Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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The UDF currently consists of fellow shallow -,- nation Imperial Truidence, as well as [[Columbia]], [[Yoahtl]], [[Southshire]], and [[Acadia]]. This alliance was created in late July after the UNC collapsed after the Evocator/Corvus scandal and Varkonia's decision to form the Entente. Icenia wrote much of the original draft of the UDF charter and the first spokesperson of the UDF was [[Vend3tta]], the Icenian Minister of Foreign Affairs (June-July 2019). Currently, Icenia holds the Strategic Commander position within the UDF with [[SoundTech]] serving in the position as well as the Spokesperson position, held by Enforcer15.
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In late July of 2019, tensions with the UNC began to flare again after the Sovia-Icenia War, nicknamed the Clown Wars. This was directly related to Swiftfizz's release of screenshots which showed Icenian leader [[ChrisChrispie]] partook in the obbybombing of Crowsroost before the UNC invasion along with [[Pirater]], and that Chris had invited the Sovians to build bunkers in Icenia after their attack on Nyasaland. The June 20th attack upon Icenia also served as pretext for the pearling of BritishWanderer by Thoths_Librarian in an attempt to free PapaPound through negotiations from the Hjaltland Vault. This led to controversy involving Ev0cator and Thoths over their alleged alt-raiding of UNC territories. As a result of leaked screenshots, the UNC briefly considered declaring war on Icenia, however this never came into fruition as the screenshots were over four months old. Icenia was no longer associated with Sovia, and there were bigger issues in the region.
By the time the UNC disbanded, Icenia had established relations with Imperial Truidence and Bloom, and the UDF was created in the wake of the implosion of the UNC, leading to an era of Icenian history known as Pax-Icenia-a time comparable to the 1990's in the United States.
Upon the refounding of the UNC alliance in late 2021, Icenia joined as one of the three security council members along with Gabon and Varkonia.
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Today Icenia is on very good terms with SATO as the majority of SATO nations are now in the UDF.