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===Founding on Civclassic===
In March of 2019, [[ChrisChrispie]] became active on the Civcraft community again after 2 years of inactivity and traveled to the -,- with the intention on joining [[Bloom]] and running for their Parliament. However, these plans did not pan out and, after consulting with [[Varkonia|Varkonian]] leader Mickale, a tract of land over what once was Antietam Isles and [[Ring of Essence]] was granted to [[ChrisChrispie]] to re-establish Icenia. The re-establishment of Icenia occurred on March 11, 2019, and was announced to the subreddit that night.
===Pre-Constitution Era (March 2019)===
Icenia's early development was initiated by [[ChrisChrispie]] shortly after Icenia's publicly announced return. Despite the notoriety of Icenia as a nation, most players on the server were well-established and not interested in starting from scratch once again. Thus, [[ChrisChrispie]] was alone when he built the first building in Icenia: a dirt shack on the beach. Slowly, new players started to join the nation. The first few came from Musicbook, where [[ChrisChrispie]] was well known, but did not stick around for long. DarkMalivas was the first non-Musicbook member to join the nation and built Icenia's first residential complex: the Sandstone Tower. The Sandstone Tower would later draw the ire of most Icenians as being an eyesore upon the expanding harbor skyline. Eventually, it was torn down after standing for three months to make way for Icenia's own [[Corvus]] shop, which itself was torn down after a period of dereliction.
It was around this time that Icenia began to develop its Chan influence when DreadedNova, a previous citizen of Polynesia in Civcraft 2.0, joined the nation and quickly moved up the ranks to become assistant leader of Icenia during its Pre-Constitution era. DreadedNova would go on to invite other players from various [[4Chan]] associated Minecraft servers and soon Icenia began to grow at a quick pace. During this time, Icenia saw growth along Gapplar Drive, then the central hub of Icenian development. DreadedNova would build his windmill during this time and LordChieftain would construct the "Cobble Castle", the first stage of a planned city development that would have made Icenia a walled and compact city. This plan never came to fruition. The Cobble Castle would later be torn down, and its basement used for the Icenian Space Needle, a [[skybunker]] which serves as a station of command for the Icenian Militia.
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=== First Icenian Population Boom and Mount Augusta Dispute (April 2019) ===
Icenia began experiencing a population boom at the end of March 2019. It was during this time that many [[Sovia|Sovians]] established dual citizenship within Icenia including [[Pirater]], Gamephobic, iakwai, and others. Icenia had also at this time completed a rail line to Bloom, which had just closed its borders to new players after continuing alt-raids caused issues for the nation. This caused many new players not associated with Sovia to join Icenia as well, given the fact that it was the closest active nation to Bloom in the region. Also helpful to Icenia's population boom was its association with former Chan players. Many players came to Icenia from /int/craft, /pol/craft, and the remnants of the Chanseatic State after its destruction and subsequent handoff to Mir by Nes2, a former associate of [[ChrisChrispie]] during Civcraft 2.0 in the towns of Intis and Chanos. Most of the new population during this time settled in Versilles Loop, located next to the Greenbelt that had existed to block off what became the Redlight district from the JQ. Ram Ranch was founded during this time. The famous Icenian CBT shack was also built during this time, and many of the original buildings constructed in Pre-Constitution era Icenia began to be torn down.
The prominent event of this era was the "Mount Augusta Crisis". During the week of April 20th, 2019, a new account named Tylerj05 entered Icenia and became a resident of the nation, joining the Icenian discord and renting a room in Figasaur's apartments. Tylerj05, for the rest of his time in Icenia, simply walked around and built a smoothstone shack on the beach by Sunnyshore Village, at that time fairy far from Icenia proper. On April 24th, 2019, Figasaur logged in for the first time since since Tylerj05's arrival and was subsequently pearled and boated to Mount Augusta over Augustan claims dating from the very start of 2019 of treason. The pearl was then handed to DRECO and Figasaur was placed in Mount Augusta's vault, eventually being upgraded to an end pearl.
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==== Signing of the First Icenian Constitution ====
At the end of the month of April, the First Icenian Constitution was finalized and approved by [[ChrisChrispie]], effectively forming the modern Icenian governmental system.The following players were chosen to lead the first iteration of the Grand Ministry.
* President: '''ChrisChrispie'''
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====== Gollygeekid Snitch Incident ======
One week into the terms of the ministers, the first major controversy of the First Constitution Era arose when Gollygeekid was caught on snitches in Imperial Truidence greifing land, attempting to dig up snitches, and breaking into homes. When presented with evidence, Gollygeekid denied any hostile intentions, but the damage was done and [[ChrisChrispie]] asked him to resign rather than risk perusing executive power so early into the first term of ministers. Gollygeekid resigned and an election was forfeited, with [[ChrisChrispie]] opting to appoint Vendetta to the position of judge.
