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=== Involvement in Nyasan-Channer War (March- Early April 2019) ===
On April 9th, 2019 Sovia attacked the [[UNC]] (United Northern Congress)member nation [[Nyasaland]] for the pearling of Lakupippu. After heavy fighting and bombing of Palgrave City (Nyasaland's capital), the majority of the attackers were pearled and sent either to either [[Mir]]'s vault or Nyasaland's vault.
One of the attackers pearled in Sovia's attack on Nyasaland was LordChieftain, then an established member of Icenia, and the majority of the Sovian attackers had been granted, or were under the process to be granted, dual citizenship in the Republic of Icenia.
As a result, UNC-Icenian relations immediately took a turn for the worse. The UNC was strongly opposed to Icenia's notoriously strict anti-bounty hunting laws, and many Sovian'sSovians had taken refuge in Icenia after the attacks as a direct result of the laws and the security they provided. This caused accusations against Icenia claimingthat claimed that the nation was harboring wanted criminals.
On April 13th, 2019, AngryPepsi, a new player under Sovian influence, attacked Palgrave City again carrying on his person a number of end crystals and stacks of TNT. AngryPepsi was pearled, but shortly released and took refuge for a brief amount of time in Icenia to be with the rest of the Sovians, most of who were now full citizens of Icenia the nation due to the annexation of Sovia-[[Verda|Verdan]] land by Nyasaland and the reinstatement of the throne in Crowsroost. (Verda's capital).
After being released, AngryPepsi would travel to [[Bloom]] with more end crystals and attempt to bomb the reinforced BloomBloomian rail station. This attack was almost immediately stopped, but resulted in Bloom taking drastic measures against Icenia. Bloomians in Icenia were asked to close their shops, remove dual citizenship from the nation if they had it, and the Bloomian parliament took up a vote to restrict trade and travel to Icenia in totality via embargo. Although thisthese acts would not pass due to diplomatic pressure, a rogue citizen of Bloom, HuM4nB3inG, would intentionally grief the Icenian-Bloom railway with aan obsidian deathtrap. This resulted in his pearling by Bloom at the request of Icenia and sentencing in Icenia subsequently, being punished to penal labor building the new Icenian-[[Imperial Truidence]] rail line through the Underlands of Icenia.
As a further result, Icenia removed its application to join the UNC, an organization which it had historically been apart of in 2.0 when it had operated under the GNA (Grand Northern Alliance) name. Relations with the UNC continued to be negative at best until its eventual disbandment in July of 2019.
=== First Icenian Population Boom and Mount Augusta Dispute (April 2019) ===
Icenia began experiencing a population boom at the end of March 2019. It was during this time that many [[Sovia|Sovians]] established dual citizenship within Icenia including [[Pirater]], Gamephobic, iakwai, and others. Icenia had also aroundat this time completed a rail line to Bloom, which had just closed its borders to new players after continuing alt-raids caused issues for the nation. This caused many new players not associated with Sovia to join Icenia as well, given the fact that it was the closest active nation to Bloom in the region. Also helpful to Icenia's population boom during this era was its association with former Chan players. Many players came to Icenia from /int/craft, /pol/craft, and the remnants of the Chansiatic State after its destruction and subsequent handoff to Mir by Nes2, a former associate of ChrisChrispie during Civcraft 2.0 in the towns of Intis and Chanos. Most of the new population during this time settled in Versilles Loop, located next to the Greenbelt that had existed to block off what became the Redlight district from the JQ. Ram Ranch was founded during this time. asThe wellfamous as the explosion of Bookstores owned by both Rurik and Figasaur. TheIcenian CBT shack was also built during this time, and many of the original buildings constructed in Pre-Constitution era Icenia began to be torn down.
The dominantprominent diplomatic issue that occurred during this era was the "Mount Augusta Crisis". During the week of April 20th, 2019, a new account named Tylerj05 entered Icenia and became a resident of the nation, joining the Icenian discord and renting a room in Figasaur's apartments in the JQ. Tylerj05 for the rest of his time in Icenia simply walked around and built a smoothstone shack on the beach by Sunnyshore Village, at that time fairy far from Icenia proper. On April 24th, 2019, Figasaur logged in for the first time Tylerj05since wassince onTylerj05's arrival and was subsequently pearled and boated to Mount Augusta over Augustan claims dating from the very start of 2019 overof treason. The pearl was then handed to DRECO and Figasaur was placed in the vault of Mount Augusta's vault, eventually being upgraded to an end pearl.
The response from Icenia was immediate and harsh. Tylerj05, and thus Mount Augusta, had violated Icenian sovereignty by illegally bounty hunting and extraditing Figasaur over claims Icenia disputed and Mount Augusta had accepted an illegal pearl violating their own constitution. While Icenian leaders searched for a solution to the issue, Icenian nationals organized a protest on the streets of Mount Augusta. On the night of April 24th, 2019, many Icenians and some members of SATO such as Neotide descended upon MtAMount Augusta to protest the pearling under strict orders to not engage in any combat with the Augustans. The protest began peacefully, but eventually devolved into chaos as Callum lit TNT against the protesters killing many of them inand coldthe blood.protesters, Thefed canals of Augusta ran redup with thebeing bloodbombed, ofwent innocenthome Icenianto martyrsIcenia. and the public outcry became squarely against Mount Augusta.
