Grand Imperium (CivClassic 2.0): Difference between revisions

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m Added flag to infobox
m Minor changes to terminology in line with the Emperor's decree.
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{{Infobox civilization|name=The Grand Imperium|demonym=Imperiumian|capital_city=Capitum|government_type=Absolute Monarchy|settlements=Capitum (CapitumGuney Province)
Altton (AlttonKuzey Province)
Amsterdam (Isi Province)
Asturious (AlttonKuzey Province)|position_title1=Emperor|position_name1=Attoprak|position_title2=Chamberlain|position_name2=WorldSculptor|position_title3=Leader of the Council|position_name3=Stuin|religion=The Imperial CultImperiumism|motto=Vivat Imperium!|subreddit=|discord=|website=|image=GIFlag1.png}}The '''Grand Imperium''' is a nation located in the eastern regions of the -,- quadrant, between [[Bloom]] in the south, [[Coventhia]] in the west, and [[Tel Aviv]](formerly [[Lexington City|Lexington]]) in the north-east. The Grand Imperium occupies a desolate snowy plateau surrounded by steep sea-cliffs. The founder and current leader of the nation is Emperor Attoprak and its capital is Capitum. Other notable settlements include Altton, [[Amsterdam]] and Asturious.
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