====== Kennedylaw and HJE Industries Destruction ======
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====== More changes in government structure and early EXP ambitions. ======
Vendetta would serve as judge for a week and a half until resigning in an attempt to create his own nation near near Caledonia. In his place, [[ChrisChrispie]] appointed Lagiacrus11 who brought stability to a judgeship that seemed perpetually in motion. Icenia also negotiated land from Gensokyo during this time for a mesa colony and a rail line was built to it. This mesa claim became Icenia's first exclave, served as the springboard for discussions on producing XP domestically. Though unable for most of the summer to produce EXP on their own, eventually Icenia was able to create a revolutionary EXP co-op in August of 2019.
====== Icenia at the Gensokyo Olympics ======
Icenia made its first appearance at an international event during this time at the Gensokyo Olympics, which resulted in one silver medal being won by [[ChrisChrispie]] in chess. More notable during the event however was the slaughter of an Icenian in the Gensokyo Olympic Arena by FourofFive, Bloomian Parliament member ThirdofFive's brother. Event security quickly apprehended the assailant and the pearl was sent to Hjaltland for a week. Icenians competed in most of the events at the Gensokyo Olympics.
====== Continued Population Expansion and Creation of Oak Row ======
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On December 1st, 2019 Icenia was obby bombed by VPN alts. After a massive outpouring of help from many of the nations on the server, one of the admins, Bagi, removed the grief after it was found out that one of the perpetrators had been using VPNs. Shortly after the attack, Genoskyo, Coventhia, Commonwealth, and SPQR were also obby bombed, forcing Icenia to begin quick militarization. Eventually, the base of operations for the obby bombings was found by Lodish, when he walked into the territory of the vault.
[[ChrisChrispie]] was later pearled during a valiant midday effort to break bastions at Bang City, a place of degeneracy and sin the likes of Sodom and Gomorrah. Chris was flanked from the side while the more competent PvPers fought daringly and pushed with massive force into the trench of Parkervault. Finding himself in the dung infested waters, [[ChrisChrispie]] allowed himself to be pearled by one of Parker's goons, a man who no doubt bought child slaves earlier that day in order to work faster on the vault. Upon Chris being pearled, Icenia entered into a perpetual state of mourning. Church bells rang, the parrots DSclouse had placed in the town center stopped chirping, and the sky opened up as a cascade of rain fell upon the city. Enforcer[[Enforcer15]] it is even said wept a little, a man who prided himself on stoic behavior on the field of battle. One thing was clear however after Chris' death-Icenia was in the midst of war.
Over the course of the week, Icenia was used as a coalition staging ground and massive infrastructure was created with haste to ensure safe travel to the front lines outside of [[Lusitania]]. By 12-16-19, Ransakistan was in a downward spiral with many of its leadership pearled in consistent bastion breaking efforts by combined Coalition and Entente/Mirrian forces and by 12/17/19, the Ransakistanis were on life support before a final and impromptu push began to disable 'Cumdragon' the name chosen by Parker for the vault. After a 14 hour siege, the vault was disabled and the pearls of Hockey and Chris were freed. Ransakistan had fallen, and the coalition had won.
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Icenia would also find themselves the owners of Bloom, their former allies in the UDF. Bloom would go inactive and move to Realms during the period of server inactivity mentioned above. As a result, negotiations were opened with the remaining Bloomians and all groups were handed to the Icenian government, including groups for the smaller Bloom vault. Bloomians would eventually work their way back to the server however, and Icenia would give back the city proper to Ashlor, with the remaining land being unclaimed as a "frontier" under administrative control of Icenia with the icea that new nations, defined by the Icenian government, could be granted it to establish themselves. Tritan Island would remain with Icenia along with Hyperion, a large flat and square tract of land near the former nation of TVtopia.
Icenia also experienced an influx of old players seeking a new life in the active streets of Icenia. The majority of Pacem would end up moving to Icenia, with Naglafer becoming Icenia's first new Minister of Interior in over a year. With this influx, the largest economy ever seen in Icenia developed, with Naglafer claiming Hyperion Island for Titan Industries, and large farms being constructed by [[Enforcer15]] and other Icenians in former Carbon claims, Icenia's nether biome claim, East Side Icenia, and the island of Blumfeild off the far West coast of Icenia.
Icenia would also find themselves the owners of parts of Wayrest claims and Astonia claims as a direct result of agreements made after the Infinity War, with Wayrest eventually being split jointly between several UDF nations. Astonia would remain a relatively inactive part of Icenia, but plans were made to turn the region into a critical region for EXP production of primarily melon.
