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(never was pearled, did it voluntary because i knew c5mmo would probably make me perma'd)
m (Spelling Fixes)
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=== Political Conflict (January 2021-Present) ===
With the fall of CivUniverse and the inactivity of CivRealms due to wars, Icenia recivedreceived a massive influx of players from both servers. Notable players included [[1drop]], prawny, [[Juniortide|JuniorTide]], binchymonkey, IKEAFRIDGE, MrJeremyFarmerMrJeremyFisher, and [[SpacemanSpleef]]. Spacemanspleef would go on to form the ill-fated "colony" of [[Nexton]]<nowiki/> near 0,0, while IKEAFRIDGE would be released from their pearl, gained previously for vault EZ violations, and become a judge.
The influx in players would result in the first true political divide in Icenia since the West Isle conflict, with this coming to a head in the May Elections in which over 9 candidates would run for judge. Primary concerns of new players including the government favoring the "Old Guard" Icenians in court cases, the government not following the Icenian Constitution properly, and laws being flouted in favor of conveincenceconvenience. Notably in April before the May elections, Binchymonkey had been pearled for the actions of his sister, those being building a house on top of Diziantree, and getting pearled for it. ChrisChrispie was sued for murder, lost the court case, and nearly refused to pay reparations to Binchy.
Further division was seen in the case of the existence of Nexton as a whole, with some players within the government becoming scornful of the group of newfriends who had settled there due to their inability to "learn the game", and Nexton claiming that the Icenian Central Government was not upholding their end of the deal and giving them enough resources to be successful. Ultimately, Nexton would officially disband and it's remaining citizens would move underground. Eventually, long term Icenian Minister of Defense and recently appointed Minister of IntellegenceIntelligence [[SoundTech]] would step down for reasons cited as "the Icenian government turning into something he did not like". His replacement, adheadhead, would stir controversy due to citizenship held in [[Hjaltland]], a nation which Icenia was becoming increasingly close to due to economic deals signed onto by Enforcer15 which would bring Hjaltland Industries back to Icenia after a nearly 2 year long hiatus after the Kennedylaw raids in 2019.
Further drama included [[Amelorate]]'s sentencing in a crafting table theft case, in which the court wavered in its opinion on the amount of diamond reps Amel would have to pay to LordCheiftain following a breach in his old factory room located just outside the Cringe Pit exclusion zone. This was in large part due to ChrisChrispie's prodding of judge 1drop to reduce diamond reps from over 100 to around 15. This was seen as an egregious violation of the separation between the judges and the office of the President which had been established in July of 2019 via [[Vend3tta]]'s constitutional rewrite. Also included in the controversy was supposed mishandling of evidence on if the armor factories LordCheiftan claimed existed ever did in the first place. Based on the mishandling of evidence, the case was dropped with no punishment for [[Amelorate]].
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'''The Jewish Quarter'''
The Jewish Quarter (JQ) was one of the most prominent and well designed portions of Icenia City during its early days. It contained the city's primary factory room and housed a vast portion of Icenia's shops and businesses. The district was constructed primarily by [[Figasaur]] and RabbiCroc after receiving a pearmapearlpermapearl sentence from [[Mount Augusta]] due to [ treason]. The Jewish Quarter also contained Icenia's largest synagogue of which, RabbiCroc was the Rabbi of. It was one of the most notable sources of Icenian culture and religion during Icenia's original Channer days. Other prominent features of the Jewish Quarter included the Clock Tower, Wall of Prayers which were both torn down and the Jewish Quarter Apartments, which is one of the only remaining buildings from the region still standing today. The JQ was griefed and eventually destroyed by [[Figasaur]] and the Icenian government, due to [[Figasaur]]'s constant trolling of the town. Today the GOR runs through much of the region that was once the JQ.
