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The Archduchy of Nyasaland
The Awchduchy of Nyasawand
Flag of Nyasaland
Nyasan Coat of Arms, showing the 'Kawaiion'
Capital CityPalgrave
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
First MinisterCat_alunya
Motto"In the Highlands, Nestled in the Trees."
ReligionState Choralism
National Anthem"Fair Nyasaland"

The Archduchy of Nya~saland is the current incarnation of the historical territory of Nyasaland. Nyasaland was first settled in mid 2017, and soon proclaimed a Republic under the Nyasan Constitution. Nyasaland prospered for a time under the Republic, building the city of Palgrave, developing surrounding areas and holding cordial relationships with all neighbours.

Nyasaland eventually grew inactive however, with the island falling under the protection of a number of states during this period; eventually Nyasaland was revived under the state of Annwyn in November 2018, a country existing in the former southern territory of the Nyasan Republic. The 'Annwyn Archduchy' existed for nearly a month, until a peaceful agreement for a transition to independence on the 21st December.


The use of 'Nya~saland' vs 'Nyasaland' with or without the tilde are both valid - official forms will tend towards inclusion of the tilde, however. The only pronunciation difference is a slight kawaii accent.



Early History

Nyasaland was first settled in mid 2017 by Syurii, AveAwan and Phantasm_agaric, and soon proclaimed a Republic under the Nyasan Constitution. The young Republic quickly established cordial relations with its two major neighbours, Persia and Nevada. With Persia, a treaty was signed partitioning the lands to the south which both powers had interest in, to head off any future conflicts.

Partition of the southern territories between Persia and Nyasaland.

Economic Expansion

The nascent Republic soon began to rapidly expand its economy and political projection; undergoing extensive mining ventures to fund the construction of factories such as an Ore Smelter, and the colonisation of a Nether Island to the east. A rail line was constructed between the capital and the island,

bringing in a steady flow of Netherwart with the idea of developing an XP industry. Complimenting this, southern territory of Yorick Fields was linked to

Nyasaland with a large bridge, and the territory developed with potato and carrot farms.


Slowly however, interest began to wane, and despite the founding of the borough of Chantilly Hollow, the Nyasan Republic drew to a quiet close. The land was claimed by a number of ephemeral states, and the city of Palgrave especially was visited by many travellers. While spared any large-scale raiding, the Nyasan government stockpiles were ransacked leaving the country penniless, and the bridge to the mainland was destroyed. A small village of unknown origin was built on the west coast, largely hidden under thick tree cover.


Revival & Free State

On the 26th November 2018, Nyasaland was revived as a political entity, as an autonomous region under the Kingdom of Annwyn under the name of the 'Nyasaland Free State' - forfeiting its overseas possessions in Yorick Fields and Nether Colonies. Annwyn had temporarily renamed Nyasaland to Tyr, but this was quickly reversed with the return of the indigenous inhabitants. The Free State period saw extensive extensive development of the capital city Palgrave, and steps towards economic recovery following a long period of abandonment.

The government during this period was termed the 'Nyasan Free State', with Syurii ruled as Governor with the provisional national flag being a plain magenta, white and cyan tricolour without any emblem of coat of arms.

Following an influx of migrants both new and old to the country, a period of heated internal political deliberation began, and the 4th December 2018 saw the promulgation of the official terms of Nyasaland's new status - the Archduchy of Nyasaland Charter. It had been decided to reform the country into a hereditary Archduchy, following the monarchical example of the country's new overlord, Annwyn. The new Archducal Order was quickly entrenched with the construction of the lavish Palgrave Palace on the city's outskirts, the country's largest building.

New Settlements

Negotiations with the northern country of Brightshore obtained a concession in the form of a strip of coastal land across their southern coastline, beyond Typha, for settlement by Nyasaland. This area was named the Margraviate of Nyanzig, ruled from the capital of Amsdenbruck by Margrave 8isanumber. Amsdenbruck soon became the main destination for immigrants to Nyasaland, with its virgin land and lax building codes.

The town of Belle Harbour was also founded as a Bishopric under claravoyant, finally settling the historically barren territory of Typha. Belle Harbour soon developed a unique culture, centred around the faith of the 'Great Chorus'.

Nyasaland flourished, with a steady stream of migrants and rapid economic growth in the form of factory construction, infrastructure expansion and security programmes as the nation's wealth grew to unprecedented heights under Annwynian patronage.


"This is so stupidly fucked." -Governor Cat_alunya, 20th December

The Nyexit Debacle is long, complicated, and many parts of it remain classified. Suffice to say, it was the two-day period surrounding what was eventually Nyasaland's seperation from Annwyn. The country had been steadily growing, strong with nationalistic fervor - the latest outlet of which was the release of the new Anthem, Fair Nyasaland. Seeing this, and with defensive concerns of their own, Annwyn offered an independence referendum to Nyasaland in which they would be free to stay or leave.

