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With an active capital city and a clear choice for governor, the Desert Territory was united with New Detroit into the new state of Gensokyo, named for the world of Touhou. The town of Goodsprings also chose to join Gensokyo, although it had not been Grundeswegian territory beforehand.
With an active capital city and a clear choice for governor, the Desert Territory was united with New Detroit into the new state of Gensokyo, named for the world of Touhou. The town of Goodsprings also chose to join Gensokyo, although it had not been Grundeswegian territory beforehand.

====The United Kingdom====
====United Kingdom====
Kovio's promises to Screenname resulted in him calling for a Grundeswegian Constitutional Convention. To this point, the Kingdom of Grundeswald had had no formalised legal system or defined limits of power for the King and the GrundesCorp Board of Directors. Titles were given arbitrarily based on everyone's mood, and jobs were filled by whomever felt compelled to do them. The only absolute rule was the absolute power of King Ronald Grundeswald, whose word was final in every matter.
Kovio's promises to Screenname resulted in him calling for a Grundeswegian Constitutional Convention. To this point, the Kingdom of Grundeswald had had no formalised legal system or defined limits of power for the King and the GrundesCorp Board of Directors. Titles were given arbitrarily based on everyone's mood, and jobs were filled by whomever felt compelled to do them. The only absolute rule was the absolute power of King Ronald Grundeswald, whose word was final in every matter.

Kovio suggested a form of representative government in which Grundeswald and Gensokyo, which he considered to be culturally distinct, would send representatives to a joint parliament, and that Screenname be Queen on equal-footing with Ronald Grundeswald as King. This was incredible offensive to the rest of Grundeswald, who were not prepared to grant concessions to such a newcomer. Greenkitten argued that Xia, a technically independent nation under Grundeswegian suzerainty, should be elevated to the same level as Gensokyo in this theoretical arrangement. Kovio was strongly opposed to this, arguing that elevating Xia would effectively give Grundeswald twice the power as Gensokyo, as Greenkitten was Xia's caretaker. This was probably the point. Chris argued that Gensokyo and Xia were both regular states of Grundeswald, equal to Boston and Helfontein. Things got incredibly heated.

Ultimately, a very neutered form of the United Kingdom of Grundeswald and Gensokyo came into being, but it would not last.