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===Jah Park===
Jah Park is one of the many holy sites of Jahaism. Dedicated to the rapper XXXTentacion, the park contains an open space sporting many stores and a large water fountain. Near the park, there are there are several Icenian heritage sites including the Grand Icenian Septic Tank and the Shitter Shack. Jah Park was griefed in the JQ removal process in October 2019, but was rebuilt by [[Enforcer]]] shortly after. Today the GOR-Icenia Branch extends over Jah Park. In July of 2020, Jah Park was nearly destroyed by [[Figasaur]] associate Spicyboy, but the grief was removed within a day.
=== East Side ===
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==== Characteristics of Jahaism ====
Jahaism is loosely structured but primarily follows the beliefs outlined by Judaism with the exception of god being recognized as Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy instead of 'God' as described in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). The religious head of Jahaism was RabbiCroc who operated a synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Icenia before being kicked out. Today the religious head of the faith is Rabbi Pastor President-For Life Doctor [[ChrisChrispie]]. Hallowed symbols and artifacts include:
* Gekyume's Foreskin
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Jah Day occures on June 18, in remembrance of our lord and savior Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy's assassination. In Icenia, Jah Park becomes the center of the celebration.
* Gekyume's Foreskin is placed upon a pedestal. The faithful line up to touch / kiss it to receive a blessing. It should be noted that the original foreskin was stolen by Corvus citizen Ron_Paul before being found by Varkonia in the Corvus-Entente war and misplaced in a chest before being re-found by Mickle and gifted to [[ChrisChrispie]] during the June 2020 Jah Day Celebrations. Today this holy relic is located secretly and behind high security in Icenia.
* Prominent leaders and rabbis make speeches.
* The faithful gather in a septic tank to bathe in the holy waters of Jah.
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Historically, Icenia maintained positive relations with [[Sovia]]/[[New Sovia]], and much of the Pre-Constitution era was defined by a peaceful co-existence between Icenian's and Sovians in the nation. Many 'first wave' citizens in Icenia were avid players of /pol/andcraft, and were brought into Icenia by Sovians creating a strong early culture in the nation and several 'districts' with Ram Ranch being the most notable. The land Icenia was built upon was also at one point owned in part by Gamephobic, who's first house on the server was flattened recently in the Southeastern region of Antietam Island, where Icenia City is located.
Relations began to sour after breaches of trust between the government of Icenia and Sovians. After the attack on [[Nyasaland]], the government of Icenia cracked down on TNT stashes carried into the nation after it was discovered that AngryPepsi had compacted incredible amounts on the explosive and had stored it within Icenian territory. The UNC was also given the authority to pearl anyone involved in the Nyasaland bombing not yet captured even if they were residing in Icenia. Later, [[ChrisChrispie]] was accused of stealing diamond blocks from [[Pirater]] which were being used to help build New Sovia. When presented with evidence, [[ChrisChrispie]] gave the blocks back. However, this would permanently damage relations between the two groups.
Relations collapsed in mid June of 2019, when Swiftfizz and many other New Sovians entered Icenian territory and entered restricted land, later spamming the coordinates of this area in the in-game global group chat, Civclassic discord, and Civclassic subreddit. This resulted in SwiftFizz's banning from Icenia under the newly passed 'Reasonable Suspicion Act'. Days later, a player by the name of mugo would be pearled in New Sovia for carrying TNT on his person. This player would later be revealed to be an alt account of LordChieftain. A few days later the conflict heated up into what is known as the '[[Clown Wars]]'. The Clown Wars would last for a week with two Icenians being pearled and relations with Entente and Corvus dropping due to violence on the streets of Icenia between individuals from both nations. Eventually, a white peace was signed and the Clown Wars would end. Eventually Pirater would be pearled by Entente during the Laconia-Entente conflict.
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Despite this, the UNC was Icenia's greatest trading partner until its eventual demise and in June 2019 Varkonia remained the only active [[Enchanting|EXP]] and [[Jargon|Bastion]] supplier in Icenia after the shuttering of [[Hjaltland|HJI]] on an international scale.
In late July of 2019, tensions with the UNC began to flare again after the Sovia-Icenia War, nicknamed the Clown Wars. This was directly related to the releasing of screenshots by Swiftfizz that showed Icenian leader [[ChrisChrispie]] had partook in the obbybombing of Crowsroost before the UNC invasion along with [[Pirater]], and that Chris had invited the Sovians to build defensive infrastructure in Icenia after the attack on Nyasaland. The June 20th Attack upon Icenia had also served as pretext for the pearling of BritishWanderer by Thoths_Librarian in an attempt to free PapaPound through negotiations from the Hjaltland Vault. This led to controversy involving Ev0cator and Thoths over their alleged alt-raiding of UNC territories. As a result of the leaking of screenshots, the UNC for a short time considered declaring war upon Icenia, however, this never came into fruition as the screenshots were over four months old, Icenia was no longer allied in any way with the Sovians, and there were bigger issues ongoing in the region.
