underdeveloped militarily and facing economic stagnation. Quickly, the state took on a policy of both defensive and economic development, especially in the face of a perceived threat from the UNC, specifically the nation of Varkonia. Also aiding this desire to expand defensively was that Icenia ended its associate member status within SATO due to Figasaur gaining more prominence in Icenian government. It was around this time that the decision to construct both a skybunker downtown and a vault in the further reaches of the nation took place. Construction began led by Figasaur and Rurik, however construction on the vault was stalled after Rurik left Icenia and Figasaur's construction plan was leaked to NATO. Instead of a vault, all work went into a rickety one-bastion skybunker, dubbed the 'The Space Needle'. Also during this time much of the Sovian minority left Icenia due to growing tensions between Gamephobic, Pirater, and the Icenian government. Around this time "modern Icenia" as we know it was in its infancy, with the UNC disbanding allowing the creation of the [[UDF]] with Icenia, Bloom, and Imperial Truidence as founding members. The arrival of both veteran players adeadhead and Enforcer15, two individuals who would become industry giants, and the creation of West Isle as a state all signaled full steam ahead for growth.
=== Late Summer 2019: Tension with West Isle and the Second Constitution ===
As the population of Icenia exploded in West Isle, tensions arose between the mayoral government of West Isle and the federal government of Icenia, who mostly resided in Icenia City. Many of the issues revolved around the status of Icenia's democratic systems, with West Isle in favor of broader democratization and the government of central Icenia in favor of keeping the system of Federalism put in place in the first Constitution. These tensions climaxed during the September elections, with all incumbents finding their positions highly contested by members of West Isle, most notably Lagiacrus11, the long time Minister of Foreign Affairs.
West Isle candidates ran on platforms of democratization and leaving the UDF, supporting the newly formed [[LSD]], and "repairing international relations with New Sovia, [[Adina]], and [[Laconia]]". The incumbent Government supported maintaining the UDF, improving relations with Entente and SATO, and continuing to build defensive infrastructure in the city to combat the threats of Laconia and New Sovia, nations which it had been interested in potentially starting a civil war within Icenia by placing PvPers on West Isle.
While the election was tight, only one incumbent was unseated and the majority of West Isle subsequently quit the server in anger at losing the election and perhaps their best chance at establishing political control within Icenia.
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=== Removal of the JQ ===
[[File:Removing the Chick-fil-A.png|thumb|656x656px|Icenian Government members remove a LGBTQ colored swastika atop the Chick-fil-A. ]]
In September, 2019, tensions finally boiled over with the JQ, whoreached despite constant lawsuitsa againstboiling thempoint due to the Chic-Fil-A crisis and losing influence in, the federalJQ's government, continuedthreat to stayremove infactory Iceniaaccess, and attemptthe toharassment influenceof newfriendsUDF into wanting to leave the UDFallies. Tired of the JQ, it was decided by the government in secret that Fig would be allowed to be pearled and sent to MtA to finally rid Icenia of his presence. The operation commenced when Figasaur was near 0,0 to "build redditopia". SeveralTwo Icenian PvPers pearled him, werebriefly chased for a short time byfaught Cr0c on his alt JimCramer, and ultimately arrived in MtA where his pearl was transferred into Fort Briggs.
Fig, not knowing it was Icenia that pearled him, pleaded with the Icenian government to free him from MtA, and when the government refused, proceeded to destroy the majority of his builds downtown in rage creating an urban center that looked bombed out. It was at this point he was removed from bastions and upgraded to an end pearl, thus ending the JQ in Icenia forever. Figasaur would later bewas released when Mount Augusta would gowent inactive, and Cr0c remained free to roam the earth outside of Icenia, rumouredrumored to have escaped to his "Jewish Starship" deep in the Chanseatic State.
=== Entrance and Victory in the War of the Coalition ===
On December 1st, 2019 Icenia was obby-bombed by VPN alts. After a massive outpouring of help from many nations, one of the admins, iebagi, removed the grief after it was found out that some of the perpetrators had been using VPNs to mask their identities. Shortly after the attack, Genoskyo, [[Coventhia]], [[The Commonwealth|Commonwealth]], and SPQR were also obby-bombed, forcing Icenia to begin quick militarization. Eventually, the base of operations for the obby-bombings was found by Lodish, when he followed a sky bridge constructed by MineCraftisFTW (aka Vespasian) into the territory of the vault.
[[ChrisChrispie]] was later pearled during a valiant midday effort to break bastions at Bang City, the main hideout of the bombing crew "Ransakistan". Chris was flanked from the side while the more competent PvPers fought daringly and pushed with massive force into the trench of the vault "Cumdragon". Finding himself in the dung infested waters, [[ChrisChrispie]] was pearled by one ofthe Ransaki goons. Upon Chris being pearled, Icenia entered into a state of mourning. Church bells rang, the parrots dsclouse had placed in the town center stopped chirping, and the sky opened up as a cascade of rain fell upon the city. [[Enforcer15]] it is even said wept a little, a man who prided himself on stoic behavior on the field of battle. One thing was clear however after Chris' death-Icenia was in the midst of war.
