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m (Correct sk8rg8r's name)
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By this time, Icenia had become known around the server as one of the main destinations for new players, and eventually started gaining non-chan members into its folds. The result of this immigration was the creation of the "Oak Row" district, more or less a slum of houses located behind the now abandoned LordCheiftain tower. During Icenia's early days, the future Oak Row was cleared of trees and flattened to make way for a fortified Yoahtl-style village, however this never came into fruition and the result was land perfect for newfriends. Some newfriends that came during this era were Timbitz, [[PaintedWolf666]], [[Alphagale]], and most infamously, [[sk8rg8r]], whose first action upon joining Icenia was to raid Ram Ranch.
Oak Row was soon considered a massive eyesore in the shadow of the Icenian downtown, which by May was almost fully built. Many advocated for tearing down the incoherent homes and making pre-built apartments for new players instead, however this never came about. It is notable that no resident of Oak Row has ever maintained Icenian elected office, as most elected officials from Icenia came from more affluent regions such as Stone Row ([[Anvil]], Quanton_Biscut[[Quanton_Biscuit]]), JQ ([[Figasaur]], Enforcer[[Enforcer15]], [[ChrisChrispie]]), or Versailles Loop (Soundtech[[SoundTech]], Azu[[Azulaloi]]).
== Late First Constitutional Era and Second Constitutional Era ==
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{{See also|Chic-Fil-A Crisis}}
Icenian population continued to flourish after May of 2019, and the May elections in Icenia saw the highest turnout yet, electing [[Figasaur]] and Quanton_Biscut[[Quanton_Biscuit]] to the positions of Judge for the first time. Icenia was still underdeveloped militarily however, and its economy at its lowest state. Quickly the state decided to take on a policy of both defensive and economic development, especially in the face of what they saw as a growing threat from the UNC, specifically the nation of Varkonia. Also aiding this desire to expand defensively was that Icenia and SATO had come to a mutual agreement to end the associate member status of the nation due to Figasaur gaining more prominence within the Icenian government. It was around this time that the decision to construct both a skybunker downtown and a medium sized vault in the further reaches of the nation took place, and construction began led by Figasaur and Rurik. However, construction on the vault was mothballed after Rurik left Icenia and Figasaur determined that his plan for construction was leaked to NATO. The result of this was all work went into the rickety one-bastion skybunker, dubbed the 'The Spaceneedle'. Also during this time the majority of the New Sovia minority left the nation out of a growing tension between Gamephobic, Pirater, and the Icenian government. Around this time "modern Icenia" as we know it began to be formed, with the UNC disbanding allowing the creation of the UDF with Icenia, Bloom, and Imperial Truidence in the alliance, the arrival of both adeadhead and Enforcer15, two individuals who would become industry giants in the nation, and the creation of West Isle as a state within Icenia.
=== Late Summer 2019: Tension with West Isle and the Second Constitution ===
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During Icenia's period of inactivity there was little change in the Icenian government, so much so that the September 2020 election consisted of only 5 people running for judge, most at last minute. During the September election, DroidJoe would come out victorious, however once it was discovered he held government positions in Varkonia, the election went to a new player named Mason, who would become the first member of the Icenian Workers Party to pick up a seat in the Icenain Ministry. Things started to pick up in October and Novemember of 2020 with elections, with the elections of November 2020 seeing the most candidates running for Judge positons, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of the Interior.
Notably, Minister of Defense Soundtech[[SoundTech]] was allowed to run for all three elected positions, throwing a wrench into the election. The hottest drama during the election however was the Naglafer v. Minemaster election for Minister of Interior with Minemaster running under the SNP (Stop Naglafer Party) and claiming that his opponent "did nothing for the Republic of Icenia". While [[Naglafer]] would go on to win this position, early in the election it seemed it would come down to a runoff because of SoundtechSoundTech's existence in the race.
Charliesse[[Charlieseeese]], a former citizen on Yoahtl and an Infinity War veteran would end up picking up the vacant seat for judge left by incumbent [[LordCheiftain]], who decided not to run for re-election. This position was highly contested though, with FreestyleJr, xDarkDiamond, and others nearly taking the position. Driving political discourse was Onii_Chan[[Oniii_Chan]]'s, The Grand Judge of Icenia, schtick of stealing crafting tables from homes. Charlie would run on an anti-crafting table theft platform which tapped into the sentiments of many new players who had fallen victim to the crime. Despite the controvery, Onii_ChanOniii_Chan would sweep the election for Grand Judge, winning over 45% of all 1st place votes in Icenia.
== Districts of Icenia ==
=== Icenia City ===
Icenia City is a sprawling urban center that is the capital of the Republic of Icenia. With a population of approximately 20 active players, Icenia City is one of the most populated and active cities on Civclassic. The city does not conform to the standard "city block" meta that is common to Civcraft and instead utilizes a more organic planning methodology similar to those used in cities on the American East Coast. Icenia City is divided in to several smaller districts or neighborhoods that each contain a unique building style or theme. The most well known areas include The Jewish Quarter (JQ) which has since been demolished and replaced, Oak Row, Ram Ranch, Mansion Row, and Pink Sheep Circle. Icenia City also houses the primary rail station in Icenia that has international rail lines to the [[Zero Zero]] (Nexus), Bloom, [[Varkonia]] ([[Gabon]]), [[Imperial Trudence]], [[Vinland]], and [[Gensokyo]]. The rail station also contains on its upper floor the GOR, which runs to Yoahtl. Furthermore, Icenia's rail station has a vast network of domestic lines that allow citizens and visitors to quickly traverse the nation.
