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<WRAP right>

Kingdom of GrundeswaldKoninkryk van Groenewoude

Грундесвалд Xаанчлал
Königreich Grundeswald
Королевство Грюндесвальдское
Království Grundeswald
Reino de Grundeswald
Royaume de Grundeswald
//SUPER ASSHOLES<wrap lo>see</wrap> //


Flag of Grundeswald

Capital New Salisbury
Official Languages English

Local minority languages include:

Demonym Grundeswegian
Government Absolute Monarchy
Leader R.I. Ronald Grundeswald MMCXVII
Establishment June 1st, 2013
Population ~50

</WRAP> A controversial State under the absolute control of a schizophrenic madman.


Khanate Age

The City of Istabul and its Katarbad protectorate had been completely destroyed by Aixyz in the closing days of the Khanate Age. Kovio Khan, leader of the Katars, was usurped by venture capitalist Ronald Grundeswald. Promising the Katari tribesmen vast riches beyond their imagination, they began a great trek. Ronald Grundeswald, backed by his money laundering operation GrundesCorp, started a mining operation beneath the ruins of Istanbul. He and the Katars tunneled north until they discovered a suitable diamond mining operation, where GrundesCorp set up its offices and the Katar people were absorbed as employees.

Vrystaat Age

Operating under a Corporate charter limited the amount of power Ronald Grundeswald had over his employees. With a thirst for absolute power he established the Grundeswald Free State (Vrystaat), and declared himself Staatspresident. Vrystaat codified certain Katari laws and made illegal the act of raiding, a mainstay of Katar culture, as well as murder. Ronald's true intention, the New Zion bunker and missile silo, was built underneath the new capital city of Salisbury. Ronald aligned himself with the LSIF, assuming that an alliance of multiple cities would increase his overall power in the world. The Katars quickly adapted to their new role as corporate employees and started revering Ronald Grundeswald as their new Khan. Their fanatical devotion to him and his values quickly lead to getting both the state and corporation in trouble.

Bryn Incident

While gathering resources for New Zion, a few Vrystaaters were overheard using racial slurs in the proximity of Bryn City. Relations between Vrystaat and Bryn were already very low, and the Brynians were searching for even a hardly justifiable casus belli in order to destroy the Vrystaat. After a small skirmish, the Vrystaaters preached the injustices of Bryn to the world at the Internationale in Proletarskaya. Bryn reported the politically incorrect actions of Vrystaat to the LSIF, who unanimously expelled them from the organisation. Rather than fight and lose, the Staatspresident declared a second great trek would occur to the city of New Leningrad, the only socialist state still aligned with Vrystaat. The Embassy in New Leningrad was converted into communal housing for the Katar/Vrystaaters. After awhile, though, the hordes were restless, and they looked east to greener pastures. Ronald Grundeswald announced a Federation with New Leningrad, and the Vrystaat became the People's State--the Volkstaat.

Volkstaat Age

To a swamp nested in a valley, close to the LSIF commune of Catalonia, the Volkstaat was born. The people called themselves Grundeswegians in a Grundeswald Volkstaat, a nationalist demonym from the name of their Staatpresident. A national anthem was composed for Volkstaat, and a general feeling of vorfreude could be felt by the entire population. The focus on GrundesCorp faltered as Ronald began his foray into the realm of statecraft and economic prosperity was very much within reach. The Volkstaat period was is characterised with its relatively low amount of exploration and building. A small town called New Salisbury was erected across from the largest mountain in the area. It contained a few meagre homes gravel roads: suitable while Ronald figured out his next move.


Unsatisfied with the stable political climate of Volkstaat, a few Grundeswegians went first to Orion and finally Aytos in an attempt to interact in one of those liberal democracies they had heard so much about. They were expelled from Orion for reverting to their old Turanic ways and looked towards Aytos as it had recently started letting immigrants join the city. The Grundeswegians became very political active in Aytos, albeit under pseudonyms, and eventually worked in tandem with the Aytos government to stop Carsonite political parties from reaching power. The political maneuvering lead to a union between Aytos and Volkstaat, and finally with Volkstaat annexing Aytos to stop all elections there.

Kingdom Age

With the city of Aytos under firm Grundeswegian control and the growing devotion to their President Ronald Grundeswald, all pretenses of representative government for the people were shed. The Federation with New Leningrad was dissolved and for the first time since Kovio's reign the Katars had a monarch. The Kingdom of Grundeswald was the natural evolution of the Grundeswald Volkstaat, and this new age began increased exploration and industrialisation. Abandoned and small cities were annexed into Grundeswald proper and every Grundeswegian began preparing for a war against an unknown enemy.

Awesomemanor, which had long been the frontier of Grundeswald was downgraded to archaic fort as the city of 42 was annexed with its builders' permission. Torp, an abandoned mountain town, destroyed by vandals and terrorists as it went into obscurity was also annexed and renamed Drakensberg. The four cities of Grundeswald were now 42, Aytos, New Salisbury and Torp, but tensions began to heat up in Aytos.

Imperial Age

The current age of Grundeswald was established in the wake of the Aytos revolution. A wave of Aytian nationalism hit the broken population and Grundeswald was presented with an ultimatum: Independence or War. The Aytian rebels were back by Nexus while the Grundeswegian administration scrambled to hold on to their colony. An idea was put forward that would Federalise Grundeswald into different states and territories, and old settlements under nominal Grundeswegian control (Vrystaat and Istanbul) would be annexed into the city proper. The city of Xia, long in Grundeswald's sphere of influence, was also to be annexed or at least be made into a protectorate. It was hoped that Aytos would accept the terms of being an equal member in a Federation of States, but there was no such luck. <WRAP right>

File:/factions/old map.png
The original proposal by the Grundeswegian Government.

</WRAP> Aytos was transferred to Nexus who promised to give it independence when they could function on their own. The Federation idea was scrapped by the territorial subdivisions were kept, and each state and territory were appointed a Governor to represent the King. Grundeswald was now a massive Empire, and although it lost its colony of Aytos it looked North, past the equator for its next conquests.

The equator had been the de facto border of Grundeswald from the day its territories were organised and categorised, however, mining operations had discovered diamonds as far North as the abandoned city of Boston, so it was determined that all land between North Salisbury and Boston were to be annexed. This period can be marked by the absurd amount of territorial annexations made by the Grundeswegian government as well as a hawk lobby policy towards its neighbours. tbc




and the rest of the gang


None to speak of


All nations fear the Battkhorti wizard



Grundeswald awards medals for various acts to individuals across the server.

Public opinion

Public opinion of Grundeswald is overwhelmingly positive.

I love Grundeswald. They are the saviors of the ++, eternal knights against the forces of chaos and disorder, the greatest upholders of honor and virtue, the most honest people I have ever met, and most importantly, a group of very genuinely nice people who I can't recall ever speaking a mean word to me or my friends. Really I can't see why anyone would dislike them. - AMB