Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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== History ==
==='''<big>Pre-Civclassic History===</big>'''
===Pre-Civclassic History===
Icenia traces its roots back to [[Civcraft 2.0]] as an outpost of Kaiserinreich. At the time of Icenia's founding as a colony, [[Kaiserinreich]] was involved in a conflict with [[SPQR]] and [[Volterra]] over valuable land needed for the production of [[Enchanting|EXP]]. After a successful invasion by joint SPQR-Volterran forces over the establishment of a city in SPQR land, the colony of Icenia was established on the Kaiserinreich-Volterra border in an effort to legitimize Kaiserin's claim. However, Icenia grew quickly and became culturally independent of Kaiserinreich. Eventually the majority of the players within Kaiserinreich lived in Icenia rather than the capitol, Kaiserin City. Due to the distance between Kaiserin City and Icenia and the lack of a strong ruler in Kaiserinreich, Icenians began to reject Kaiserin rule. As a result, on July 8th, 2015 Icenia declared independence from Kaiserinreich and joined the Grand Northern Alliance. After this, Icenia experienced a population boom which it could not handle, and eventually suffered from its overall lack of infrastructure leading to its annexation by Volterra after several obby and firebombing attacks committed by alt accounts from Icenia's own alliance, the GNA.
==='''<big>Founding on Civclassic===</big>'''
In March of 2019, [[ChrisChrispie]] returned to the CivCraft community after 2 years of inactivity and traveled to the (-,-) intent on joining [[Bloom]] and running for Parliament. However, these plans did not pan out and after consulting with [[Varkonia|Varkonian]] leader Mickale, a tract of land over what once was Antietam Isles and the [[Ring of Essence]] was granted to [[ChrisChrispie]] to re-establish Icenia. The re-establishment of Icenia occurred on March 11, 2019.
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It was around this time that Icenia began to develop its Chan influence when DreadedNova, a former citizen of Polynesia in Civcraft 2.0, joined the nation and became assistant leader of Icenia. DreadedNova would go on to invite other players from various [[4Chan]] associated Minecraft servers and soon Icenia began to grow rapidly. During this time, Icenia saw growth along Gapplar Drive, then the central hub of downtown. DreadedNova built his windmill during this time, and LordChieftain would construct the "Cobble Castle", the first stage of a planned city development that would have made Icenia a walled and compact city. This plan never came to fruition. The Cobble Castle was torn down, and its basement used for the Icenian Space Needle, a [[skybunker]] which now serves as a station of command for the Icenian Militia.
=== '''<big>Involvement in Nyasan-Channer War (March- Early April 2019) ===</big>'''
On April 9th, 2019 [[Sovia]] attacked the [[UNC]] member nation [[Nyasaland]] for the pearling of Lakupippu. After heavy fighting and bombing of Palgrave City (Nyasaland's capital), the majority of the attackers were pearled and sent either to either [[Mir]] vault or Nyasaland vault.
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After being released, AngryPepsi would travel to [[Bloom]] with more end crystals and attempt to bomb the Bloomian rail station. This attack was immediately stopped, but resulted in Bloom taking drastic measures against Icenia. Bloomians in Icenia were asked to close their shops and remove dual citizenship. The Bloomian parliament voted to restrict trade and travel to Icenia via embargo. Although these acts would not pass due to diplomatic pressure, a citizen of Bloom, HuM4nB3inG, griefed the Icenian-Bloom railway with an obsidian deathtrap. This resulted in his pearling by Bloom at the request of Icenia, and subsequent sentencing in Icenia, being punished to penal labor building the new Icenian-[[Imperial Truidence]] rail line.
=== '''<big>First Icenian Population Boom and Mount Augusta Dispute (April 2019) ===</big>'''
Icenia again experienced a population boom in March 2019. Many Sovians established dual Icenian citizenship including [[Pirater]], Gamephobic, and iakwai. A rail to Bloom, which had just closed its borders to new players after continuing alt-raids, was completed. This caused many new players not associated with Sovia to join Icenia, given that it was the closest active nation to Bloom. Also helpful to was Icenia's association with former Chan players. Many players joined Icenia from /int/craft, /pol/craft, and the remnants of the [[Chanseatic State]]. Most of the new population during this time settled in Versailles Loop, located next to the Greenbelt that had existed to block off what became the Redlight district from the JQ. Ram Ranch was founded during this time, as well as the famous Icenian CBT shack, and many of the original buildings constructed in the Pre-Constitution era were torn down.
