Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

Added in nexus connection in Icenia City. Also updated the Wars section.
m (Fixed spelling mistakes and added sentence in the first paragraph on the page.)
(Added in nexus connection in Icenia City. Also updated the Wars section.)
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== Icenia City ==
Icenia City is a sprawling urban center that is the capital of the Republic of Icenia. With a population of approximately 20 active players, Icenia City is one of the most populated and active cities on the Civclassics server. The city does not conform to the standard "city block" meta common to Civcraft and instead utilizes an more organic planning methodology similar to those used in cities on the American East Coast. Icenia City is divided in to several smaller districts or neighborhoods that each contain a unique building style or theme. The most well known areas include The Jewish Quarter (JQ), Oak Row, Ram Ranch, and Mansion Row. Icenia City also houses the primary rail station in Icenia that has international rail lines to the 0,0 Nexus, [[Bloom]], [[Varkonia]] ([[Gabon]]), [[Imperial Truidence]], and a soon to be completed line to the [[Zero Zero|0,0 Nexus]]Vinland. Furthermore, Icenia's rail station has a vast network of domestic lines that allow citizens and visitors to quickly traverse the nation. The city is surrounded by a series of wheat farms allowing new players access to free food.
===The Jewish Quarter===
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=== Wars ===
Icenia has notbeen participatedinvolved in anytwo wars, butone haswith defendedNew againstSovia altdubbed raiders'The Clown Wars' and an ongoing one with Nipplerock.
==== Clown Wars ====
The Clown War was an undeclared war / conflict with New Sovia that mostly consisted of subreddet pvp with a small amount of action consisting of a series of Sovian trespasses on Icenian military installations, the assassination and pearling of Icenian Judge: Quanton_Biscuit, the pearling of mugo, and a small raid / riot within Icenina City. There is no official start date to the conflict but a peace deal was signed on June 26th, 2019. The peace treaty is as follows:
* SwiftFizz’s bounty shall be removed with immediate effect.
* Icenia will lift the ban on New Sovians entering Icenia effective immediately
* The state of New Sovia will return Quanton's inventory which includes a god loadout. As agreed to by both sides.
* All New Sovians who are banned from having citizenship will continue to be so for another month, at which point if they so wish to become a citizen the grand council of Icenia will determine whether or not to lift their ban.
* Icenia retains the right to consider this agreement null and void if New Sovia ignores Government officials requests to leave restricted areas or to leave Icenia when requested.
==== Icenia - Nipplerock Conflict ====
The Icenia - Nipplerock Conflict is an ongoing war with Gantoe, leader of Nipplerock. The war initially started when President ChrisChrispie jokingly stated that Nipplerock was an illegitimate state. Gantoe then proceeded to TNT bomb several Icenian properties including Ram Ranch. Due to damage to Icenian property, the Republic of Icenia offered Gantoe their surrender along with a number of 'air-pods'. Gantoe refused the Icenian surrender and continues his bombing spree of terror to this day. It should be noted that Gantoe is a sever wide meme and this war is ''mostly'' all in good fun.
