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None had ventured beyond that 0-axis line other than Greenkitten and Mazznoff, whose efforts to unite New Salisbury and New Leningrad by rail had given them a decent understanding of the geography. The "Red Line" between the two nations' capitals went underneath an expansive plain that was later determined to be part of the same biome as the Gundagai and Helfontein regions. Greenkitten and Mazznoff claimed this land in the name of Ronald Grundeswald, tasking Chris with deciding administrative borders. The far northern island of Naphtali would become the domain of an old high-ranking Katar, Sikandar. The landmass surrounding the 0-axis road would become the Bembezi territory, a place of extreme tactical importance. Mazznoff would assert the extent of the Bulawayo territory even further north, and in his survey of his new land, he and Greenkitten discovered and abandoned city of Boston.
None had ventured beyond that 0-axis line other than Greenkitten and Mazznoff, whose efforts to unite New Salisbury and New Leningrad by rail had given them a decent understanding of the geography. The "Red Line" between the two nations' capitals went underneath an expansive plain that was later determined to be part of the same biome as the Gundagai and Helfontein regions. Greenkitten and Mazznoff claimed this land in the name of Ronald Grundeswald, tasking Chris with deciding administrative borders. The far northern island of Naphtali would become the domain of an old high-ranking Katar, Sikandar. The landmass surrounding the 0-axis road would become the Bembezi territory, a place of extreme tactical importance. Mazznoff would assert the extent of the Bulawayo territory even further north, and in his survey of his new land, he and Greenkitten discovered and abandoned city of Boston.

Like 42 and Torp before it, Boston was a dilapidated, decayed city. Greenkitten, Mazznoff, and Chris expressed their right to annex territory to Grundeswald and incorporated the city of Boston into the kingdom. The old leaders of Boston were contacted, and they were thrilled that someone had shown interest in their long-forgotten settlement, quickly assenting to Grundeswegian rule. Satisfied with the new borders of Grundeswald, Grundeswald proper would not expand significantly for the rest of Grundeswegian history.
Like 42 and Torp before it, Boston was a dilapidated, decayed city. Greenkitten, Mazznoff, and Chris expressed their right to annex territory to Grundeswald and incorporated the city of Boston into the kingdom. The old leaders of Boston were contacted, and they were thrilled that someone had shown interest in their long-forgotten settlement, quickly assenting to Grundeswegian rule. Satisfied with the new borders of Grundeswald, Grundeswald proper would not expand significantly for the rest of Grundeswegian history. Later, settlements such as Sunder, Wunderland and Ryhma would be discovered in territories that were claimed by Grundeswald. All three settlements were offered Grundeswegian statehood, and all but Sunder agreed. Sunder would continue to be claimed by Grundeswald for the rest of Civcraft 2.0, but no hostilities ever occurred.

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Ultimately, a very neutered form of the United Kingdom of Grundeswald and Gensokyo came into being, but it would not last.
Ultimately, a very neutered form of the United Kingdom of Grundeswald and Gensokyo came into being, but it would not last.

===Pan Chan Empires===
====Collapse of Grundeswald====
The heated debate on the United Kingdom's constitution led to a complete and total collapse of the Grundeswegian government. Greenkitten and Chris threatened to start a Grundeswald offshoot elsewhere on the map, closer to the successor state of FAGT, Titan. While Grundeswald was at its lowest point, vultures from the Augusta region descended on the country, trying to claim bits of the massive kingdom of themselves. The final nail in the coffin for the United Kingdom was the secession of Istanbul from Gensokyo, under Kovio's choice for Augustan Mayor, GTAIVisbest. GTA had lost the election for mayor, and decided he would hold power in the region one way or another, and declared himself leader of Istanbul instead, establishing the Islamic State of Istanbul and Samarra. Receiving recognition from every conceivable entity on the server with the exception of New Leningrad, the city of Istanbul was robbed from right out underneath the weakened Grundeswald. Rather than submit to the carpetbaggers intent on seizing territory in Grundeswald proper, Greenkitten and Chris stayed in New Salisbury with a new plan for the future.

====Anschluss with Prussia====
The Kingdom of Prussia, Grundeswald's only real neighbour, was undoubtedly of a similar stock and composition to Grundeswald itself. As both nations' citizens were originally posters on the Krautchan /int/ imageboard, they were the closest thing to ethnic relatives in Civcraft. Most of Grundeswald had been banned from the Prussian capital of Breslau after Grundeswegian tourists embarrassed Prussian police by catching the criminals Prussia was pursuing. When the Grundeswegian visitors demanded access to important Prussian factories in return for their valuable service, they were instead forbidden from ever entering Breslau again.

But behind the scenes, things had been improving. Key Grundeswegian citizens had been attending important Prussian matters of state on an unofficial capacity almost immediately after the ban was put into place, and this informal relationship between the two government bore fruit in the form of an official petition from the Grundeswegian parliament (all three members of it). A simple message was lodged to Prussia: "I don't suppose you lot would be up for a friendly ruse?"

[[File:Anschluss.png|thumb|The Reddit PM that united Grundeswald and Prussia.]]