Icenia (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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Oak Row was soon considered a massive eyesore in the shadow of the Icenian downtown, which by May was almost fully built. Many advocated for tearing down the incoherent homes and making pre-built apartments for new players instead, however this never came about. It is notable that no resident of Oak Row has ever maintained Icenian elected office, as most elected officials from Icenia came from more affluent regions such as Stone Row (Anvil, Quanton_Biscut), JQ (Figasaur, Enforcer, ChrisChrispie), or Versailles Loop (Soundtech, Azu).
== Late First Constitutional Era and Early Second Constitutional Era ==
=== Early Summer, 2019 ===
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Fig, not knowing it was Icenia that pearled him, pleaded with the Icenian government to free him from MtA, and when the government refused, proceeded to destroy the majority of his builds downtown in rage creating an urban center that looked bombed out. It was at this point he was removed from bastions and upgraded, thus ending the JQ in Icenia forever. Figasaur would later be released when Mount Augusta would go inactive, and Cr0c remained free to roam the earth outside of Icenia.
=== Entrance and Victory in the Ransakistani War. of the Coalition with Ransakistan. ===
== Modern Day Icenia ==
Today Icenia is seen as one of the more stable high-population nations on the server, a massive change in its history. This is mostly due to its development of an EXP industry, military competence during the War of the Coalition, and balanced government systems. Icenia also maintains the shallow --'s largest economic center and by some has been called "the new MtA". Icenia is also became heavily involved in the Infinity War against NATO due to their eventual alliance with Columbia.
=== Entrance and Victory in the Ransakistani War. ===
On December 1st, 2019 Icenia was obby bombed by VPN alts. After a massive outpouring of help from many of the nations on the server, one of the admins, Bagi, removed the grief after it was found out that one of the perpetrators had been using VPNs. Shortly after the attack, Genoskyo, Coventhia, Commonwealth, and SPQR were also obby bombed, forcing Icenia to begin quick militarization. Eventually, the base of operations for the obby bombings was found by Lodish, when he walked into the territory of the vault.
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Icenia would ultimately partake in the final two assaults of the war-upon the Best Western Vault in the HJE and the Geographical vault outside of SPQR. The War would conclude with these military victories and Icenia would once again, be at peace.
=== Post-War Icenia (July 2020-Today) ===
After the end of the Infinity War, Icenia would enter into a period of relative inactivity due to server performance issues. Slowly, however, Icenia would begin to trickle back and once the server performance issues had been fixed. This population recovery in Icenia would lead to massive infrastructure projects finally being completed, including the GOR which would finally work its way to Imperial Truidence via the Icenian overpass constructed by Bgbba and other Yoahtlans.
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Charliesse, a former citizen on Yoahtl and an Infinity War veteran would end up picking up the vacant seat for judge left by incumbent LordCheiftain, who decided not to run for re-election. This position was highly contested though, with FreestyleJr, xDarkDiamond, and others nearly taking the position. Driving political discourse was Onii_Chan's, The Grand Judge of Icenia, schtick of stealing crafting tables from homes. Charlie would run on an anti-crafting table theft platform which tapped into the sentiments of many new players who had fallen victim to the crime. Despite the controvery, Onii_Chan would sweep the election for Grand Judge, winning over 45% of all 1st place votes in Icenia.
== IceniaDistricts Cityof Icenia ==
== Capital District,= Icenia City ===
Icenia City is a sprawling urban center that is the capital of the Republic of Icenia. With a population of approximately 20 active players, Icenia City is one of the most populated and active cities on Civclassic. The city does not conform to the standard "city block" meta that is common to Civcraft and instead utilizes a more organic planning methodology similar to those used in cities on the American East Coast. Icenia City is divided in to several smaller districts or neighborhoods that each contain a unique building style or theme. The most well known areas include The Jewish Quarter (JQ) which has since been demolished and replaced, Oak Row, Ram Ranch, Mansion Row, and Pink Sheep Circle. Icenia City also houses the primary rail station in Icenia that has international rail lines to the [[Zero Zero]] (Nexus), Bloom, [[Varkonia]] ([[Gabon]]), [[Imperial Trudence]], [[Vinland]], and Gensokyo. The rail station also contains on its upper floor the GOR, which runs to Yoahtl. Furthermore, Icenia's rail station has a vast network of domestic lines that allow citizens and visitors to quickly traverse the nation.