By the time the UNC disbanded, Icenia had shored up relations with Imperial Truidence and Bloom and the UDF was created in the wake of the abandonment of the UNC, leading to an era of Icenian history known as Pax-Icenia-a time comparable to the 1990's in the United States.
==== SATO ====
After pulling out of their application to join the UNC, Icenia opted to attempt to join [[SATO]] due to mutual connections to many of the alliances previous leadership being associated with nations that [[ChrisChrispie]] had connections with in Civcraft 2.0, notably [[Bgbba]] through Chanada, who was now leading [[Yoahtl]]. SATO was also the only alliance outside of the UNC that was relatively stable in the world at the time as [[NATO]] was engaged in an ongoing and stalled war with Mir, and joining the [[NCA]] was out of question. SATO was hesitant to let Icenia fully on board given the nations reputation for being rowdy in server politics and the fact that Figasaur and Cr0codile, members of the JQ, had moved to Icenia and were accepted there as major members of Icenian society. However, despite these reservations, SATO voted to bring Icenia on as an associate member believing that if the JQ was to be contained, it was best contained in an area such as Icenia.
Relations with SATO while in the alliance were lukewarm, while SATO hesitantly supported Icenia during the [[Mount Augusta]] extradition crisis, relations began to become frayed as Icenia and [[Bloom]] continued petty spats over Fig and Croc's willingness to stir the pot in the region and throw accusations of anti-antisemitism at other leaders. This came to a head after the first Icenian ministerial debate in late May, 2019 when then candidate Fig accused specificlanguage (managing Mount Augustan voter registration) of various allegations in regards to Fig's time in the Mount Augustan JQ. It was at this time that a mutual agreement was made between Icenia and members of SATO that the alliance was simply not going to work. The loss of Icenian pearls in [[Hjaltland]]'s vault resulting in a resuming of alt-raiding in the city. Despite all of this, Icenia remains close with several SATO nations including [[Vinland]] and [[The Commonwealth]].
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=== NATO ===
Feelings toward NATO in the early life of Icenia were neutral, if not slightly supportive of the alliance. This was due to overarching grudges carried over from 2.0 by [[ChrisChrispie]], the presence of a large Sovian majority in Icenia, shared cultural history in Chanada, and an overarching fear of Mir and the UNC after several incidents with Bloom. However, relations began to sour as soon as Icenia began to have issues with Laconia and Corvus. Icenia would become completely opposed, though not at war with NATO, during the War of the Coalition. Shortly after the war however, obby bombers seen in Ransakistan began appearing in NATO allied vaults as defenders and the decision was soon made to go to war with NATO. Today Icenia and NATO remain bitter enemies and continue to fight each other in Columbia and around the server.
== Wars ==
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Icenia was a major player in the War of the Coalition following the December 1st. 2019 Obby Bombing of Icenia and the subsequent bombing of Gensokyo, Commonwealth, Coventhia, and Yoahtl. Although the admins had cleaned up Icenia's obby due the perpetrators being on VPN alts, the city was nearly obby bombed again when several Ransakistani's made it into West Isle before being pushed back by a large presence of SATO, UDF, and Mir fighters to defend the city. After the Ransakistani Vault was located by Commonwealth citizen [[Lodish]], who was subsequently pearled and held by the members of the rogue nation, Icenia was set up as a forward operating base for many of the fighters of the Coalition on their way to the [[Battle of Lusitania|Lusitan front lines]], and after the short abandonment of Lusitania, the closest nation to offensive operations moving forward. During this time Icenia greatly improved their defensive infrastructure by building massive ice roads, finishing the new skybunker, and further developing their EXP industry to one of the servers largest.
Most members of the Icenian government fought on the front-lines of the war, including President [[ChrisChrispie]] who was pearled by Admiralbang after getting into a small skirmish along the trench of the Ransakistani vault trench. Chris was held for over a week, along with Caledonia's Hockey and Lodish before being freed after a massive Coalition assault on the vault which would lead to the end of Ransakistan.
As a result of the war, Icenia's position in the international community was greatly improved. Exiting the war Icenia was seen more competent nation in terms of its military, leadership, and trade than before the war. In particular, relations were deeply repaired between Icenia and both SATO and Entente.