Grasslands Gambit: Difference between revisions

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</ref>. The DGP posted a [ statement outlining their recent victories and who they were targeting in the war]<ref></ref>. In the statement they explicitly outline that they are primarily after Gang Shi leadership and did not have "smoke" with lower level fighters, some Gang Shi allies, or Gang Shi associates. In the evening of December 10th, negotiations were opened with Fempire Union, Arsenia and the DGP where an armistice was discussed and later agreed to. The Fempire Union and Arsenia then expelled all Gang Shi fighters and withdrew from the war. Following this, Gang Shi began the process of completely withdrawing from their core claims and transferring wealth to Butternut. DGP forces continued to mop up Gang Shi infrastructure and by the end of December 10th, had completely secured the Yoahtl front.
In back channels, the DGP had beginbegun to make arrangements for the IF and Kaowta to enter the war. The IF would primarily target Asgard, Gang Shi's southern ally and Kaowta would target neighboring Salerno. Additionally, SPQR had begin sharing information with Icenia about Gang Shi operations in the north and had begun preparations with Volterra to join the war.
In the evening of December 10th, ComradeNick contacted fastestgrass and offered to inside in exchange for control over the entirety of Gang Shi claims and the release of several Gang Shi fighters. This request was relayed to DGP leadership and negotiations ensued; at the time, Nick only had groups for Gang Shi groups and not Butternut Vault. The following day, DGP leadership rejected Nick's offer as it was assessed that Gang Shi would fall within a day or two and Nick simply didn't have enough to offer to warrant such a major territorial concession by the DGP.
