Grasslands Gambit: Difference between revisions

(Fall of Gang Shi paragraph)
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==Continuation of the war==
=== Day twoTwo attacksAttacks ===
On the morning of December 9th, a squad of Icenian fighters began a skybridge over the Florence bunker located south of Whole Foods, believing it was a staging ground for an attack against the farming complex. A watercubing operation was briefly interrupted by the arrival of [[XxTBxX3276]], [[UghBraces]], [[loo_wee_gee]], and [[7Joshhh]], but ultimately continued and was later augmented by a bombing operation on the 10th, firmly disabling Florence from being used. The Florence bunker was discovered to have been commanded by [[chosentwicelol]], at the time of its disabling.<ref></ref>
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=== Fall of Gang Shi and Fempire Armistice ===
Following the failed attack on Altepetl, DGP forces advanced north into Gang Shi disabling iceroads and bunkers. During this time, it was discovered that Gang Shi was operating out of their ally, Fempire Union's vault. The DGP posted a [ statement outlining their recent victories and who they were targeting in the war]. In the statement they explicitly outline that they are primarily after Gang Shi leadership and did not have "smoke" with lower level fighters, some Gang Shi allies, or Gang Shi associates. In the evening of December 10th, negotiations were opened with Fempire Union, Arsenia and the DGP where an armistice was discussed and later agreed to. The Fempire Union and Arsenia then expelled all Gang Shi fighters afterand givingwithdrew themfrom athe window to withdraw wealthwar. Following this, Gang Shi began the process of completely withdrawing from their core claims and transferring wealth to Butternut. DGP forces continued to mop up Gang Shi infrastructure and by the end of December 10th, had completely secured the Yoahtl front.
=== Icenia City skirmish ===
At around 2am on December 11th, chosentwicelol and [[Squilliam]] appeared in Icenia cityCity. They briefly attempted to raid various shops around the city by breaking into them, but were largely unsuccessful due to the proliferation of relay chests. After Shadno, [[Jaimiemie]], and [[Raeders]] moved in, there was a fight at Jah Park which resulted in Squilliam being knocked into a foot grinder and subsequently pearled, with Chosen fleeing the scene.
=== Insiding of Gang Shi and Butternut ===
In the early hours of December 12th, [[ComradeNick]] published an open letter admitting that he had turned coat,<ref></ref> allowing the Dawn Guard Pact to completely seize control of what remained of Butternut and Gang Shi's defenses, a killing blow for the two nations. Soon thereafter, Icenian President [[ChrisChrispie]] announced that the Dawn Guard Pact would temporarily occupy the territories of [[Florence]], Lambeau, Butternut, [[Gang Shi]], Ma Seli, [[Asgard]], and [[Salerno]] until the sentencing of enemy combatants.<ref></ref>
=== The finalFinal handoffHandoff ===
Following the compromise of Butternut vault and the end of the war, Jbblocker used his primary ownership on many Gang Shi groups to transfer control to members of [[Estalia]], causing both the city and remainder of the vault to become owned by the [[Elysian Pact]]. This would lead to Estalia expressing claims over the city, ironically preventing some former Gang Shitters (now refugees in the Yoahtlan state of Exilus) from returning to their builds.<ref></ref> This would mark the final namelayer upset of the conflict.
