CivcraftImport:Factions/historic prussia

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//<wrap centre lo>Note: This is the original wiki page on the Kingdom of Prussia at the end of CivCraft 1.0.

For the modern Kingdom of Prussia in CivCraft 2.0, see Prussia.</wrap> //

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Kingdom of PrussiaKönigreich Preußen

<wrap lo>Anthem:</wrap>

<wrap lo>Motto:</wrap>
"Ordnung. Ehre. Freiheit."
("Order. Honor. Freedom.")

Capital Danzig
Official Languages English, German
Demonyn Prussian
Government Constitutional Monarchy
Governor Wilhelm I
Established 13-07-2012
Population ~60
Abbreviation PRU
Preceded by Fourth Reich
Subreddit /r/CivcraftPrussia


Kingdom of Prussia

The Kingdom of Prussia (<wrap lo>German:</wrap> Königreich Preußen) is a nation that consists of 8 islands, with the mainland portion bordering Chiapas, the Germania exclave south of Bay City, and a small settlement exclave north of Haven.


Prussia is the direct continuation of the Fourth Reich faction that came to CivCraft on the 11th of July, 2012. They founded Berlin as their first settlement. However, this was on Stevo1066's land, which resulted in friction. Containing a lot of overeager, aggressive members clad in iron, the Fourth Reich annexed Stevo's land. The world police stepped in, and the group was pearled.

Most were released on the 13th, but the Fourth Reich lost a lot of members. They decided to interact more peacefully with the server, and founded a second settlement, called Germania. This lived peacefully until the 15th of July, when the Jacks faction, wary of the Reich's numbers, attacked unprovoked. They levelled the town and pearled its citizens indefinitely.

With no hope of getting out, the remaining peaceful members of the Fourth Reich decided a change of name was in order, so on the 16th of July, Prussia was founded. Operating in the End, they constructed Marienburg, a grand castle containing a number of facilities.

Kinetic_Waffle finally released the Prussians on August 8th. Waffle, dissatisfied with the Jacks' blind pearlings, released the Prussians in protest, and gave them a starting capital from the Jacks' vault. The Jacks dissolved, and the Prussians founded Danzig on the same day. Fearing there were still hostile feelings among other factions of the server, the location of Danzig was a well-guarded secret for a month. For extra security, Prussia became one of the founding members of the SEA on the 22nd of August. The SEA is an organization for keeping peace within the +,+ quadrant.

On September 8th, Danzig went public. Visitors were amazed by the town built by a group originally founded with the goal of raiding. Unfortunately, disaster struck on September 13th, when fighting between Havana and Communa spilled over to Danzig because of Prussia's SEA ties. The city was lavagriefed badly, and it took some weeks to return the city to its previous state. Some Prussians, furious over this attack, renounced their citizenship, and attacked Havana on the 14th. They left no building standing, and planted trees to form Havana National Park.

The 11th of November brought another disaster. The murderer Jacfriedchicken committed regicide by killing the beloved King Dolan IX. A new King was coronated, King Gustav I. Sadly, he was struck down on the 22nd of February by divine intervention of the God ttk2. Gustav had no heirs, and was succeeded by King Wilhelm I.

After longstanding tensions, _dbb_ declared war on Gondolin in a drunken stupor. There have not been any battles or casualties yet, but both nations are still wary of each other.



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Territory of Prussia


Prussia counts six settlements:

The capital of Prussia. Founded on the 8th of August, 2012, it is the kingdom's largest city. The King resides there in the castle.

  • Königsberg

An island and settlement west of Danzig. Currently consists of a rail station and one house.

  • Fort Kelric

The old town of Xamous, absorbed into Prussia. Consists of Xamous' old castle, which has been until recently the national prison, an RSSR fort, and farms.

A walled settlement south of Bay City. Founded by the Fourth Reich, it is now under the administration of Prussia. Still in disrepair after the razing by the Pumpkin Jacks.

  • Marienburg

Located in the End, this is essentially a large castle, home to pearled Prussians.

Located north of Haven, this is a reclaimed settlement from the first days of the server for historical purposes.

Royal Prussian Railroads

_dbb_ took over the Seemack Railworks Network from delizseemack on the 25th of February, making the Kingdom of Prussia the custodian of this network. It was renamed to Royal Prussian Railroads (RPR). On the nether side, it consists of three lines: Red, Yellow, and Black, with a White line planned.

On the overworld side, it consists of a Subway (called the "U-Tube") in the Danzig area, with a WIP connection to Chiapas.


There are three outposts in the territory of Prussia:

  • Santa Frisia to the south of Danzig
  • Santa Cheruskia to the southwest of Danzig
  • Santa Armenia to the south of Santa Frisia

8ofspades' island became part of the Kingdom when he became a Prussian citizen. It lies to the east of Danzig.


