Grasslands Gambit: Difference between revisions

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=== Fall of Gang Shi and Fempire Armistice ===
Following the failed attack on Altepetl, DGP forces advanced north into Gang Shi disabling iceroads and bunkers. During this time, it was discovered that Gang Shi was operating out of their ally, Fempire Union's vault. The DGP posted a <ref>[https[File:// statement outlining their recent victories and who they were targeting in the war]FempireVault. In the statement they explicitly outline that they are primarily after png|thumb|Gang Shi leadershipleader andKibbles did not have "smoke" with lower level fighters, some Gang Shi allies, or Gang Shi associates. In the evening of December 10th, negotiations were opened withusing Fempire Union,Vault Arseniaas anda therally DGPpoint where an armistice was discussed and later agreed to. The Fempire Union and Arsenia then expelled allfor Gang Shi's fighters and withdrew from the war. Following this, Gang Shi began the process of completely withdrawing from their core claims and transferring wealth to Butternut. DGP forces continued to mop up Gang Shi infrastructure and by the end of December 10th, had completely secured the Yoahtl frontmilitary.]]
</ref>. The DGP posted a [ statement outlining their recent victories and who they were targeting in the war]<ref></ref>. In the statement they explicitly outline that they are primarily after Gang Shi leadership and did not have "smoke" with lower level fighters, some Gang Shi allies, or Gang Shi associates. In the evening of December 10th, negotiations were opened with Fempire Union, Arsenia and the DGP where an armistice was discussed and later agreed to. The Fempire Union and Arsenia then expelled all Gang Shi fighters and withdrew from the war. Following this, Gang Shi began the process of completely withdrawing from their core claims and transferring wealth to Butternut. DGP forces continued to mop up Gang Shi infrastructure and by the end of December 10th, had completely secured the Yoahtl front.
In back channels, the DGP had begin to make arrangements for the IF and Kaowta to enter the war. The IF would primarily target Asgard, Gang Shi's southern ally and Kaowta would target neighboring Salerno. Additionally, SPQR had begin sharing information with Icenia about Gang Shi operations in the north and had begun preparations with Volterra to join the war.
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The aftermath of the war saw the dissolution of Gang Shi, Butternut, and Lambeau, with their remaining members going into exile, quitting, or joining other nations. In the days following the Estalian seizure of Blacklight, a number of Salerno, Lambeau, Butternut, and Gang Shi military installations were further seized and looted by the DGP and the Imperial Federation (allegedly in cooperation with the DGP), despite previous statements indicating that raiding of Salerno would not continue following the effective end of the war.
Several key Lambeau and ButternutGang Shi leaders including Chosentwicelol and [[Kibbles]] remain at large, despite a large number of former GS fighters coming forward to pay demanded reparations and to negotiate deals with the DGP. On the 18th of December, the DGP released pearled Salernan fighters [[TheIowanGod]] and DiamondVictor early in a sign of goodwill. Chosentwicelol was later banned for associating with and aiding banned player and VPN isGuut aka ggramp / TommyShelby.
The state of war invoked by Icenia was ended in a unanimous Senate vote on December 27.<ref></ref>
=== Sentencing of Combatants and Leaders ===
Following the conclusion of the war, the DGP released a [ joint statement]<ref name=":1"></ref> detailing the sentencing for pearled enemy combatants and reparations demanded of unpearled fighters. The reparations demanded by the DGP are noted to be significantly less than what Gang Shi and Butternut enacted in the SEC-Gang Shi War for the vast majority of pearled fighters (18 stacks of Diamond Blocks<ref></ref> vs ~5 stacks<ref name=":1" />). Notable exceptions to this arewere Gang Shi leadershipand Lambeau players such as Gwua, Kommi, Kibbles, ChosenSquidhasthebad, TBChosen, and Jbb who either received no sentence or significantly higher reparation demands due to a refusal to surrender to DGP forces.
A controversial sentence was that of Kommi who was pearled immediately after the fall of Butternut Vault. Kommi stated a desire to surrender and accept a reparations package but only communicated their agreement after the fall of Butternut Vault. DGP officials believe that voided the deal and have kept Kommi pearled with a loose October 2024 release date scheduled.
Additionally, Highroll was held for 3 months, made to pay over a stack of diamond blocks, and had to write an essay on the Stone Wall Riots due to the DGP citing extremely bad behavior such as [ attempting to organize a vault attack on Christmas and general toxicity.]<ref></ref>
PhysicsGamer, a notable character who had been pearled by Gang Shi following him obby bombing Icenia was released on the condition that he transfer all of his old national groups to the DGP and be exiled from the -,- quadrant<ref name=":1" />.
== Reactions ==