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Ultimately, a very neutered form of the United Kingdom of Grundeswald and Gensokyo came into being, but it would not last.
Ultimately, a very neutered form of the United Kingdom of Grundeswald and Gensokyo came into being, but it would not last.

===Pan Chan Empires===
===Pan Chan Movements===
====Collapse of Grundeswald====
====Collapse of Grundeswald====
The heated debate on the United Kingdom's constitution led to a complete and total collapse of the Grundeswegian government. Greenkitten and Chris threatened to start a Grundeswald offshoot elsewhere on the map, closer to the successor state of FAGT, Titan. While Grundeswald was at its lowest point, vultures from the Augusta region descended on the country, trying to claim bits of the massive kingdom of themselves. The final nail in the coffin for the United Kingdom was the secession of Istanbul from Gensokyo, under Kovio's choice for Augustan Mayor, GTAIVisbest. GTA had lost the election for mayor, and decided he would hold power in the region one way or another, and declared himself leader of Istanbul instead, establishing the Islamic State of Istanbul and Samarra. Receiving recognition from every conceivable entity on the server with the exception of New Leningrad, the city of Istanbul was robbed from right out underneath the weakened Grundeswald. Rather than submit to the carpetbaggers intent on seizing territory in Grundeswald proper, Greenkitten and Chris stayed in New Salisbury with a new plan for the future.
The heated debate on the United Kingdom's constitution led to a complete and total collapse of the Grundeswegian government. Greenkitten and Chris threatened to start a Grundeswald offshoot elsewhere on the map, closer to the successor state of FAGT, Titan. While Grundeswald was at its lowest point, vultures from the Augusta region descended on the country, trying to claim bits of the massive kingdom of themselves. The final nail in the coffin for the United Kingdom was the secession of Istanbul from Gensokyo, under Kovio's choice for Augustan Mayor, GTAIVisbest. GTA had lost the election for mayor, and decided he would hold power in the region one way or another, and declared himself leader of Istanbul instead, establishing the Islamic State of Istanbul and Samarra. Receiving recognition from every conceivable entity on the server with the exception of New Leningrad, the city of Istanbul was robbed from right out underneath the weakened Grundeswald. Rather than submit to the carpetbaggers intent on seizing territory in Grundeswald proper, Greenkitten and Chris stayed in New Salisbury with a new plan for the future.
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[[File:Anschluss.png|thumb|The Reddit PM that united Grundeswald and Prussia.]]
[[File:Anschluss.png|thumb|The Reddit PM that united Grundeswald and Prussia.]]

The stage was set. Helfontein Governor Metalgirlwoot would orchestrate a fake coup on Grundeswald, and the Prussian military would enter into New Salisbury to quell this fake rebellion, before annexing Grundeswald themselves. It would be presented to the world as the unification of the Krautchannish peoples of Civcraft, to be under one throne in a greater Kingdom of Prussia. Grundeswald would be a Prussian territory, and Ronald Grundeswald Jr, heir to the throne, would be its governor. Gensokyo and Xia were both considered part of Grundeswald under Prussian administration. Many good pieces of propaganda were made.
[[File:Hke propaganda3.png|thumb|A monument dedicated to the unification of Grundeswald and Prussia.]]

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Kovio was hard at work creating a chan-imageboard Empire of his own. A wave of 4channers from the /v/ board had erected a city called Viridian, and many others were propping up around it. His original goal was to create a great Grundeswegian colony with peoples of a similar cultural disposition, but before long the Chanadian region had far more people than its supposed mother country. Discussions were held to unite Chanada with Grundeswald-Prussia, but they floundered when few similarities could be found among the disparate groups. The Chanadian city-states would remain mostly aligned with Grundeswald, but no formal documents were ever signed.

===Holy Krautchan Empire===
|name = HKE
|bodystyle =

|titlestyle =
|abovestyle = background:#;
|subheaderstyle =
|above = Holy Krautchan Empire<br>''<small>Heilige Krautchanisches Reich</small>''
|imagestyle =
|captionstyle =
| image = [[File:HKEflag.png|300px]]
|caption = Imperial Flag
| image2 = [[File:HKE2.png|200px]]
|caption2 = Variant flag under Emperor Screenname
| image3 = [[File:HKE_final_map.png|200px]]
|caption3 = Map of the Holy Krautchan Empire
|headerstyle = background:#;
|labelstyle = background:#;
|datastyle =
| label1 = Capital City
| data1 = Gotterdam
| label2 = Government
| data2 = Feudal Empire
| label3 = Emperor
| data3 = Elected Position
| label4 = Founded
| data4 = 29 September 2014
| label5 = Demonym
| data5 = Krautchanner
| label6 = Motto
| data6 = ''"Gott erhalte den Kaiser!"''
| label7 = Religion
| data7 = Church of t, Feline faiths
| label8 = Imperial Anthem
| data8 = "[ ''Kaiserhymne'']"
| label9 = Population
| data9 = ~70