The next day, on April 25th, after internal talks Augustan mayor Citylion released Figasaur's pearl to avoid any further escalation with Icenia.
*==== Signing of the First Icenian Constitution ====
At the end of the month of April, the First Icenian Constitution was finalized and approved by ChrisChrispie, effectively forming the modern Icenian governmental system and the.The following players were chosen to lead the first iteration of the Grand Ministry.
At the end of the month of April the First Icenian Constitution was finalized and approved by ChrisChrispie, effectively forming the modern Icenian governmental system and the following players were chosen to lead the first iteration of the Grand Ministry.
* President: '''ChrisChrispie'''
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Fig, not knowing it was Icenia that pearled him, pleaded with the Icenian government to free him from MtA, and when the government refused, proceeded to destroy the majority of his builds downtown in rage creating an urban center that looked bombed out. It was at this point he was removed from bastions and upgraded, thus ending the JQ in Icenia forever.
==== Modern Day Icenia ====
==== Modern Day Icenia ====
Today Icenia is seen as one of the more stable high-population nations on the server, a massive change in its history. This is mostly due to its development of an EXP industry, military competence during the War of the Coalition, and balanced governmental system. Icenia also maintains the shallow --'s largest economic center and by some has been called "the new MtA"
=== Entrance and Victory in the Ransakistani War. ===
On December 1st, 2019 Icenia was obby bombed by VPN alts. After a massive outpouring of help from many of the nations on the server, one of the admins, Baggi, removed the grief after it was found out that one of the perpetrators had been using a VPN. Shortly after the attack upon Icenia, Genoskyo, Coventhia, Commonwealth, and SPQR were also obby bombed forcing Icenia to begin to militarize along with the rest of the UDF. Eventually, the base of operations for the obby bombings was found by Lodish, when he walked into the territory of the vault.
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Over the course of the week, Icenia was used as a coalition staging ground and massive infrastructure was created out of it to ensure quick and safe travel to the frontlines outside of [[Lusitania]]. By 12-16-19, Ransakistan was in a downward spiral with many of its leadership pearled in consistent bastion breaking efforts by combined cotillion and Entente/Mirrian forces and by 12/17/19, the Ransakistanis were on life support before a final and impromptu push began to disable 'Cumdragon' the name chosen by Parker for the vault. After a 14 hour siege, the vault was disabled and the pearls of Hockey and Chris were freed. Ransakistan had fallen, and the coalition had won.
=== Entrance Into the Infinity War ===
By the beginning of 2020, it became more and more clear that the UDF and NATO were inching closer and closer to war with each passing day. The discovery of an ice road between Ransakistan in Corvus in December and the existence of escaped Ransakistani fighters in NATO allied independent nations acted as writing on the wall for many members of the Icenian government and UDF leadership. That writing became reality however after NATO affiliates attacked members of Columbia in the streets of Rotterdam with no forewarning. This action pushed Icenia, and the UDF as a whole, into the Siege of Pinkerton over the skies of the Mount Augustan-HJE border. After the vault fell, evidence was released which showed that the then neutral nations of the UDF actively participated in the attack on Pinkerton, and a vote was passed to declare war on NATO as an alliance.
Attention was immediately placed on Columbia, which was the closest nation in the UDF and out of all allied nations to NATO occupied lands. For about a week, the war was silent between NATO and the UDF, but the First Battle of The Crucible would take place after Hollybell, a Valyrian, would give groups to Columbia's vault to NATO. Icenians would rush to Columbia to defend the half broken vault and eventually, with the aid of other nations in the Coalition, take it back.
A prolonged and ongoing siege then took place in Columbia after NATO managed to move forward through Rotterdam with relative ease into Valyria, obby bombing it as they went. Currently nearly all members of the Icenian Milita are stationed in Valyria defending the vault and taking place in the battles that happen there. Icenian Milita members were present during the pearling of Robokaiser and the Second Battle of the Crucible.
Icenia has also experienced internal issues during the conflict, though these have all been handed well. One such incident was two defections to NATO by Prioma, then a judge, and Rogue, who had been given a second chance to live in Icenia after leaving Corvus due to tension with Ev0cator. Icenia today remains a stable and secure place to live, but it is a city in wartime.
== Icenia City ==
Icenia City is a sprawling urban center that is the capital of the Republic of Icenia. With a population of approximately 35 active players, Icenia City is one of the most populated and active cities on the Civclassic server during the summer of 2019. The city does not conform to the standard "city block" meta that is common to Civcraft and instead utilizes a more organic planning methodology similar to those used in cities on the American East Coast. Icenia City is divided in to several smaller districts or neighborhoods that each contain a unique building style or theme. The most well known areas include The Jewish Quarter (JQ), Oak Row, Ram Ranch, and Mansion Row. Icenia City also houses the primary rail station in Icenia that has international rail lines to the [[Zero Zero]] (Nexus), Bloom, [[Varkonia]] ([[Gabon]]), [[Imperial Trudence]], and [[Vinland]]. Furthermore, Icenia's rail station has a vast network of domestic lines that allow citizens and visitors to quickly traverse the nation. The city is surrounded by a series of wheat farms allowing new players access to free food.