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May in Icenia was defined by a short stagnation of growth and a slow political straightening out. Many of the original players from Sovia had gone to go form New Sovia, though New Sovia as a nation and city would not become a physical entity until early June of 2019. Icenia was also officially at this point an associate member of SATO in an effort to protect against perceived UNC advances, and Imperial Truidence was developing to the South-East of Icenia. During this early time the JQ quickly developed into a political force in the town and the first Icenian rail station was finished.
====== '''Gollygeekid Snitch Incident ======'''
One week into the terms of the ministers, the first major controversy of the First Constitution Era arose when Gollygeekid was caught on snitches in Imperial Truidence greifing land, attempting to dig up snitches, and breaking into homes. When presented with evidence, Gollygeekid denied any hostile intentions, but the damage was done and [[ChrisChrispie]] asked him to resign rather than risk perusing executive power so early into the first term of ministers. Gollygeekid resigned and an election was forfeited, with [[ChrisChrispie]] opting to appoint Vendetta to the position of judge.
====== '''Kennedylaw and HJE Industries Destruction ======'''
In late April, Icenia began to experience issues with alt-raiding. It was around this time that Neotide decided to build the first bunker in Icenia to help prevent and respond to raids. Many of the raids targeted Icenia's [[Hjaltland]] Industries XP shop, at the time one of two shops in Icenia that provided the city with EXP. The most successful of these raids was done by KennedyLaw, who managed to not only destroy much of the HJI supply chests, but pearl Figasaur and take him to the border of Imperial Truidence. KennedyLaw was eventually caught on the border of Mount Augusta and his pearl was sent to the NCA, and eventually Hjaltland's vault. As a result of the raid in Icenia, and other attacks on their EXP production facilities, HJE industries effectively shut down and its plot stood vacant and falling apart until torn down to make way for new shops.
====== '''More changes in government structure and early EXP ambitions. ======'''
Vendetta would serve as judge for a week and a half until resigning in an attempt to create his own nation near near Caledonia. In his place, [[ChrisChrispie]] appointed Lagiacrus11 who brought stability to a judgeship that seemed perpetually in motion. Icenia also negotiated land from [[Gensokyo]] during this time for a mesa colony and a rail line was built to it. This mesa claim became Icenia's first exclave, served as the springboard for discussions on producing XP domestically. Though unable for most of the summer to produce EXP on their own, eventually Icenia was able to create a revolutionary EXP co-op in August of 2019.
====== '''Icenia at the Gensokyo Olympics ======'''
Icenia made its first appearance at an international event during this time at the Gensokyo Olympics, which resulted in one silver medal being won by [[ChrisChrispie]] in chess. More notable during the event however was the slaughter of an Icenian in the Gensokyo Olympic Arena by FourofFive, Bloomian Parliament member ThirdofFive's brother. Event security quickly apprehended the assailant and the pearl was sent to Hjaltland for a week. Icenians competed in most of the events at the Gensokyo Olympics.
====== '''Continued Population Expansion and Creation of Oak Row ======'''
By this time, Icenia had become known around the server as one of the main destinations for new players, and eventually started gaining non-chan members into its folds. The result of this immigration was the creation of the "Oak Row" district, more or less a slum of houses located behind the now abandoned LordCheiftain tower. During Icenia's early days, the future Oak Row was cleared of trees and flattened to make way for a fortified Yoahtl-style village, however this never came into fruition and the result was land perfect for newfriends. Some newfriends that came during this era were Timbitz, PaintedWolf666, Alphagale, and most infamously, sk8rg8r, whose first action upon joining Icenia was to raid Ram Ranch.
