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**The Grand Republic of Equinox**Equinox
Local Languages English & Spanish
Demonyn Equinoxan
Commandant FrecklesTheCat
Leiutenant General Prophet_The_Hero
Founders Isaao12 & Chronic_Power
Establishment February, 2014
Population 22
Abbreviation EQX
Location -4700, +4000
Subreddit /r/CivEquinox
Towns & Cities Equinox,Kyndale


The Republic of Equinox

The Republic of Equinox is a small city-state in the mid -,+ quadrant.

The Republic was founded by Isaao12 and Chronic_Power in February of 2014. It slowely grew until sudden events caused its collapse. At its prime, it was home to 7 people, and was relatively active.

As of 9/9/2014, Isaao12 gave permission to FrecklesTheCat to begin a resurrection of sorts for the town, and it is once again an active city.



Equinox, like all towns, began as an idea. Isaao12 and Chronic_Power, new residents of the Commonwealth, began making plans for a small town in the plains to the southwest. After several days of planning, the two gathered only what they could carry in their inventories and set out for an area in the plains to the east of Kynsdale, and began construction. They worked to flatten the ground, and constructed a fort from which to start building. Of all the buildings of the town at its collapse, it is as of 9/9/2014 the most intact building in the city. Soon roads, farms, a tree farm, and a few houses appeared. It was towards the end of this period that Sharpwing58 joined the city.

Construction and Outreach

Not long after it's founding, the city began to grow. Within a week it had reached 6 residents, and would get to a total of 9 at its high point. With these recruits, buildings began to pop up, and with it came the cities unintentional building style of acacia wood and varying materials. Houses sprung up, and more farms were built to feed the population. The city now grown to the point of relevancy, it began to build outward in an attempt to form connections with the world around it.A road was constructed connecting the town to the Lio-CW highway, granting the town access to a major market and rail hub. The town planned to build a rail to connect to the CIC, but the project was never completed. The major build of this time, was the palace of Lord Leonardo I, a massive construction which at the time of its abandonment took up a space of 100x600 blocks. However, this peace and growth could not last forever.

First Griefings

It was not long after going public, that the town was hit by its first griefers. A loner by the name of seanpff attacked the town, burning many buildings and stealing valuables. In total, a 35d bounty was placed on him, for 4 attacks on the town and a loss of 20 diamonds worth of items. Other griefs happened, but none were extremely major.


In an attempt to gain protection and help from griefers, Equinox began a search for a major power willing to adopt the state, using this post, and eventually decided to join the UIA. Under it's care, and with personal help from Rydenstrife, the town managed to recover from the attacks, and the future looked bright.


When all seemed well, a strike directly against the leader of the town came from where it could hurt most. One of his trusted advisers, Sharpwing58, who had joined the town in its infancy, abducted Isaao12's copy of The Book of Clay, and said he would return it for 2d. In response, Sharpwings house was torn down and his chests seized, but all of his valuables and the book of clay were gone. Sharpwing never returned. The town itself would recover from this, but Isaao12 himself could not get over his friends betrayel.

The Collapse

It was not long after, that Isaao12, who was struggling with problems in real life and in game, announced that he would be stepping down as leader. He passed on command to Chronic_Power, and left the town, eventually founding a more succesful town in the DZF. Chronic_Power managed to hold Equinox together for a time after Isaao12's departure, but eventually the town slipped into disrepair, and every remaining citizen became inactive. Chronic_Power then declared the town inactive, and back under command of Isaao12 should any attempts be made to ressurect it.


It was not until early August, when FrecklesTheCat, who had heard tales of Equinox from Isaao12, decided that he wished to attempt to revive the town. He asked permission of Isaao12, and was granted the title of Commandant. Freckles made his way to the town, to find the road had been maintained by an unknown person, but that the town was in utter ruin. He quickly set about cleaning the fort, and preparing supplies for rebuilding.

Future Plans

At this time, Freckles has a list of things he has planned for the town.

  • Clear out destroyed and damaged buildings
  • Rebuild farms and storage
  • Prepare land for citizens
  • Recruit

He hopes to be able to make Equinox a proud city as it was during its prime.


Screenshot of Equinox mid constrution

Paint Map of Equinox in it's prime

Paint Map of Remaining Buildings