Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

Correct sk8rg8r's name
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m (Correct sk8rg8r's name)
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====== Continued Population Expansion and Creation of Oak Row ======
By this time, Icenia had become known around the server as one of the main destinations for new players, and eventually started gaining non-chan members into its folds. The result of this immigration was the creation of the "Oak Row" district, more or less a slum of houses located behind the now abandoned LordCheiftain tower. During Icenia's early days, the future Oak Row was cleared of trees and flattened to make way for a fortified Yoahtl-style village, however this never came into fruition and the result was land perfect for newfriends. Some newfriends that came during this era were Timbitz, [[PaintedWolf666]], [[Alphagale]], and most infamously, [[sk8terg8trsk8rg8r]], whose first action upon joining Icenia was to raid Ram Ranch.
Oak Row was soon considered a massive eyesore in the shadow of the Icenian downtown, which by May was almost fully built. Many advocated for tearing down the incoherent homes and making pre-built apartments for new players instead, however this never came about. It is notable that no resident of Oak Row has ever maintained Icenian elected office, as most elected officials from Icenia came from more affluent regions such as Stone Row (Anvil, Quanton_Biscut), JQ (Figasaur, Enforcer, ChrisChrispie), or Versailles Loop (Soundtech, Azu).
== Late First Constitutional Era and Second Constitutional Era ==