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== Late First Constitutional Era and Second Constitutional Era ==
'''<big>Early Summer, 2019</big>'''{{See also|Chic-Fil-A Crisis}}
=== Early Summer, 2019 ===
{{See also|Chic-Fil-A Crisis}}
Icenia continued to flourish after May of 2019, and the May elections saw the highest turnout yet, electing Figasaur and Quanton_Biscuit as Judges for the first time. However, Icenia was still underdeveloped militarily and facing economic stagnation. Quickly, the state took on a policy of both defensive and economic development, especially in the face of a perceived threat from the UNC, specifically the nation of Varkonia. Also aiding this desire to expand defensively was that Icenia ended its associate member status within SATO due to Figasaur gaining more prominence in Icenian government. It was around this time that the decision to construct both a skybunker downtown and a vault in the further reaches of the nation took place. Construction began led by Figasaur and Rurik, however construction on the vault was stalled after Rurik left Icenia and Figasaur's construction plan was leaked to NATO. Instead of a vault, all work went into a rickety one-bastion skybunker, dubbed the 'The Space Needle'. Also during this time much of the Sovian minority left Icenia due to growing tensions between Gamephobic, Pirater, and the Icenian government. Around this time "modern Icenia" as we know it was in its infancy, with the UNC disbanding allowing the creation of the [[UDF]] with Icenia, Bloom, and Imperial Truidence as founding members. The arrival of both veteran players [[adeadhead]] and Enforcer15, two individuals who would become industry giants, and the creation of West Isle as a state all signaled full steam ahead for growth.
=== '''<big>Late Summer 2019: Tension with West Isle and the Second Constitution ===</big>'''
As the population of Icenia exploded in West Isle, tensions arose between the mayoral government of West Isle and the federal government of Icenia, who mostly resided in Icenia City. Many of the issues revolved around the status of Icenia's democratic systems, with West Isle in favor of broader democratization and the government of central Icenia in favor of keeping the system of Federalism put in place in the first Constitution. These tensions climaxed during the September elections, with all incumbents finding their positions highly contested by members of West Isle, most notably Lagiacrus11, the long time Minister of Foreign Affairs.
West Isle candidates ran on platforms of democratization and leaving the UDF, supporting the newly formed [[LSD]], and "repairing international relations with New Sovia, [[Adina]], and [[Laconia]]". The incumbent Government supported maintaining the UDF, improving relations with Entente and SATO, and continuing to build defensive infrastructure in the city to combat the threats of Laconia and New Sovia, nations which it had been interested in potentially starting a civil war within Icenia by placing PvPers on West Isle.
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Icenia would also find themselves the owners of parts of Wayrest claims and Astonia claims as a direct result of agreements made after the Infinity War, with Wayrest eventually being split jointly between several UDF nations. Astonia would remain a relatively inactive part of Icenia, but plans were made to turn the region into a critical region for EXP production of primarily melon.
=== '''<big>December 2020 Election and Landmark Constitutional Changes ===</big>'''
During Icenia's period of inactivity there was little change in the Icenian government, so much so that the September 2020 election consisted of only 5 people running for judge, most at last minute. During the September election, DroidJoe would come out victorious, however once it was discovered he held government positions in Varkonia, the election went to a new player named Mason, who would become the first member of the Icenian Workers Party to pick up a seat in the Icenian Ministry. Things started to pick up in October and Novemember of 2020 with elections, with the elections of November 2020 seeing the most candidates running for Judge positions, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of the Interior.
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== Internal Districts of Icenia ==
=== '''Icenia City ==='''
=== Icenia City ===
Icenia City is a sprawling urban center that is the capital of the Republic of Icenia. With a population of approximately 20 active players, Icenia City is one of the most populated and active cities on Civclassic. The city does not conform to the standard "city block" meta that is common to Civcraft and instead utilizes a more organic planning methodology similar to those used in cities on the American East Coast. Icenia City is divided in to several smaller districts or neighborhoods that each contain a unique building style or theme. The most well known areas include The Jewish Quarter (JQ) which has since been demolished and replaced, Oak Row, Ram Ranch, Mansion Row, and Pink Sheep Circle. Icenia City also houses the primary rail station in Icenia that has international rail lines to the [[Zero Zero]] (Nexus), Bloom, [[Varkonia]] ([[Gabon]]), [[Imperial Trudence]], [[Vinland]], and [[Gensokyo]]. The rail station also contains on its upper floor the GOR, which runs to Yoahtl. Furthermore, Icenia's rail station has a vast network of domestic lines that allow citizens and visitors to quickly traverse the nation.