Initially, this was received warmly - there had been no great clamouring for freedom, but peaceful independence had been discussed within some sectors of the country, especially the Nyasaland Fascist Party - with hopes of a friendship treaty post-independence maintaining the current economic status quo. However, negotiations made it clear that continued Nyasan access to the Annwynian infrastructure that the country's populace had grown reliant on would not be on the table. Annwyn continued to insist on an independence referendum, effectively as a loyalty poll to avoid retaining a fiercely independently-minded populace.

At this point what would later be known as the First Referendum was held - the government campaigned for a vote to remain, stressing economic disaster if Nyasaland were to be left without the infrastructure she had grown accustomed to. Initially the government campaign dominated public opinion, but as realities set in, a more hardened approach began being espoused by the Fascist Party, with more now wondering if the hardships of independence were well worth it. Furthermore, questions were raised about the validity and clarity of the referendum; it had been hastily set up, with no clear statement from Annwyn on whether this was binding, advisory, what concessions Nyasan loyalty would bring with it, and exactly what infrastructure Nyasaland would be deprived of should she leave.

These concerns eventually lead to the annulment of the First Referendum before polls were even closed, and hasty negotiations obtained a more clear statement from Annwyn; concessions in regards to security, and the ability of the Annwyn military to establish bases freely on Nyasan land. Hoping to close the matter quickly, Nyasan proposals for a lengthier time period to host a health national debate were rejected. This lead to a much more chaotic and polarised Second Referendum, with Annwyn's verbatim position clearly stated on the ballot.

The Government continued to campaign for a vote to remain, again stressing the economic catastrophe of leaving Annwyn, but there was no longer a clear line and the Fascist Party now campaigned for independence at any cost, fearing that a remain vote would sign away and Nyasan self-determination within Annwyn, and deprive them of future chances for peaceful independence - eternal servitude.

However, at the last hour, an unexpected salvation came. Nyasan explorers had charted a land far to the south, dubbed 'Tanganyanka'. Tanganyanka was a land of swamps, deserts, mushroom isles - effectively all virgin land, and with the right climates and biomes to host the infrastructure neccessary to support Nyasan industry of the kind that Annwyn would have left them without. Previous economic analyses had understood that all surrounding biomes were already occupied by Annwyn, with their own infrastructure, rendering any further-afield industry unprofitable and irrelevant due to distance. With this, all that changed. Now, with only a bit of backbone and hard work, Nyasaland could have her own farms, factories, XP industry and the other crucial aspects that the national economy had become accustomed to.

A wave of nationalistic fervor and sudden optimism immediately swept the nation, with the Second Referendum, again, annulled before the polls were closed, and Nyasan negotiators announced to Annwyn the country's decision to go their own way. The 'Treaty on Relations' was drafted later that day, formalising Nyasaland's independence.


New Constitution

A new constitution solidifying the legal bedrock of the independent Nyasan state, granting more democracy than Nyasans had experienced since the Republic - the Archduchess was granted primacy over foreign affairs, while a reorganised Governor's office called 'the First Minister' was given a popular mandate through bi-monthly elections and sole jurisdiction in domestic affairs.

Some political changes followed, with the Fascist Party reforming its image after an influx of new members and the new situation after independence - adopting an ideology of National Bolshevism and hoping to champion worker's rights in the newly free Nyasaland, the NFP was reorganised into the Nyational Worker's Party.

First Election

The first election on the 23rd December saw a surprisingly narrow victory for the NWP, with 90% vote turnout. Contributing to the electoral surprise of the Noble Womb's success was the early Choralist group, the Sisterhood of the Bell, throwing their support behind them.

Candidate Votes Party
cat_alunya 5 Nyational Workers Party
AveAwan 4 Noble Womb

Colonisation of Tanganyanka

With backbreaking speed, a rail line spanning the 2600m from Palgrave to Tanganyanka was dug and track laid in one night, independence day on the 21st December immediately linking the new colony to the metropole. Farms were quickly established, as well as the small town of Purazi. The land was more thoroughly charted, and with this it was divided into the regions of swampy Gondweli, arid Mizizma and dour Tynwald. Governess vriskalicious was also soon appointed to govern the territory.

Choral Pact

With the proto-religion that would later develop into Choralism growing from its seedbed in Typha to now sweeping the entire country, this particular development now came to the attention of the government. After the Archduchess' personal conversion, and with the need for a religious tradition to further support the country's national identity and by which to officiate ceremonies such as the upcoming Royal Wedding, negotiations were entered into with the leaders of Belle Harbour's choralist community, the Sisterhood of the Bell. The Choral Pact on the 2nd January 2019 saw the early roots of Choralism reformed into a defined religion integrated into civic life, termed 'State Choralism' - this was organised under a state church, the Great State Chorus, of which the Archduchess was symbolic leader.