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The Jewish Quarter (JQ) was one of the most prominent and well designed portions of Icenia City during its early days. It contained the city's primary factory room and housed a vast portion of Icenia's shops and businesses. The district was constructed primarily by Figasaur and RabbiCroc after receiving a pearmapearl sentence from [[Mount Augusta]] due to [ treason]. The Jewish Quarter also contained Icenia's largest synagogue of which, RabbiCroc was the Rabbi of. It was one of the most notable sources of Icenian culture and religion during Icenia's original Channer days. Other prominent features of the Jewish Quarter included the Clock Tower, Wall of Prayers which were both torn down and the Jewish Quarter Apartments, which is one of the only remaining buildings from the region still standing today. The JQ was griefed and eventually destroyed by Figasaur and the Icenian government, due to Figasaur's constant trolling of the town. Today the GOR runs through much of the region that was once the JQ.
=== CentralBay Loop Icenia ===
The economic hub of Icenia, Centralthe IceniaBay Loop contains in it Icenia Central Station, many above ground shops, the Icenian EXP Co-Op, the Icenia Welcome Center, and Icenia's. oldestThe standingBay building-Dreaded Nova's house/Windmill. Central IceniaLoop was the first settled region within Icenia and at the start of the existence of Icenia contained many early cultural staples-like the Sandstone Tower, which was torn down in June of 2019. Much like the JQ, the GOR now runs through most of the Bay Loop region providing shops with ample access to an international rail network.
===Oak Row/Oakside===
The name oak row was given to the street upon which many [[Jargon|newfriends]] constructed their househouses early on in Icenian history. It iswas marked by buildings nearly completely constructed from the oak trees that blanketonce blanketed the island. While some considerconsidered it an eye sore, oak row has becomebecame a staple of Icenian culture and a reminder of Icenian history. In July, 2019 much of Oak Row was torn down as a result of the Sovia-Icenia War and the construction of the Icenian Space Needle, Icenia's main defensive sky bunker located in the center of the city. Today not much of the original Oak Row remains, however some buildings continue to exist in the area, though their time left in Icenia is unknown at this point. In August, 2019 Oak Row was effectively renamed Oakside, which contains within it Dizian's Tree, The Grand Icenian Stadium, and much of the land directly north of the Central Icenia district. The last true oak row home before the district was torn down completely and renamed was a basic two story oak building owned by [[Painted_Wolf666]].
===Versailles ===
Named after the city in Chanada from 2.0, Versailles, or Versailles loop was one of the first neighborhoods established within Icenia. Mostly a residential district, Versailles contains within it many of homes of the original settlers within Icenia, as well as the only remaining pub built during Icenia's May "Pub-Boom" (The Naughty Gnome). Today Versailles remainswas oneslowly ofdeveloped theafter mostIcenia's historicalvictory regionsin withinthe Icenia,Infinity mostlyWar unchangedfor sinceestablished theplayers earlyliving daysin newfriend districts outside of Iceniacity center to have a home closer to shops and rail networks.
===Mansion Row===
Mansion Row was originally a low-population, high build quality region within Icenia, but todayhowever, it isslowly considereddeveloped perhapsinto thea mostnewfriend populateddistrict region of Icenia due towith the passage of theIcenia's "New Citizenship ActBill" followingwhich thesettled breakingnew players to Icenia outside of bastions. Today the Spaceneedleregion Icontains inpre-built Septemberhomes ofmade MansionTorrio Rowas containswell as Prioma's original house, thoughnow today it is occupedowned by Charliecheese. and Torrio.
