Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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=== Jah ===
Jah, aka Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy professionally known as XXXTentacion was a lyrical miracle and a god among men before his death on June 18, 2018. Since his death, he has become the sole deity in the Icenian faith Jahaism, a sect of Judaism/Christianity . The religion is primarily practiced within Icenia, however there are a small number of other worships outside of the country.
==== Characteristics of Jahaism ====
Jahaism is loosely structured but primarily follows the beliefs outlined by Judaism with the exception of god being recognized as Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy instead of 'God' as described in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). The religious head of Jahaism iswas RabbiCroc who operatesoperated a synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Icenia before being kicked out. Today the religious head of the faith is Rabbi Pastor President-For Life Doctor ChrisChrispie. Hallowed symbols and artifacts include:
* Gekyume's Foreskin
* Black BMW i8s
* Airpods
* Poems and hymns written buyby XXXTentaction himself.
==== Jah Day ====
Jah Day occures on June 18, in remembrance of our lord and savior Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy's assassination. In Icenia, Jah Park becomes the center of the celebration.
* Gekyume's Foreskin is placed upon a pedestal. The faithful line up to touch / kiss it to receive a blessing. It should be noted that the original foreskin was stolen by Corvus citizen Ron_Paul before being found by Varkonia in the Corvus-Entente war and misplaced in a chest before being re-found by Mickle and gifted to ChrisChrispie during the June 2020 Jah Day Celebrations. Today this holy relic is located secretly and behind high security in Icenia.
* Prominent leaders and rabbis make speeches.
* The faithful gather in a septic tank to bathe in the holy waters of Jah.
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* Sacred airpods are given to the faithful. This is typically done in / on the Black BMW i8 that Jahseh was assassinated in.
* Firework show.
* Red torches are placed to signal the end of the holiday.
*Burning a Hantzu effigy in solidarity of those lost in the Infinity War and the death of Chanada at the hands of Hantzu.
==== Bloody Wednesday ====
Bloody Wednesday occurs on April 25th of every to remember the illegal pearling of Figasaur and the bombing of Icenian protesters in Mount Augusta.
=== Septic Tanks ===
Septic tanks are a key feature in Icenian culture. Brought to popularity by Figasaur's daring escape from MtA and Spicyboy's trial (in which he claimed he could't have committed a murder in MtA due to bathing in the cities septic tanks), many homes in Icenia now posses this key feature. Icenia City also has a large public septic tank that has been home to several celebrations including Jah Day.
=== G vs Barkey ===
Icenia has an ongoing debate between whether 'G' or 'Barkey' is the superior statement. There is a dedicated g-barkey channel in the discord along with a highway and road named after the two legendary words / letters. Currently, barkey has fallen out of favor for 'G' after Icenia and Columbia became closer allies.
== Foreign Relations ==