Nyasaland's days of secularism were over, and this had immediate political and symbolic ramifications - government officials now had to swear allegiance to the Four Tones; Loyalty, Vigour, Charity, Wisdom, and the country's coat of arms now saw the Kawaiion holding a bell-adorned staff.

Expansion of Nyanzig

The eventual agreement for the new borders of Nyanzig.

Nyasaland had for a long period of time grown dissatisfied with the geographic situation of the Margraviate of Nyanzig, which was rapidly growing in population yet unable to be fully developed accordingly due to its small territorial size and unyielding terrain. Following weeks of border conflicts, heated negotiations and back-and-forths between Brightshore and Nyasaland, a treaty was signed on the 3rd January expanding Nyanzig significantly with more land from Brightshore for a payment. Subsequently, the capital of territory was relocated to the new town of Tomocho in the great eastern valley which had been acquired for the Magraviate. From this point onward, Nyasaland would be further committed to restoring positive relations and cordiality with their northern neighbour.


The bedrock of modern Nyasan politics is the Constitution, which establishes a constitutional monarchy with an elected First Minister, and defines the country's aristocracy, government, and formalities such as the new national symbols. The two main organs of state in the Archduchy are the Archduchess herself, who represents the head of state and deals with foreign affairs, and the First Minister who represents the citizenry, elected by a simple majority every two months, and having jurisdiction over internal affairs. Under the First Minister serve a number of committees and secondary ministers, which fall under their responsibility. Some of these currently in function include;

Emblem of the Nyasaland Fascist Party, the country's de-facto ruling party during the Annwyn Archduchy.
  • Nyasaland Immigrations and Customs Board; overviews the granting of Nyasan citizenship to individuals
  • Nyasaland Boundary Commission; overviews the management and revision of Nyasaland's internal administrative borders.

Regional leaders a high degree of influence within their respective territories, the most notable example being Margrave 8isanumber of Nyanzig. A Marshal who governs the national army is also appointed jointly by the Archduchess and the First Minister - the incumbent is BennyZ.

Political Parties

Going back to under the Annwyn Archduchy, the country has several political parties and other politically-motivated movements.

Symbol Party Ideology Leader Information
Nyational Workers Party National Bolshevism, Expansionism, Classical Fascism (some members) cat_alunya & BennyZ The successor party of the Nyasaland Fascist Party, the nation's de-facto ruling party under the Annwyn Archduchy, which campaigned extensively for independence during the Nyexit Affair. The party's internal ideological stance was later reformed in a more socialist direction after independence was achieved.

The NWP is Nyasaland's largest party, with a published manifesto outlining their policies. Their support is strongest in the capital of Palgrave, and also in the country's colonies. Headquartered at 1 Overlook Avenue, Palgrave.

Party of the Noble Womb Aristocratic Socialism, Monarchism AveAwan Founded by Countess Didelphi on the 10th December 2018. The party promotes a fusion of socialist thought with concepts of noblisse oblige and staunch monarchism, in which the Nyasan aristocracy have a duty to promote socialism amongst the people.

The Noble Womb are strongest in the metropole's rural north, with Didelphi in particulary being their heartland. If one distinguishes between the NFP and its successor NWP, the Noble Womb is the country's oldest continuously-operating party.

Nyasaland Conservationist Party Conservationism, Green Conservatism, State Choralism Phantasmagaric Formed out of a split from the Noble Womb on the 8th January 2019, out of concerns about the devastation of the natural environment in Didelphi. The NCP are a mostly single-issue party pushing for the preservation of the traditional environment and ecology of the Nysan metropole. They are also generally conservatives, and support Choralism as the traditional religion of Nyasaland.


  • Constitution of the Republic of Nyasaland
    The nation's first constitution, written in 2017.
  • Charter of the Archduchy of Nyasaland
    The charter under which the Annwyn Archduchy, or 'Nyannwyn', operated. Laid the bedrock for much of modern Nyasan politics, including the Archduchy itself.
  • Constitution of the Archduchy of Nyasaland
    The country's constitution after independence, putting in place an elected First Minister position and with other reforms to limit the power of the Archduchess.
  • Nyasaland-Annwyn Treaty on Relations
    Nyasaland's pseudo-independence-document, which laid out the basic relations between Nyasaland and Annwyn after the former's transition to independence.
  • Nyasaland-Mythril Alliance
    An alliance between Nyasaland and the northern country of Mythril.
  • Choral Pact
    An internal concordat between the Archduchess and the country's Choralist religious leaders in which 'State Choralism' was established as Nyasaland's official religion.
  • Nyanzig Expansion Treaty
    An agreement with the northern country of Brightshore whereby Nyasaland purchased more land along her northern shore to expand the Margraviate of Nyanzig.
Electoral constituencies under the Republic of Nyasaland, 2017.

