Commonwealth of Nyasaland: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox military conflict
The Belle Mutiny, or Sisterhood Rebellion, was a civil conflict and exodus of religious radicals from Nyasaland - and the associated terror incidents - mostly taking place over the 10th January. This lead to a marked drop in Nyasaland's population, as well as a religious schism between State Choralism and the Sisterhood of the Bell.
The Sisterhood of the Bell were the original Choralist sect which were as of the Choral Pact, enshrined as the 'inner circle' within the Great State Chorus, Nyasaland state church. The Sisterhood's population were centred in Belle Harbour, capital of Typha. For weeks by the time of the rebellion, the Sisterhood, and the town by extention, had been growing increasingly insular; isolating themselves in their own chatgroups and shunning contact with the rest of the Nyasan nation, fostering an echo chamber mentality developed in which minor misunderstandings ballooned into full-blown conspiracy theories and bore into a mass hysteria.{{Infobox military conflict
| conflict = Belle Mutiny
| image = [[File:2019-01-11_02.06.49.png|300px]]
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This phenomenon had been growing for several weeks, largely unbeknown to the Nyasan authorities who wrote off the citizens as merely keeping to themselves; this hysteria took the form of a number of conspiracy theories, which began with only with very minor misconceptions but quickly spiralled and seized control over large sections of the Belle populace. Perceptions of Nyasaland as a maniacal, far-right dictatorship ran wild, borne from misunderstandings on the long-gone Fascist Party and the dynamics of Nyasan leadership; another prominent fear was that the Archduchess was in the process of constructionconstructing an advanced prison in which to lock up political enemies - this was likely born from a misunderstanding on the nature of vaults. All of this was bolstered with increasingly apocalyptic religious rhetoric being promulgated by the Sisterhood, which call for an end-times conflict between them at the rest of Nyasaland.
The Belle Mutiny, or Sisterhood Rebellion, was a civil conflict and exodus of religious radicals from Nyasaland - and the associated terror incidents - mostly taking place over the 10th January. This lead to a marked drop in Nyasaland's population, as well as a religious schism between State Choralism and the Sisterhood of the Bell.
The Sisterhood of the Bell were the original Choralist sect which were as of the Choral Pact, enshrined as the 'inner circle' within the Great State Chorus, Nyasaland state church. The Sisterhood's population were centred in Belle Harbour, capital of Typha. For weeks by the time of the rebellion, the Sisterhood, and the town by extention, had been growing increasingly insular; isolating themselves in their own chatgroups and shunning contact with the rest of the Nyasan nation, fostering an echo chamber mentality developed in which minor misunderstandings ballooned into full-blown conspiracy theories and bore into a mass hysteria.
This phenomenon had been growing for several weeks, largely unbeknown to the Nyasan authorities who wrote off the citizens as merely keeping to themselves; this hysteria took the form of a number of conspiracy theories, which began with only with very minor misconceptions but quickly spiralled and seized control over large sections of the Belle populace. Perceptions of Nyasaland as a maniacal, far-right dictatorship ran wild, borne from misunderstandings on the long-gone Fascist Party and the dynamics of Nyasan leadership; another prominent fear was that the Archduchess was in the process of construction an advanced prison in which to lock up political enemies - this was likely born from a misunderstanding on the nature of vaults. All of this was bolstered with increasingly apocalyptic religious rhetoric being promulgated by the Sisterhood, which call for an end-times conflict between them at the rest of Nyasaland.
At some point it was internally decided that the Sisterhood needed to leave Nyasaland, which they would do after deconstructing the entire town of Belle Harbour - something they did publicly under the pretext of a terraforming project. A location across the map had been selected, and the plan was to become a travelling nomadic and religious order with a central base. Violence had until this point not featured in either rhetoric or planning, but during the chaos of the exodus some radical elements of the Sisterhood looted ores, ransacked the First Minister's house and notably also conducted a small bombing campaign, leaving traps across the city which did minor damage to the Transyasan Highway, Founder's Lodge, Palgrave Palace. Another trap laid in the looted First Minister's house was also defused before it could go off. This was largely constrained to Palgrave, however in Tanganyanka the Purazi rail station was also targeted, killing one civilian with a trapped water drop.
The Nyasan response, once it became clear what had happened, was to go on high alert - regional and international connections were alerted, and a server-wide manhunt to pursue those who had terrorised the country in the exodus ensued. Despite the discovery of several hitherto unknown Belle Harbour infrastructure projects including a secret rail line, leads quickly dried up. Having been stonewalled in the early hours of the mutiny, the mutineers internally began to break faith and realise the mistake they had made, with diplomatic channels beginning to open up between loyal Nyasans who some the Sisters were less fearful of. Eventually, full-scale peace negotiations were entered into and the full story of the panic which had swept the insular town and lead to the exodus was divulged. Despite brief talks of a trial, after the stolen resources were returendreturned and minor damages patched up, it was decided no charges would be pressed.
After extensive talks both internal and external, it was decided what should be done. The High Mother Claravoyant and her accomplice, chief agitator and major terrorist CallMeRevelation were permanently exiled from Nyasaland - the latter of which under the threat of pearling should they return - while a general amnesty was extended to all other members of the Sisterhood, with an open invitation to come back to Nyasaland.
