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(WIP (2))
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{{Infobox civilization|name=The Maritime State of Cape Cocoa|image=[[File:CapeCocoaFlag2.png]]|capital_city=Cape Cocoa|location=3800, 630|caption=The second flag of the Maritime State|demonym=Cocoian|government_type=Parliamentary Republic|foundation_document=[ Reddit Post]|governing_document=[ Constitution]|position_title1=Prime Minister|position_name1=AK (IGN operationguyMCS)|position_name2=klabss (IGN Krazvalt)|discord=[ Discord Link]|position_title2=Senior Grand Justice}}
{{Infobox|above=State of Cape Cocoa|image=[[File:CapeCocoaFlag2.png]]|abovestyle=background:#9999FF;}}[[File:Cape Cocoa Night.png|thumb|A townhouse built during the early stages of Cape Cocoa's construction.]]
[[File:CapeCocoaOnMap.png|thumb|Cape Cocoa on the map]]
Cape Cocoa is a city-state located at around 3850, 620 (+,+). It is run by AK (IGN operationguyMCS) and is currently under construction with the help of several newfriends.
The '''Maritime State of Cape Cocoa''', or simply '''Cape Cocoa''', is a Parliamentary Republic in the shallow Southeast on what was formerly [[Communist Cities Caretaker-Protectorate|Lenin Isle]] territory. It was founded by AK (IGN operationguyMCS) and Elo (IGN Eloctrasyd) in early March of 2021. Cape Cocoa has since then established itself as a peaceful building nation, and has experienced rapid growth in population and infrastructure.
== History ==
I'll get around to updating this page with more info later. For now I've gotta remember how wiki editing works lol.
=== Pre-CivClassic ===
AK had joined CivClassic in mid 2019 in the hopes of finding a build server with an emphasis on nations and civility. He was initially a resident of Aurum (which later became a province of [[Varkonia]]), who helped SirFriendzone build some infrastructure. After building an Abbey in South Aurum, AK set off to explore the world, until he fell in a decrepit elevator on his way to Hvalsey, [[Yoahtl]].
Since then, AK took a break from CivClassic, but having been so inspired by its workings, started his own Civ server with a community based in [ Scratch] called [ ScratchCiv]. The server inevitably shut down after nearly a year of activity due to the security of the young server population being threatened by a doxxer. Talks of reviving ScratchCiv are in place, but action to do so likely won't happen until 1.17 releases.
After the decline of ScratchCiv, AK eventually came back to CivClassic with the hopes of starting his own build nation. He invited the mod team to come join him in the search for land to settle, and in early March of 2021, AK and Eloc decided to reside in the wooded cliffs of what was formerly [[Communist Cities Caretaker-Protectorate|Lenin Isle]] territory.
[[File:CapeCocoaOnMap.png|left|thumb|Cape300x300px|First Cocoaland onclaims theof mapCape Cocoa]]
=== Founding and Building of Cape Cocoa ===
===== Settlement of Cape Cocoa =====
[[File:Cape Cocoa Night.png|thumb|A townhouse built during the early stages of Cape Cocoa's construction.|alt=|left|300x300px]]A [ reddit post] was made to formalize the land claims of Cape Cocoa, and was added to the map promptly after its submission into the [[Unified Map Project]].
The first dwellings were built on the side of the cliff face, with the Cliffside Boardwalk being the only path that connected the cliffside dwellings to the surface of the cliff. AK's cliffside dwelling later expanded upward and became the Traveller's Inn, while the room carved into the cliff was later developed into a tunnel that started the creation of Cape Cocoa's Underground.
===== Local expansion =====
Floating sea farms were built on the shallow waters at the base of the cliff, and the building of the first Coast Cabins were overseen by both AK and Northstar (IGN Northstar404).
The claiming of more land west and north of the original claim led to the establishment of four precincts, along with a unique layered-sector system. The building of housing was promptly prioritized as more and more people from ScratchCiv came to join Cape Cocoa and ultimately CivClassic. Later on as the population grew more and more, communal storage and factories got moved to an industrial quarter in Southmarket as a step toward zoning and organizing the town's infrastructure and resources.
Around Mid-April, the construction of the Town Hall was completed, and along with it came an official Constitution document and a flag change. The Constitution established Cape Cocoa as the Maritime State, and its contents were drafted by AK and Block (IGN RarelyUseful).
===== Establishment of Parliament and the Grand Court =====
[[File:CapeCocoaProper1.png|left|thumb|Cape Cocoa Proper, circa April 2021]]
Shortly after the signage of the Constitution, on April 18th general elections were held to determine new leadership positions in the young state. This resulted in the appointment of AK as Cape Cocoa's first Prime Minister. Eloc and Northstar became the first representatives of Parliament, representing Elonorth and Southmarket respectively. Finally, klabss (IGN Krazvalt) was made the first Grand Justice of Cape Cocoa, which also makes him the first Senior Justice.
The passage of the first bill was signed circa April 2020, [WIP]