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== History ==
== CIVCRAFTCivcraft 2.0 - THEThe AGEAge OFof LEGENDLegend ==
''{{Quote frame|"We should not be forced to choose between Mt. Augusta's industrial economy, and New Danzilona's tradition of slavery. We deserve, demand, and shall have both!"
- Queen Screenname (disputed)}}''
Gensokyo's beginnings can be traced to the foundation of the state of New Detroit. On June 1st, 2014, it all began with a girl and a dream. Screenname von Gensokyo, former umbrella of unknown origins, settled in an abandoned crack house along the banks of the Sanzu River, just east of the city state of Mt. Augusta.
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==== The United Earth Directorate ====
''{{Quote frame|"The desert is a beautiful, barren ocean. Forgotten, ignored, abused and exploited by most. Not us."
- |DJDAV1D}}''
United in their great respect for the mighty deserts of the region, and need for common recognition, New Detroit and the city of Goodsprings joined together in the voluntary organization the United Earth Directorate. While the organization never achieved anything of significant importance, it laid the foundation of friendship that motivated Goodsprings to allow its incorporation into the Kingdom of Gensokyo.
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==== HKE Drama ====
"''{{Quote frame|I've made a lot of hard choices since I took this job, but none as hard as this."
- |Screenname von Gensokyo}}''
In late September Gensokyo joined the Holy Krautchan Empire with Grundeswald. Gensokyo's influence was completely diluted to the point of almost nonexistence. Gensokyo was given no official elector or recognition in the HKE. Despite Gensokyo's noticeable growth and geographic importance compared to other elector nations, some of which literally had a populace of only two citizens, Gensokyo never received official representation in the empire. As months passed, the populace of Gensokyo would stand for it no longer, and called upon their Queen to take action. With no other recourse, on November 10th Screenname issued an ultimatum to the HKE, demanding elector status and threatening secession if that demand was not met. The HKE complied and granted Gensokyo elector status and officially elevated it to the sixth ==== Consolidation ====
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==== The Mock Battle of Istanbul ====
''{{Quote frame|"All of us have volunteered to fight for Gensokyo. Some came mainly because we were bored at home, thought this looked like it might be fun. Some came because we were ashamed not to. Many of us came because it was the right thing to do. This is a different kind of army. If you look back through history you will see men fighting for pay, for women, for some other kind of loot. They fight for land, power, because a king leads them, or just because they like killing. But we are here for something new, this has not happened much, in the history of the world. We are an army out to set other men free from their mudslime oppressors. No man has to bow. No man born to royalty. Here we judge you by what you do, not by who your father was. But it's not the land, there's always more land. It's the idea that we all have value - you and me. What we are fighting for, in the end, we're fighting for each other."
-|Screenname's speech before the battle.}}''
On March 29th, 2015, Gensokyo participated in a mock battle with Istanbul, in a scenario where Gensokyo attempted to retake the territory through military force. The New Detroit Niggers, a large battalion of federal troops commanded by Empress Screenname, stormed the rear of Istanbul in an attempt to flank the enemy. The high ground of the terrain proved unforgiving, and while Gensokyojin soldiers fought bravely and were more than a match for their Islamic enemies, they could not hold the area and were forced to make a tactical retreat.
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==== The End of New Detroit ====
''{{Quote frame"It was a painful decision made of prudence. There was no sense living in that festering toxic hell hole. Still, all these years, all these memories... how do you say goodbye?"
- Screenname von Gensokyo''
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== CIVTEMPCivTemp - THEThe CALMCalm BEFOREBefore ==
“That''{{Quote frame|"That's what's wrong with this city. Liberals just want to open the floodgates, let anyone in, and make hard-working men and women pay for it. Well, you have my permission to beat them with sticks. We won't prosecute. You'd be doing us all a favor.”
- |Screenname von Gensokyo on the economy. Probably.}}''
Gensokyo initially re-established itself as the bustling port city of Galveston in the state of Texas on the island of Soleado. It focused mainly on tourism and naval supremacy. The tropical climate allowed for large bushels of marijuana to be grown which allowed weed to become the primary Texan export.
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Screenname mocked the king, noting he was out of ammo at this point, having only promised three plagues. However, Tuckyashirtin was far from finished. Slowly the sea level began to rise drastically. The rate of the rising ocean would engulf the city within hours. What Tuckyashirtin had failed to account for was the large number of seaworthy vessels docked around the city. Knowing that the jig was finally up but determined to hold onto the slab out of pure spite, Screenname mobilized the population to evacuate on the ships. King Tuckyashirtin attempted to give chase aboard the unoccupied ship, the SS Catpeter, but due to the ship's construction being made almost exclusively out of rocks, he would drown in the attempt.
== CIVCRAFTCivCraft 3.0 BLUESBlues ==
''{{Quote frame|"I can't really say it's been fun, because 3.0 was literally the worst game I've ever played."
- |MuffinPimp}}''
Civtemp was gone, and the opening of 3.0 was marked with confusion and disarray. Members of Gensokyo were spread out across the entire map, and wandered for many a day searching for a place to call home. In the land of Eilon, home to massive trees with that blocked out the very sunlight, Screenname had rallied the Gensokyojin people once again. With the aid of Gensokyo's elite corps of builders, a new city rose beneath the canopy in under a week. This new city was christened as Morieji, and became the nerve center for the nation even as more ambitious plans for a capital began to emerge.