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Prussian Embassy at Rapture


Prussia has built embassies in several friendly cities, including:


Prussia is a constitutional monarchy. The King is head of state, at present Wilhelm I. A King will serve the Prussian nation until his death. A number of Ministers serve the King. These are:

  • Minister of Ordnung
    • He gives out access to the community chests and coordinates Storage systems. He is responsible for the Claiming of Resources and for the Compensation Work of Prisoners. the current holder of this position is Gotterdammer.
  • Minister of Building
    • He coordinates the building of streets and railways in and between settlements, as well as the distribution of Plots to citizens. He is responsible for the Coordination of Buildings and the Homogeneity of the Houses in Prussian settlements. Current holder of this position is Koentinius.
  • Minister of Diplomacy
    • He has the Duty to build an Embassy in every friendly State and to stay in Contact to establish trade and positive relations. The current holder of this position is _dbb_.
  • Minister of Justice
    • He is in charge of creating laws when necessary, and judges Prussian prisoners. Current holder of this position is Gezoerksel.
  • Senator
    • He is a general councilman to the King. They can vote on matters of state, but are not head of a ministry. Current senators are Chuckizzle, Kawww and Eltren.

The Parliament was elected by the people upon the foundation of the nation. After this, the Ministers nominate their successors. A member can only replaced against his own will through a motion of no confidence. Any citizen of Prussia has the right initiate a vote about the exclusion of the respective member. The member has the right to defend himself but is excluded in the vote.

Only members of the Parliament can propose and vote on laws. Every member has only 1 vote. Before The Parliament can vote on a law it must be published for 2 days. During this time it is the duty of every member to check it for flaws and to decide if it changes the constitution. To pass a law that does not affect the constitution over 50% of the given votes must be in favor of the law while the turnout of voters must be at least 40%. If it affects the constitution over 2/3 of the votes must be in favor and the turnout of voters must be at least 60%. A vote ends 24 hours after it began unless specified otherwise.



The internal economy of Prussia resembles that of Socialism. All Prussian citizens are free to give and take from the communally-owned storage rooms, but there are no quotas or limits. The Minister of Ordnung is responsible for maintaining the storage rooms and refilling materials short on supply. He can do so by calling on citizens to help in gathering resources, or through trade, either internally or externally.

Danzig is the economic centre of Prussia due to nearly all Prussians residing there, most storage rooms and vaults being in or near Danzig, and most natural resources and man-made production facilities being relatively near to the capital.

The most-produced materials in the Kingdom are wools, oak and spruce woods, stones (including smoothstone), clay and brick, lapis lazuli, and snow. Its main exports include smoothstone, iron, rails and rail-related services (Royal Prussian Railroads (RPR)), and military assets.

Due to the popular architecture and design of Danzig, many tourists visit the capital each month. However, this potential source of additional income is not being tapped.

A knowledge-driven economy is also taking hold in Danzig, largely with the construction and development of Danzig University. The University will research various aspects of the CivCraft world and her history. Collaboration projects are being planned with various other universities, libraries, independent experts, and the CivCraft Public Works.


Despite the socialism-styled public economy that covers all basic materialistic and food needs, a handful of private business have been founded in and operate out of Danzig:

  • The Prussian Publishing Company, "P.P.C.", specializes in book crafting, writing, and copying.
  • A yet-to-be-named company will own and operate the factory being built in Danzig. The factory is nearing the end of its construction, and is already operational for the mass production of oak wood, charcoal, and smoothstone. Once complete, it will also be able to produce all 4 types of wood, obsidian, and snow.

Prussia currently has no laws limiting or supporting private, profit-oriented endeavours. The only limiting factor is land usage, if land is needed.



Prussia is essentially the direct descendant of the Fourth Reich, whose founding members met and organized on the Krautchan /int/ server. After the fall of the Fourth Reich and being freed from the End, several members decided to remain on the server and create Prussia, where this founding group is still largely active today and holds several governmental positions. Prussia has almost completely severed ties to its bloody origin as its citizens and government focus on a peaceful and productive future. Being from Krautchan, this core group is a diverse group of Europeans.


Prussia had its first official Census done on the 17th of March, 2013. The Census revealed that its population is roughly half European, half American+Canadian, and a few other nations of origin.

Architecture and Style

Prussia and the City of Danzig were founded with an old German-Prussian style of architecture in mind. Thanks to the the dedication of a few main architects, designers, and upkeep by officials and citizens, the city looks the way it does today. The predominant style of private houses found in Danzig fall under the "Fachwerk" style, as it is mandatory by law for the homogeneous look of the city. The larger buildings in Danzig can be loosely classified under different architectural styles, although they may not have been designed so intentionally: the Castle, Cathedral, and University are brick gothic; the Public Baths, Theatre, and Palace of Arts are Italian high renaissance; and the Factory is German renaissance.

Prussia also has its own uniform meant to be worn and useful on an everyday-basis. It consists of an iron helmet, leggings, and boots; and a dyed royal blue leather tunic. It is not mandatory.


Although Prussia has two official languages, German and English, there is no discrimination against players not knowing one or the other. English is the most commonly spoken language in-game as well as on the Prussian subreddits, however a fair amount of documentation and writing is done in German. Occasionally, Prussians will break into song singing the Preußenlied or other German/Prussian folksongs.


On the 22nd of December, 2012 Prussia was decorated as "The Coolest Kingdom" at the second Drama Awards held in Mount Augusta.