Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

Added a bunch of images
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'''Icenia''', or the '''Republic of Icenia''', is a Semi-Democratic nation located in the [[Geographical Regions|-,-]] quadrant of the map led by President [[ChrisChrispie]]. Icenia is well known for its storied past in the closing months of Civcraft 2.0. In Civclassic, it is a very active nation, with a considerable number of active players. Icenia is bordered by [[Imperial Truidence]] to the east, [[Bloom]] to the north, [[Gabon]] to the west, and [[Varkonia]] in the south. Icenia also holds rightful claim over the [[Nexus|0,0 Nexus]] as per the Icenian-Finglish summit. Icenia is a cultural hub with a large economy and a large player-base.
[[File:Icenia City, January 2021.png|alt=Icenia City|right|frameless|353x353px352x352px]]
== History ==
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=== Removal of the JQ ===
[[File:Removing the Chick-fil-A.png|thumb|656x656px|Icenian Government members remove a LGBTQ colored swastika atop the Chick-fil-A. ]]
In September, 2019, tensions finally boiled over with the JQ, who despite constant lawsuits against them due to the Chic-Fil-A crisis and losing influence in the federal government, continued to stay in Icenia and attempt to influence newfriends into wanting to leave the UDF. Tired of the JQ, it was decided by the government in secret that Fig would be allowed to be pearled and sent to MtA to finally rid Icenia of his presence. The operation commenced when Figasaur was near 0,0 to "build redditopia". Several Icenian PvPers pearled him, were chased for a short time by Cr0c on his alt JimCramer, and ultimately arrived in MtA where his pearl was transferred into Fort Briggs.
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===Jah Park===
[[File:JahPark.png|thumb|Jah Park, January 2021|alt=|leftnone|500x500px]]
Jah Park is one of the many holy sites of Jahaism. Dedicated to the rapper XXXTentacion, the park contains an open space sporting many stores and a large water fountain. Near the park, there are there are several Icenian heritage sites including the Grand Icenian Septic Tank and the Shitter Shack. Jah Park was griefed in the JQ removal process in October 2019, but was rebuilt by [[Enforcer]]] shortly after. Today the GOR-Icenia Branch extends over Jah Park. In July of 2020, Jah Park was nearly destroyed by [[Figasaur]] associate Spicyboy, but the grief was removed within a day.
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== External Districts of Icenia ==
[[File:Iceniamap3.png|link=link=link=Special:FilePath/Map_of_Icenia_Feb2020.png|alt=|thumb|A map of Icenia, created by asianhaydenxd, in February 2020.|969x969px]]
=== West Isle ===
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* Red torches.
*Burning a Hantzu effigy in solidarity of those lost in the Infinity War and the death of Chanada at the hands of Hantzu.
[[File:Jah Day Celebration.png|none|thumb|500x500px]]
=== Septic Tanks ===
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=== g vs Barkey ===
[[File:G Park.png|thumb|g park, Icenia City, January 2021|alt=|500x500px]]
Icenia has an ongoing debate between whether "g" or "Barkey" is the superior statement. There is a dedicated g-barkey channel in the discord along with a highway and road named after the two legendary phrases. Currently, barkey has fallen out of favor for "g" after Icenia and Columbia became closer allies.
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=== Infinity War ===
After months of tensions between NATO and the UDF, it slowly became clear that UDF entry into the Infinity War was inevitable, especially after the pearling of Icenian ally Bgbba on the GOR near Mount Augusta. In the closing weeks of January 2020, it became increasingly clear that NATO was allowing Ransakistani's into their ranks and as a result, an executive order was issued in Icenia to allow military action in Pinkerton. Shortly after Pinkerton fell, NATO released leaks showing that UDF members were at the break, resulting in a full alliance for to declare war on NATO. The vote passed.
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Today Icenia continues to battle NATO in Columbia, with noticeable, but small, gains being made against the NATO alliance including the pearling of Robokaiser and the consistent defense of Columbia against NATO.