Under the Republic

Under the old Republican Nyasan Constitution, the Republic was composed of numerous unique features, with a Westminsteresque elected Assembly staffed by elected representatives, and a President to handle military & foreign affairs, who in turn would select a 'Castellan' and 'Seneschal' to jointly govern the nation. 'Party' electoral behaviour was strictly forbidden and authority was heavily delegated to several minor governmental bodies based around Palgrave.


Nyasaland is a small, hilly and thickly forested island, mostly raised on a sharp plateau, with the exception of Typha - the main defined geographic features on the plateau are the heavily-foliaged Mount Nyangani which dominates the largely untouched southwest of the island, as well as the great gorge scoring the land near it. The east of the plateau has seen heavy development with the City of Palgrave and borough of Chantilly Hollow. To the north, Nyasaland's oldest structures can be seen existing in a state of a greater concordat with nature, with the exception of the grand walls criss-crossing the territory.

Nyasaland's modern-day administrative boundaries.

Across the Nyirene to the north, the Margraviate of Nyanzig is densely forested and hilly, with most settlements closely hugging the coast. Far to the south, the Colony of Tanganyanka is much larger than the metropole, with a set of varied biomes including a desert, swamp, and mushroom isle.


Nyasaland's national holidays include the 21st February, Archduchess Palgrave's birthday, and the 21st December, the country's anniversary day from Annwyn. Croquet is Nyasaland's unofficial national sport, with the second-oldest building in Palgrave being the headquarters of the country's National Croquet Association.

Most of Nyasaland's high culture centres on the capital, Palgrave; the city's aesthetic splendour has been noted by many, with a clearly defined style inspired by Edwardian, Victorian and in some places towards the city's outskirts, Colonial architecture. The city boasts two cafes, a library, and a monumental classical theatre.

The country also has a number of regional cultures. Outside of Palgrave, to the north, the quaint borough of Chantilly Hollow is noted for its unique organic architecture and rustic theme. The belligerent citizens of Nyanzig feel themselves to be on the front line of Nyasaland against the fearful unknown of the vast north. In far-off and vast Tanganyanka, the colonists have a rather rugged character based on their history as settlers.

Orders, Medals and Decorations

Nyasaland issues a number of honours which it bestows upon both its citizenry and selected foreigners alike. These can be found below.

Image Name Details Distribution
Knightly Order of Benny
Nyasaland's highest peacetime decoration, for those who have provided indispensable services to the nation. Named for BennyX, Marshal and discoverer of Tanganyanka. Only one has been issued as of yet, to the Order's namesake, BennyX.

Order of Chastity
Awarded for those who toiled in the construction of Nyasaland's Vault, Chastity. Comes in three classes - Bronze, Silver, and Gold, in ascending order of contribution to the construction effort. Fourteen have been issued; 10 of gold-class, 2 of silver-class, and 2 of bronze-class. All but one are held by Nyasan Citizens.

Flags of Nyasaland

Flag Represents Explanation
War Flag of Nyasaland A magenta saltire on a cyan field with white fimbrations and a slightly modified Nyasaland Coat of Arms in the centre - to accentuate the Kawaiion’s fierceness. The War Flag represents the Nyasaland Armed Forces, being flown on all military installations even in times of peace. In times of conflict, the War Flag may supplant usage of the national flag. However, as Nyasaland has never been in a war, this has never happened.
Palgrave A green-white vertical bicolour. Represents the natural colours of Palgrave and the urban development that has sprung up over it.
Pilzgeist A red-white-purple horizontal triband, with the red taking up the top 50% of the flag. A white mushroom is offset towards the hoist, 'growing' out of the white triband.
Didelphi A diagonal yellow-red bicolour with a white plough across the centre. The yellow represents the bountiful wheat production of Didelphi, the red both House Didelphi and the Noble Womb Party, and the plough industry and agriculture.
Typha A burgundy field defaced with a pink oxeye flower.
Nyangani A green field with a Nyasan flag emerging from the hoist diagonally. Represents the advance of Nyasan civilisation into the unyielding wilderness of southwest Nyasaland, or Nyangani.
Margraviate of Nyanzig A white field with the left third towards the hoist a deep green. On the crowned coat of arms, the wheat-on-green, and sword-on-red represent the dual missions of colonisation and defence respectively. The coat of arm's straddling between the two colours represents Nyanzig's bridging of the boundary between the known and unknown.
Colony of Tanganyanka A tricolour with two thin stripes, purple and orange, towards the hoist, and a larger third in dark green. The colours purple, orange and green represent the mushroom island of Tynwald, the desert of Mizizma and the swamp of Gondweli respectively.