Icarus (Second Republic): Difference between revisions

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== Diplomatic History ==
On June 6th, 2022, Icarus joined in the planning of a joint raid on the nation of [[Blockchainistan]] with the nations of [[Kingdom of ErrorL]] and [[境界の西部共和国]] for the sole purpose of getting players Abbyshapiro and TrustThePlan to log on so they could be pearled. This is because both players had raided Icarus days prior, destroying all their factories and taking most of their stuff. However, they never ended up logging on, making their involvement in the war pointless and caused them to face heavy backlash from their allies in [[COMRADES]]. This conflict is what ultimately led Icarus to leaving COMRADES for good.
On June 23rd, Icarian Parliament member [[Grumpywalnut96]] resigned from leadership after it was discovered he had planted an estimated 20+ snitches in the neighboring nation of [[Cordoba]] without their permission, claiming that it was to combat and. Soon after this situation was brought to light, Icarian officials quickly arrived in Cordoban land to dig up the snitches and promptly apologized for the actions of Grumpy. It did not help that this also coincided with a 8d bounty on Grumpywalnut96 posted by the nation of [[Bing Chilling]] on the very same day for killing a single sheep within their borders. However, the bounty conflict would be resolved with help from representatives in [[Arsenio Pact]] acting as a middle man.
