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It is well known for being a welcoming nation full of nice people and for its securemall, the finest mall in the east.
It is well known for being a welcoming nation full of nice people and for its securemall, the finest mall in the east.

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== Exports, Trade ==
Meat312 is a renowned producer of Prot 4 armor, high quality weapons and tools. Now available for sale in Securemall, if you don't already have access just reach out to meat312, Wingzero54 or Fredhun14 to gain access.

Wingzero54 produces obsidian which is available for sale in Securemall, with bulk obsidian purchases available.

More shops are soon being setup in Caledonia, with Loungebob of Yoahtl working on his own shops.

Players from all over the +,+ and the server in general travel to Caledonia to purchase these goods, and Caledonia is working to improve rail connections to make it easier than ever to access the shops.

== XP Production ==
Wingzero54 created Yoahtl Eastern Hamlet XP (YEHXP) with Gdan, Nevermoregrimm, and gbrb. The four of them created the XP farms in eastern Yoahtl, and used the farms for personal XP production and to assist the Yoahtl government in their XP production.

When Wingzero54 and Meat312 left to create Caledonia, Wingzero54 farmed YEHXP for a while longer but the great distance between the XP farms and Caledonia led Wingzero54 to quit farming them for some time. The other founders grew inactive and quit playing Minecraft, leaving the farms unused. A griefer, believed to be Poortea, griefed the farms but it was quickly cleaned up by Wingzero54 and they were then bastioned to prevent future grief.

When Fredhun14 joined Caledonia he immediately desired to create XP, and together with Wingzero54 (but mostly Fredhun) they began farming the YEXHP farms once again and churning out XP.

Caledonia floated the idea of taking over the territory holding YEHXP from Yoahtl, but was quickly rejected despite Yoahtl's disuse of the land.

== History ==
== History ==