===Jah Park===
Jah Park is one of the many holy sites of Jahaism. Dedicated to the rapper XXXTentacion, the park contains an open space sporting many stores and a large water fountain. Near the park, there are there are several Icenian heritage sites including the Grand Icenian Septic Tank and the Shitter Shack. Jah Park was griefed in the JQ removal process in October 2019, but was rebuilt by Enforcer shortly afterwordsafter. Today the GOR-Icenia Branch extendeds over Jah Park. In July of 2020, Jah Park was greifednearly destroyed by Figasaur associate Spicyboy, but the grief was removed within a day.
== Capital District, Icenia City ==
The Icenian Capital District, or Icenia City consists of the main island of Icenia in which the overwhelming majority of its population resides. The capital district contains Icenia City, Sunnyshore Village, Old Concord, and a series of castles known as the Quantonimo Bay Castle, Antietam Isles Castle, Lord Chieftain's Castle, Fort Olenor, and Barad-dûr. The Capital District is almost entirely a forest biome with much of the island being an oak forest with a number of small lakes and ravines dotting the landscape. To the south there is a sparsely populated snowy forest biome that houses Fort Olenor.
=== LandEast of Many CastlesSide ===
East Side is a large suburban district of Icenia located East of Pink Sheep Circle. Originally settled during the "Squarefriend" boom of 2019, the region has perpetually undergone development and re-development due to its nature of being an essential newfriend slum. The region is considered to be an eyesore by many, with quality builds hard to find and most active people from the region moving into city center closer to factories and existing rail infrastructure. One defining feature of East Side is its lack of trees and the abutting buildings that define downtown Icenia. This is primarily due to the nature in which it was set up. In November 2020 the GOR moved through a large portion of East Side destroying many of the buildings without following proper deriliction procedure. This controversial act occured before an election, but most candidates came out in support of the way in which it was done despite objections by some.
Icenia is home to five large castles, three of which are *mostly* complete. The Quantonimo Bay Castle sits at the waters edge to the north west of the island while Lord Chieftain's Castle guards the territory to the north west. Towards the center portion of the island the Antietam Isles Castle sits near the edge of Icenia City. To the south of Icenia City on the border of the snowy forest biome, Fort Olenor guards the end of Sunnyshore Loop Road.
=== Farms and Plantations ===
For most of Icenia's existence, farms were located close to the city and not intended for the development of the EXP industry, however, this slowly started to change and in late July of 2019 Icenia had developed bottable and industrial sized farms in almost all of its regions which were in turn connected by rail. In mid August of 2019, Icenia began development on a 'plantation town' to its South near the border of Imperial Truidence to better develop its beetroot farming system, though with notable exp magnate Sanstor becoming inactive, this region has not seen much development in recent months.
=== Bridges and Highways ===
==== Bridges: ====
* Bloom Friendship Bridge
* Icenian-Imperial Truidence Bridge
* Bayview City Bridge
* Old Concord Bridge
==== Highways: ====
*'''Bloom-Icenia National Highway:''' runs North into Bloomian territory and south into Icenia City.
*'''Gapplar Mountains National Highway:''' runs from Icenia City through the Gapplar Mountains to Old Concord and Imperial Truidence.
== External Districts ==
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=== Nexus (0,0) ===
Nexus is an external district in Icenia that serves as a major non-populated rail hub for the majority of the server. Nexus was formally awarded to Icenia after the Icenian-Finglish Summit by John Smith aka. [[Stonato]] in late April of 2019 after a period of abandonment. Icenia maintains a direct connection to Nexus via its 0,0 'rail switch compatible' rail line, which also serves as a major transport artery to +,+ nations such as Caledonia. AsAfter ofthe todayInfinity War, Icenia fully rebuilt the 0,0 israilhub, stillmaking Icenianit territory,rail butswitch Icenia'scompatable entryand intogiving theit Infinitya Warnew hasstation causedaccessable from the regionground towithout bethe use of somewhata unstableminecart.
=== Helios ===
Helios is an Icenian territory containing a single nether biome with smalllarge scale netherwart production and connected to Icenia City via the Drippy Domestic System. Helios is unpopulated due to its relative harshness compared to the much more Mediterranean climate of Icenia City and the colder but bearable climate of West Isle. Besides serving as Icenia's major source of netherwart production, it also servesserved for a long time as Icenia's majormain producersource of non-farmedrotten EXPflesh materialsbefore suchIcenia asinhereted rottenBloom's fleshmushroom island.