==='''The Jewish Quarter==='''
The Jewish Quarter (JQ) was one of the most prominent and well designed portions of Icenia City during its early days. It contained the city's primary factory room and housed a vast portion of Icenia's shops and businesses. The district was constructed primarily by [[Figasaur]] and RabbiCroc after receiving a pearmapearl sentence from [[Mount Augusta]] due to [ treason]. The Jewish Quarter also contained Icenia's largest synagogue of which, RabbiCroc was the Rabbi of. It was one of the most notable sources of Icenian culture and religion during Icenia's original Channer days. Other prominent features of the Jewish Quarter included the Clock Tower, Wall of Prayers which were both torn down and the Jewish Quarter Apartments, which is one of the only remaining buildings from the region still standing today. The JQ was griefed and eventually destroyed by [[Figasaur]] and the Icenian government, due to [[Figasaur]]'s constant trolling of the town. Today the GOR runs through much of the region that was once the JQ.
=== '''Bay Loop ==='''
The economic hub of Icenia, the Bay Loop contains Icenia Central Station, many above ground shops, the Icenian EXP Co-Op, the Icenia Welcome Center. The Bay Loop was the first settled region within Icenia and at the start of the existence of Icenia contained many early cultural staples-like the Sandstone Tower, which was torn down in June of 2019. Much like the JQ, the GOR now runs through most of the Bay Loop region providing shops with ample access to an international rail network.
==='''Oak Row/Oakside==='''
The name oak row was given to the street upon which many [[Jargon|newfriends]] constructed their houses early on in Icenian history. It was marked by buildings nearly completely constructed from the oak trees that once blanketed the island. While some considered it an eye sore, oak row has became a staple of Icenian culture and a reminder of Icenian history. In July, 2019 much of Oak Row was torn down as a result of the Sovia-Icenia War and the construction of the Icenian Space Needle, Icenia's main defensive sky bunker located in the center of the city. Today not much of the original Oak Row remains, however some buildings continue to exist in the area, though their time left in Icenia is unknown at this point. In August, 2019 Oak Row was effectively renamed Oakside, which contains within it Dizian's Tree, The Grand Icenian Stadium, and much of the land directly north of the Central Icenia district. The last true oak row home before the district was torn down completely and renamed was a basic two story oak building owned by [[Painted_Wolf666]].
==='''Versailles ==='''
Named after the city in Chanada from 2.0, Versailles, or Versailles loop was one of the first neighborhoods established within Icenia. Mostly a residential district, Versailles contains within it many of homes of the original settlers within Icenia, as well as the only remaining pub built during Icenia's May "Pub-Boom" (The Naughty Gnome). Versailles was slowly developed after Icenia's victory in the Infinity War for established players living in newfriend districts outside of city center to have a home closer to shops and rail networks.
==='''Mansion Row==='''
Mansion Row was originally a low-population, high build quality region within Icenia, however, it slowly developed into a newfriend district with the passage of Icenia's "New Citizenship Bill" which settled new players to Icenia outside of bastions. Today the region contains pre-built homes made by Torrio as well as Prioma's house, now owned by [[Charlieseeese]].
'''Jah Park'''[[File:JahPark.png|thumb|Jah Park, January 2021|alt=|none|500x500px]]
===Jah Park===
[[File:JahPark.png|thumb|Jah Park, January 2021|alt=|none|500x500px]]
Jah Park is one of the many holy sites of Jahaism. Dedicated to the rapper XXXTentacion, the park contains an open space sporting many stores and a large water fountain. Near the park, there are there are several Icenian heritage sites including the Grand Icenian Septic Tank and the Shitter Shack. Jah Park was griefed in the JQ removal process in October 2019, but was rebuilt by [[Enforcer]]] shortly after. Today the GOR-Icenia Branch extends over Jah Park. In July of 2020, Jah Park was nearly destroyed by [[Figasaur]] associate Spicyboy, but the grief was removed within a day.
=== '''East Side ==='''
East Side is a large suburban district of Icenia located East of Pink Sheep Circle. Originally settled during the "Squarefriend" boom of 2019, the region has perpetually undergone development and re-development due to its nature of being an essential newfriend slum. The region is considered to be an eyesore by many, with quality builds hard to find and most active people from the region moving into city center closer to factories and existing rail infrastructure. One defining feature of East Side is its lack of trees and the abutting buildings that define downtown Icenia. This is primarily due to the nature in which it was set up. In November 2020 the GOR moved through a large portion of East Side destroying many of the buildings without following proper deriliction procedure. This controversial act occured before an election, but most candidates came out in support of the way in which it was done despite objections by some.
