Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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{{See also|Chic-Fil-A Crisis}}
Icenian population continued to flourish after May of 2019, and the May elections in Icenia saw the highest turnout yet, electing Figasaur and Quanton_Biscut to the positions of Judge for the first time. Icenia was still underdeveloped militarily however, and its economy at its lowest state. Quickly the state decided to take on a policy of both defensive and economic development, especially in the face of what they saw as a growing threat from the UDF, specifically the nation of Varkonia. Also aiding this desire to expand defensively was that Icenia and SATO had come to a mutual agreement to end the associate member status of the nation due to Figasaur gaining more prominence within the Icenian government. It was around this time that the decision to construct both a skybunker downtown and a medium sized vault in the further reaches of the nation took place, and construction on both with Figasaur and Minister of Defense Rurick at the head of it all started. However, construction on the vault was placed to the backburner after Rurik left Icenia and Figasaur determined that his plan for construction was leaked to NATO. The result of this was all work went into the skybunker, dubbed the 'The Spaceneedle'. Also during this time the majority of the New Sovia minority left the nation out of a growing tension between Gamephobic, Pirater, and the Icenian government. Around this time "modern Icenia" as we know it began to be formed, with the UNC disbanding allowing the creation of the UDF with Icenia, Bloom, and Imperial Truidence in the alliance, the arrival of both ADH and Enforcer15, two individuals who would become industry giants in the nation, and the creation of West Isle as a state within Icenia.
==== Late Summer 2019 ====
As the population of Icenia grew in West Isle, tensions began to arise between the government of West Isle and the established government of Icenia mostly coming out of Icenia City. Many of the issues revolved around the state of Icenia's Democratic system, with West Isle in favor of full Democratization and the government of central Icenia in favor of keeping the system of Federalism put in place in the first Constitution. This all came to a head right before the September elections with all Icenian main governmental candidates finding their positions highly contestable by members of West Isle, most notably Lagiacrus11, the long time Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The West Isle candidates, outside of supporting full Democracy, also by in large supported leaving the UDF, supporting the newly formed LSD, and "repairing international relations with New Sovia, Adina, and Laconia". The Central Government supported staying in the UDF, improving relations with Entente and SATO, and continuing to build up defensive infrastructure in the city due to the perceived threat of Laconia and New Sovia, nations which it had been found out by this time were interested in potentially starting a civil war within Icenia by placing PvPers on West Isle.
While the election was close, only one seat was turned over to West Isle and the majority of West Isle subsequently quit the server in anger at losing the election and perhaps their best bet at establishing political control within Icenia.
==== Removal of the JQ ====
Around late September, 2019, tensions finally boiled over with the JQ, who despite constant court cases against them due to the Chic-Fil-A crisis, had continued to stay in Icenia and attempt to influence newfriends into wanting to leave the UDF among other things. Tired of the JQ, it was decided by the government in secret that Fig would be pearled and sent to MtA to finally rid Icenia of their presence. The operation commenced when Figasaur was near 0,0 to "build redditopia". Several Icenian PvPers rolled up, pearled him, were chased for a short time by Cr0c, and ultimately made it to MtA where his pearl was handed off.
Fig, not knowing it was Icenia that pearled him, pleaded with the Icenian government to free him from MtA, and when the government refused, proceeded to destroy the majority of his builds downtown in rage creating an urban center that looked bombed out. It was at this point he was removed from bastions and upgraded, thus ending the JQ in Icenia forever.
==== Modern Day Icenia ====
Today Icenia is seen as one of the more stable high-population nations on the server, a massive change in its history. This is mostly due to its development of an EXP industry, military competence during the War of the Coalition, and balanced governmental system. Icenia also maintains the shallow --'s largest economic center and by some has been called "the new MtA"
=== Entrance and Victory in the Ransakistani War. ===
