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The '''Federation of Esberg-Ostersund''', is a federal republic of the '''Kingdom of Esberg''' and the '''Republic of Ostersund''' located on [[Deluvia]] on [[CivMC]]. It sits just north of the [[Hyperborean Confederation]], and east from [[Christopia]] on the shores of the Southern Sea. The Federation formed on October 23rd and one day later joined the I[[Imperial Federation (CivMC)|mperial Federation]] as it's 24th state.<ref></ref> The nation is connected to the rest of the federation trough the [[OneDest|onedest]] railsystem{{Infobox civilization|image=flag(13).png|language=English, Hungarian|name=Federation of Esberg-Ostersund|caption=Flag of Esberg|government_type=Federal Republic of municipalities|activity_level=High (as of 23. dec. 2022)|position_title1=President of the Federation|position_name1=[[Frostwarrior112]]|position_title2=King of the Esberg municipality|position_name2=[[HeyN8]]|demonym=Esberg-Ostersundian|preceded_by=[[Hyperborean Confederation|Province of Esberg]]|discord=[ gAxgsT8KUG]|position_title3=President of Ostersund municipality|position_name3=[[SeattleSeahawksBest]]|image2=Esberg-ostersundcoat.png|caption2=The coat of arms of Esberg-Ostersund|capital_city=Esberg}}
== History ==
=== Founding of Esberg and the declrationdecleration of Independence ===
The KIngdomKingdom of Esberg was founded in August 13th 2022 by HeyN8 as a province of the HyperborianHyperborean Confederation. The Province was a constitutional monarchy headed by HeyN8. The city of Esberg was founded near lake Apollo and connected to the rest of the nation by the national higwayhighway system built by Frostwarrior112. During the [[Estalia–Rhode Island War|Generic War]], as a wave of inactiviteinactivity hit the nation, and democratic elections were postponed in early October the KIngdomKingdom of Esberg deaclearddeclared inependenceindependence from the HC, and become a soverignsovereign state. The new state remained a constitutional monarchy with king HeyN8 and Frostwarrior112 as the premier of the nation.
=== The Ostersund Crisis ===
In the month after gaining independence, the Federation signed a friendship pact with the HC and moved on. The infamous berryfarm was created during this time. In early nvoemberNovember an other crisis conjured in Deluvia when Ostersund, lead by SeatlleSeahwksBestSeatlleSeahawksBest tried to declare independence from the HC, but failed the democratic referendum. Still wanting independence, [[Balkanization of the Hyperborean Confederation|negotiations began]], and in the end Esberg, Ostersund, Tortuga and Matt's land gained independence in the Pact of HyperborianHyperborean Brotherhood. During the signing of the pact Esberg and Ostersund united into the Federation of Esberg-Ostersund, and joined the Imperial Federation.
=== First months in the federation ===
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=== Springtime in Esbger-Ostersund ===
In late December the nation once again awaken, as after the joinning of <nowiki>[[Sheepy_9]]</nowiki> and [[Eleven]] things began working in the nation. The railnetworkrail network was finally brought to Esberg, with a fabolousfabulous trainstationtrain station built, and tecnoligicaltechnological advances were made. A new coat of arms and flag was designed for the state and many plans are currently in the making to make the country great again. What will happen in the future? Only time can tell...