Columbia: Difference between revisions

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Formerly an illegal colony of Columbia's infamous and expansionist far-northern rival Kaiserreich, Xylvania is an old, mountainous province stretching from the relatively fertile Sylvanian plateau to the poorly charted and almost inhospitable lands far to the north; which are empty aside from the odd village of shepherds, woodcutters and fishermen. Norfolk itself is an ancient city, boasting a single central road running its length and many old medieval houses and taverns.
After the pearling of regional overseer Labigcheese, Virginia, then renamed Bohemia, was granted to YourAverageRick (former TdC, Caledonia) upon his joining Columbia as a personalpet fiefdomproject.
For some god forsaken reason, Labig ''didn't reinforce a thing'', and due to Rick's desire to not have to CTR literally everything, he began tearing out old structures and making plans for new, greater, villages.
Work was postponed indefinitely due to a fun cocktail of Rick's burnout with civ and the Columbian Civil War, where Norfolk was demolished by scavengers, but plans are ambitious.
Motto: Nothing but rubble and suffering.
Capital: Detroit
Formerly Rhodes, the industrial hub of Columbia, after Kdeeks and pds0303, the regional overseers, ass fucked literally everyone and got pearled in an extremely embarrassing way at the Valyria Vault, it was leveled, looted, and disabled by the returning Columbians.
The region soon was renamed - Rick suggested naming it Michigan because it's a post-industrial hellhole, however KnotNSA went with Zimbabwe.