===The Jewish Quarter===
The Jewish Quarter (JQ) was one of the most prominent and well designed portions of Icenia City during its early days. It contained the city's primary factory room and housed a vast portion of Icenia's shops and businesses. The district was constructed primarily by [[Figasaur]] and RabbiCroc after receiving a pearmapearl sentence from [[Mount Augusta]] due to [ treason]. The Jewish Quarter also contained Icenia's largest synagogue of which, RabbiCroc was the Rabbi of. It was one of the most notable sources of Icenian culture and religion during Icenia's original Channer days. Other prominent features of the Jewish Quarter included the Clock Tower, Wall of Prayers which were both torn down and the Jewish Quarter Apartments, which is one of the only remaining buildings from the region still standing today. The JQ was griefed and eventually destroyed by [[Figasaur]] and the Icenian government, due to [[Figasaur]]'s constant trolling of the town. Today the GOR runs through much of the region that was once the JQ.
=== Bay Loop ===
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===Mansion Row===
Mansion Row was originally a low-population, high build quality region within Icenia, however, it slowly developed into a newfriend district with the passage of Icenia's "New Citizenship Bill" which settled new players to Icenia outside of bastions. Today the region contains pre-built homes made by Torrio as well as Prioma's house, now owned by Charliecheese[[Charlieseeese]].
===Jah Park===
Jah Park is one of the many holy sites of Jahaism. Dedicated to the rapper XXXTentacion, the park contains an open space sporting many stores and a large water fountain. Near the park, there are there are several Icenian heritage sites including the Grand Icenian Septic Tank and the Shitter Shack. Jah Park was griefed in the JQ removal process in October 2019, but was rebuilt by Enforcer shortly after. Today the GOR-Icenia Branch extendedsextends over Jah Park. In July of 2020, Jah Park was nearly destroyed by [[Figasaur]] associate Spicyboy, but the grief was removed within a day.
=== East Side ===
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=== Septic Tanks ===
Septic tanks are a key feature in Icenian culture. Brought to popularity by [[Figasaur]]'s daring escape from MtA and Spicyboy's trial (in which he claimed he couldcouldn't have committed a murder in MtA due to bathing in the cities septic tanks), many homes in Icenia now posses this key feature. Icenia City also has a large public septic tank that has been home to several celebrations including Jah Day.
=== G vs Barkey ===
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Relations began to sour after breaches of trust between the government of Icenia and Sovians. After the attack on [[Nyasaland]], the government of Icenia cracked down on TNT stashes carried into the nation after it was discovered that AngryPepsi had compacted incredible amounts on the explosive and had stored it within Icenian territory. The UNC was also given the authority to pearl anyone involved in the Nyasaland bombing not yet captured even if they were residing in Icenia. Later, ChrisChrispie was accused of stealing diamond blocks from [[Pirater]] which were being used to help build New Sovia. When presented with evidence, ChrisChrispie gave the blocks back. However, this would permanently damage relations between the two groups.
Relations collapsed in mid June of 2019, when Swiftfizz and many other New Sovians entered Icenian territory and entered restricted land, later spamming the coordinates of this area in the in-game global group chat, Civclassic discord, and Civclassic subreddit. This resulted in SwiftfizzSwiftFizz's banning from Icenia under the newly passed 'Reasonable Suspicion Act'. Days later, a player by the name of mugo would be pearled in New Sovia for carrying TNT on his person. This player would later be revealed to be an alt account of LordChieftain. A few days later the conflict heated up into what is known as the '[[Clown Wars]]'. The Clown Wars would last for a week with two Icenians being pearled and relations with Entente and Corvus dropping due to violence on the streets of Icenia between individuals from both nations. Eventually, a white peace was signed and the Clown Wars would end. Eventually Pirater would be pearled by Entente during the Laconia-Entente conflict.
=== Alliances ===
'''UDF''' <br />Icenia is currently a member, and founding member of, the United Defensive Front or the [[UDF]].
The UDF currently consists of fellow shallow -,- nation Imperial Truidence, as well as [[Columbia]], [[Yoahtl]], and [[Southshire]]. This alliance was created in late July after the UNC collapsed after the Evocator/Corvus scandal and Varkonia's decision to form the Entente. Icenia wrote much of the original draft of the UDF charter and the first spokesperson of the UDF was [[Vend3tta]], the Icenian Minister of Foreign Affairs (June-July 2019). Currently, Icenia holds the Defense Secretary position within the UDF with their Defense Minister, Soundtech[[SoundTech]], serving in the position. The UDF was been the source of much controversy within Icenia, primarily between the IFP (Icenia First Party) and the IDP (Icenia Defense Party).
==== UNC ====
Icenia was formerly part of the GNA in Civcraft 2.0, and the UNC became a spiritual successor, and it was only natural for Icenia to apply to join the UNC. This was due to these historical connections and the neighbors of Icenia being UNC members, including [[Bloom]] and [[Varkonia]]. The UNC had given early support to the establishment of Icenia in Civclassic, with Varkonia giving the new nation city bastions and materials for basic factories. Bloom also gave early attention to Icenia and even requested that Icenia join Bloom as a separate city within their nation.
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=== Clown Wars ===
The Clown Wars were an undeclared war / conflict with New Sovia that mostly consisted of [[Jargon|subreddit pvp]] with a small amount of action consisting of a series of Sovian trespasses on Icenian military installations, the assassination and pearling of Icenian Judge: [[Quanton_Biscuit]], the pearling of mugo, and a small raid / riot within Icenia City. A peace deal between the two nations was signed June, 26th, 2019 after Icenia placed an 800 diamond [[International Justice|bounty]] on Swiftfizz. Many of the tensions created by the Clown Wars extended over into the eventual LSD and Chic-Fil-A crisis and Icenia's short, but eventual, declaration of war upon Laconia following the fall of Ransakistan.
=== War of the Coalition ===