'''Bay Loop'''
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'''East Side'''
East Side is a large suburban district of Icenia located East of Pink Sheep Circle. Originally settled during the "Squarefriend" boom of 2019, the region has perpetually undergone development and re-development due to its nature of being an essential newfriend slum. The region is considered to be an eyesore by many, with quality builds hard to find and most active people from the region moving into city center closer to factories and existing rail infrastructure. One defining feature of East Side is its lack of trees and the abutting buildings that define downtown Icenia. This is primarily due to the nature in which it was set up. In November 2020 the GOR moved through a large portion of East Side destroying many of the buildings without following proper derilictiondereliction procedure. This controversial act occuredoccurred before an election, but most candidates came out in support of the way in which it was done despite objections by some.
== External Districts of Icenia ==
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===Nexus (0,0)===
Nexus is an external district in Icenia that serves as a major international rail hub for much of the server. Nexus was formally transferred to Icenia by John Smith aka. [[Stonato]] after the Icenian-Finglish Summit in late April 2019, after a period of abandonment. Icenia maintains a direct connection to Nexus via its 0,0 'rail switch compatible' rail line, which also serves as a major transport artery to +,+ nations such as Caledonia. After the Infinity War, Icenian Amelorate fully rebuilt the 0,0 railhub, making it rail switch compatablecompatible on the Nexus International Gateway rail standard and constructing a new station accessible from the ground without the use of a minecart.
===Tritan Island===
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Icenia's Astonia claims stem from the Astonia Land Rush of 2019, in which former player SinjoroJoCrafter's nation Astonia (which claimed much of the region now occupied by balkanized Astonias) imploded, prompting nations in the region to claim land over the former Astonia to antagonize Jo. Initially, Icenia operated a region in-between Upper Astonia (Columbia) and Downer Astonia (Imperial Truidence) known simply as Astonia. Later, Columbia ceded their Upper Astonian claim to Icenia, and large farms were built in the claim to facilitate XP production.
The Stormire Highlands sit east of Astonia, and are the result of a trade deal between Icenia and Imperial Truidence. In this deal, Icenia ceded a small mesa biome nestled within IT's claims in exchange for diamonds and the claim to the Stormire Highlands, which ObtainableSpatula purchased from Aurum. Today, with the deletion of cactus from XP recipiesrecipes, the Stormland Highlands serve little purpose for Icenia.
===Western Islands===
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AfterrescindingAfter rescinding its application to join the UNC, Icenia opted to attempt to join [[SATO]] due to mutual connections to many of the alliance's previous leadership being associated with nations that [[ChrisChrispie]] had connections with in Civcraft 2.0, notably [[Bgbba]] through Chanada, who was now leading [[Yoahtl]]. SATO was also the only alliance outside of the UNC that was relatively stable in the world at the time, as [[NATO]] was engaged in an ongoing and stalled war with Mir, and joining the [[NCA]] was out of question. SATO was hesitant to admit Icenia given its reputation for being rowdy in server politics and the fact that Figasaur and Cr0codile, members of the JQ, resided in Icenia and were accepted there as members of Icenian society. However, despite these reservations, SATO voted to bring Icenia on as an associate member believing that if the JQ was to be contained, it was best contained in Icenia.
Relations with SATO while in the alliance were lukewarm, while SATO hesitantly supported Icenia during the [[Mount Augusta]] extradition crisis, relations began to become frayed as Icenia and [[Bloom]] continued petty spats over Fig and Croc's willingness to rabblerouse in the region and accuse players of antisemitism. This came to a head after the first Icenian debates in late May, 2019 when then-candidate Figasaur accused specificlanguage (managing Mount Augustan voter registration) of various allegations in regards to Fig's time in the Mount Augustan JQ. It was at this time that a mutual agreement was made between Icenia and members of SATO that the alliance was simply not going to work. The loss of Icenian pearls in [[Hjaltland]]'s vault resulting in a resuming of alt-raiding in the city. Despite all of this, Icenia remains close with several SATO nations including [[Vinland]] and [[The Commonwealth]].