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<WRAP right 315px>

[[File:/factions/<coat of arms>.png|100px|class=align-center]]

<wrap lo>Anthem:</wrap>
National Anthem

<wrap lo>Motto:</wrap>
"Glory To The Commonwealth!"

Capital Fort Ironside
Official Languages English
Demonyn Dependent on which borough you live in. For example Ironside = Ironsider, Nova Vita = Nova Vitan etc.
Government liberal democracy

constitutional monarchy

King Anarchomaniac
Established June - 2013
Population ~100 / 30-35 Active
Abbreviation CW
Subreddit The Commonwealth
The Commonwealth's Constitution!


The Commonwealth


NOTE - Most of this information is outdated, unless specified.

Prior to 2.0, Anarchomaniac had the idea of starting a new city in the game as the previous city he founded with Matthew_Cole was griefed badly during l.0. The idea would be a Commonwealth style government that would be formed the moment 2.0 relaunched. Within the first days of the server relaunch, Anarcho and Matthew_Cole along with Lolmagus scouted different locations for the founding of the first borough of the Commonwealth. Matthew_Cole by chance stumbled upon a mountaintop which was empty and perfectly placed between a forest.

After he told Anarchomaniac of the location, Matthew_Cole homesteaded inside a cave of the mountain top which would be the first claim in the formation of Fort Ironside and eventually the start of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth wouldn't stop there with the second borough being around the corner due to the amount of people coming into it which would soon lead the formation of Verdant Valley by Chickenator200 and Aeglaecia, followed a few days after with Kokopopolis by MTBoroweski. These boroughs would become the original three which define the Commonwealth to this day.


The Commonwealth consists of many boroughs, namely Fort Ironside, Verdant Valley, Kokopopolis, Seaside, Pavlova, Polaris, Union Avenue, Nova Vita, Queensport, Gastonville, Tortuga, Visoky Dva, Sheff's Valley and The Old CivISS Base.

A map of The Commonwealth (made by Marakitus) can be found here. (Relevant 9/13)


The Commonwealth is home to many different political ideologies, ranging from Nationalists, to Communists.

The Official Political Parties of The Commonwealth are as follows:

The Conservative Party

Progressive Welfare Party

The Nationalist Party

The Liberal Party

The Leninist Party

The Charity Party

The Stakhanovian Party



The Commonwealth is a burgeoning Westminster Style Parliamentary liberal democracy & constitutional monarchy in the -,+ region.

The Commonwealth is governed autonomously by its boroughs and their Lords, each of whom choose their own method of administration. Boroughs can be located as close or as far from one another as they'd prefer. The boroughs elect members to the Commonwealth's House of Commons. Each Member of Parliament represents an electoral district, called a "riding". Parties may be formed to contest these elections.

Current (active) boroughs are: Fort Ironside, Verdant Valley, Kokopopolis, Union Ave, Seaside, Polaris, Pavlova, Gastonville, Queensport and CivISS.

Boroughs and their current administrators:

Fort Ironside The Cliff's Wall Verdant Valley
Matthew_Cole Oxxhorn Aeglaecia