=== Antioch Isle ===
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=== Carbonia Isle ===
Carbonia Isle is a formerly populated island that served as the capital for Carbon, John Smith's nation and original owner of 0,0. Carbonia, along with Nexus, was formally granted to Icenia during the Icenian-Finglish summit, although Icenia deliberately chose not to claim the north of the island past the city proper of Carbon due to not wanting to intrude upon Imperial Truidence, which owns the northern half of the island. Carbonia Isle is located at the very end of the mouth of the Anburon River, and its former leader lends his name to Stonato Bay, which sits directly South-East of the Rubicon, the former castle of the emperor of Carbon and the central piece of the long abandoned city there. Carbonia Isle is connected to Icenia via the Drippy Domestic System and Icenia's 0,0 rail runs directly though the city making visiting the ruins very easy to do. Today Carbonia is an essential region for Icenian EXP production with Icenia maintaining large farms there.
=== Canduro ===
Canduro is an unpopulated Mesa Biome which was ceded to Icenia by Gensokyo to facilitate the production of cactus during the time when Icenia was considering a different EXP recipe. It is connected to Icenia via the Drippy Domestic System. Canduro has relatively little use to Icenia today, unlike its former glory days when Icenians ventured to make the island habitable for bot accounts. Today the only structures on the island are the Canduro Station, a small structure that houses the islands rudimentary water drop, and the Icenian National Automatic Cactus Farm, which is owned by the Minister of Interior.
== Culture and Religion ==
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== Foreign Relations ==
=== InteractionsNew with Other NationsSovia ===
==== New Sovia/LSD ====
Historically, Icenia maintained positive relations with [[Sovia]]/[[New Sovia]], and much of the Pre-Constitution era was defined by a peaceful co-existence between Icenian's and Sovians in the nation. Many 'first wave' citizens in Icenia were avid players of /pol/andcraft, and were brought into Icenia by Sovians creating a strong early culture in the nation and several 'districts' with Ram Ranch being the most notable. The land Icenia was built upon was also at one point owned in part by Gamephobic, who's first house on the server was flattened recently in the Southeastern region of Antietam Island, where Icenia City is located.
Relations began to sour after breaches of trust between the government of Icenia and Sovians. After the attack on [[Nyasaland]], the government of Icenia cracked down on TNT stashes carried into the nation after it was discovered that AngryPepsi had compacted incredible amounts on the explosive and had stored it within Icenian territory. The UNC was also given the authority to pearl anyone involved in the Nyasaland bombing not yet captured even if they were residing in Icenia. Later, ChrisChrispie was accused of stealing diamond blocks from [[Pirater]] which were being used to help build New Sovia. When presented with evidence, ChrisChrispie gave the blocks back. However, this would permanently damage relations between the two groups.
Relations collapsed in mid June of 2019, when Swiftfizz and many other New Sovians entered Icenian territory and entered restricted land, later spamming the coordinates of this area in the in-game global group chat, Civclassic discord, and Civclassic subreddit. This resulted in Swiftfizz's banning from Icenia under the newly passed 'Reasonable Suspicion Act'. Days later, a player by the name of mugo would be pearled in New Sovia for carrying TNT on his person. This player would later be revealed to be an alt account of LordChieftain. A few days later the conflict heated up into what is known as the '[[Clown Wars]]'. The Clown Wars would last for a week with two Icenians being pearled and relations with Entente and Corvus dropping due to violence on the streets of Icenia between individuals from both nations. Eventually, a white peace was signed and the Clown Wars would end. Eventually Pirater would be pearled by Entente during the Laconia-Entente conflict.
==== Imperial Truidence ====
Icenia and [[Imperial Truidence]] are neighboring countries that have maintained positive relations. Today Icenia and Imperial Truidence belong to the UDF together as the oldest members within the alliance and fight alongside each other in the Infinity War.
=== Alliances ===
