Bloom: Difference between revisions

4,159 bytes added ,  4 years ago
(undoing Chris' changes because that's just mean. also edited some stuff for less controversial and pointed statements from human's previous edit. chris don't do it again)
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}}The '''Federal Republic of Bloom,''' but more commonly known as the '''Bloom''', is a sovereign country in the southeastern area of the -,- region. Bloom includes the island of the Capital Territory, the Great Northern Territory, the Former Territory of Anguilla, and many smaller islands. Bloom is a unitary parliamentary democracy and semi-presidential republic . The current president is Aleh56, who is serving his second term since August 5th, 2018, and in combination with his first term from September of 2017 to February of 2018, making hims the longest-serving current head of stateSlushhi.. The United Kingdom'srepublics capital and largest city is Bloom, a city that servesserved as a former hub for global immigration (See new friend ban) and is the economic and cultural center of the nation. Other major cities in Bloom include the capital of the Great Northern Territory, New Siata, and Anguilla. Bloom consists of two constituent territories: Capital Territory and Great Northern Territory. Within both territories and also outside of them are various townships, 8 in total; these include the Capital City of Bloom, the Town of Little Sweden, and Axum, among others.
Bloom is a developed country. Since the start of 2019, Bloom is comparable Mt. Augusta as a newfriend and architecture center, and is very widely known to the rest of the server. Because of its high activity, and large population, Bloom has developed a powerful legal system, strict building codes, extensive rail connections, and a militia that has a large presence in domestic affairs. The Capital City of Bloom has seen fast development, much of building being concentrated in the western end of the capital. Bloom is a member of the United Northern Congress.
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==== Civclassic ====
[Need to fill out tons here]
'''New Friend Ban'''
The New Friend Ban was a bill proposed and passed by Truck_Man1234 after a series of raids occurred by New friends joining Bloom. Since residency came with access to Blooms primary group at the time, Blooms less secure infrastructure was at risk of getting damaged or destroyed and Bastions served no longer as defense. This ban lasted 2 months until May 31st, meant as a deadline for a better immigration plan, that plan came and a stricter immigration bill was passed. This meant less new friend wanted to join Bloom, because there was an actual process to joining now. Combined with the rise of Icenia and its attractiveness to new friends, Blooms population became a stagnant. During and after the New Friend Ban the community became closer and projects easier to complete with more time freed up from teaching new friends how to play civ. Whether the New Friend ban was beneficial to Bloom or not is up to debate, supporters suggest that it made completion of projects a lot easier and point out the sharp decrease in raiding incidents within Bloom, and its neighbors territory, while those who opposed the bill point out it killed off Blooms intake of new talent and fresh perspectives to a nation famed for its openness to new friends.
== Politics ==
=== Government ===
Bloom is a semi-democratic Nation, with the home secretary and PM being initially elected but incumbent until impeachment, then the house of lords, who act as judges and vote on laws. Followed finally by elected Parliament members, depending on Bloomean activity the amount of MPs fluctuate.
=== Divisions ===
==== Territory of North Island ====
Former territory of Bloom, reannexed into Bloom after State Senators either became inactive or returned to the core territory.
==== City of New Siata ====
Former settlement ran by dBeatzx, since then the city has become inactive and tear down projects are in the works.
==== City of New Boston ====
=== Law & Criminal Justice ===
A judge resides over a case, listens to both sides and follows according to [ this document].
=== Foreign Relations ===
Bloom is happy to maintain rather positive relations with most Nations in Civclassic.
'''[[Holy Jaded Empire|HJE]]'''-'''Bloom Relations'''
Blooms foreign relations started on its first day. Bloom first was in contact with the HJE, who gave starting materials such as picks, snitches and bastions to the young new friend country. The HJE provided jobs for Bloom through digging work at HJE vault projects, these actions would kick start Blooms economy and help Bloom become a regional economic power. Since this time Bloom has become more distant with the HJE, especially since the advent of the Mir-NATO war.
'''[[SATO]]-Bloom Relations'''
Bloom maintains a positive attitude with SATO, due to distance and different goals SATO-Bloom have not had a lot of contact, although recently with the dissolution of the UNC Bloom has been seeking relations with this long standing, stable alliance.
'''[[NATO]]-Bloom Relations'''
Bloom maintains a positive attitude with NATO, back when they were FRIENDS, and contact with the HJE was still established Bloom was considering joining FRIENDS, although Bloom eventually decided to go with the UNC after its formation.
'''[[Mir]]-Bloom Relations'''
Bloom has very little contact with Mir, as their location and isolationist policy has made contact very sparse and far between, with such similar flags though Mir and Bloom are sometimes mistaken for one another, and is a running joke between the two nations.
'''The [[United Northern Congress|UNC]]'''
The UNC was a primarily -,- alliance formed with mutual defense in mind, Bloom while not militarily active within the alliance served more as a transport node for the alliance, Bloom flourished in this alliance, trade was high, infrastructure projects were at a peak, and stability was a common luxury. The UNC had never been in a conflict besides the common raider and maintaining its neutrality in the Mir-NATO war by dismantling illegal structures constructed primarily by NATO in its territory. The UNC eventually quickly became an unstable alliance after [[Varkonia]] left due to an incident involving [[Corvus]], and other lesser known reasons. After that Varkonia sent a letter of denouncement to Bloom, Bloom responded by both poking fun at the derogatory slander in the Varkonian letter and with a second, more official response. By this point the damage was done though, and the UNC dissolved leading to what is currently a rather unstable region of the world, where mistrust, and silence is leading among former allies.
== Geography ==
=== Great Northern Territory ===
The Great Northern Territory is the largest governed area, covering all of Bloom's tundra and its savannah region. Due to its diverse climate and large unoccupied space, the territory has become Bloom's primary space for farming, with large pumpkin and potato farms, both public and private, sprouting up there. The area was originally home to an abandoned fort, which Bloom took over and converted into a small town. It is governed by Locke.
=== '''Town of Angullia''' ===
Anguilla is a town north of the Capital Territory. Originally the town was it's own separate nation, Casia. The town has rail connections to both the Capital and the Great Northern Territory. The buildings that populate the municipality are various now abandoned homes, small farms, and the old church. The town is governed by Slushhi as mayor. Bordering north of Angullia is the town of Haven, which is home to a fort.
=== '''Capital Territory''' ===
Line 267 ⟶ 295:
==== '''Other Settlements''' ====
Being the first territory and also the only one for a good portion of time, the Capital Territory is home to many other settlements. Apart from Bloom, two other towns are in the territory, Narda and New Siata, connected by the South Rail and governed by Nessie97 and dBeatZx respectively.Another minor settlement is Little Sweden, a small village just south of the capital.
=== '''Railway''' ===
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(LCP - CON Coalition)
