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| data2 = Parliamentary Democracy
| label3 = Prime Minister
| data3 = [[Aleh56 (aka alzdadog)Slushhi]]
| label4 = Founded
| data4 = January 2017
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==== Building the capital ====
[[File:BloomJune2017.png|left|thumb|City of Bloom in June 2017 with Parliament on the left and an incomplete Bank on the right.]]
In the final days of his term, Aleh56 launched 'Project Bloom'. This was a plan to massively expand the city, creating a large, flat area with looser restrictions on what you could build. The layout was marked out for the roads however progress was slow. [[File:BloomJune2017.png|left|thumb|City of Bloom in June 2017 with Parliament on the left and an incomplete Bank on the right.]]
==== Monaco/Angullia split ====
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=== Autumn of Discontent ===
By the end of Summer 2017 Bloom began declining, largely due to server issues. The Autumn was marked by slow growth and personal conflict between the remaining active citizens.
==== Cazards Ministry ====
<nowiki>*</nowiki>cut upkeep
During the Cazards Ministry, a New Republic MP, Arumos, helped keep Bloom alive. He carried on and completely much of 'Project Bloom' on his own and continued inviting new citizens to Bloom.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>arumos has been instrumental in keeping Bloom alive during this period and was the biggest contributor to 'Project Bloom'
==== Arumos Ministry ====
As voting commenced for Prime Minister a dispute arose between Arumos and darkhorse18909 over the ownership of a snow golem grinder. After an inconclusive first round, Arumos was elected Prime Minister with 4 votes to 3 in Parliament in the second round. Over the next two weeks progress was completely stalled as Arumos and darkhorse18909 engaged in arguing, minor griefing and attempting to raid each others homes. An ultimatum was issued by the Conservatives who were supporting Arumos in government for the disputes to end or he would be voted out of office. With the conflict continuing, then a Conservative MP, Nessie97 started a vote of no confidence in Arumos. The Conservatives, now led by Rakoch_, decided to push for an early general election instead of voting out Arumos. In light of the early general election, the vote of no confidence was rejected.
==== Nessie97 Ministry ====
As the election loomed, Nessie97 brought together Arumos and darkhorse18909 who had put their differences aside and formed a new party, the United Alliance. In the October 2017 election the United Alliance performed well taking 4 out of 9 seats, with the Conservatives also taking 4 and the Democratic Republicans taking 1 seat. In the Prime Minister election that followed Nessie97 was comfortably elected with Conservative MP FlyingHamster22 voting for Nessie97 rather than the Conservative candidate, Rakoch_. Nessie97 also secured the support of the Democratic Republican MP, CasualNuker. Nessie97 chose to work with the Conservatives and appointed several Conservative MPs to his cabinet.
The new government continued to be gripped by conflict, at the end of the previous term Nessie97 had attempted to ban iOminous from Bloom and this conflict continued. Bloom for the first time since it's founding was closed off to outsiders to prevent iOminous from easily returning after a vote in Parliament, initiated by Conservative MP FlyingHamster22.
Towards the end of the Nessie97 Ministry the conflict between Arumos and darkhorse18909 flared up again, this time involving their friend RedPandaJungle as well. All were removed from the government by Nessie97. Arumos remained in Bloom while darkhorse18909 and RedPandaJungle left because of their sacking. Infighting within the government continued after Nessie97's former Deputy Prime Minister, Meaghann, tried to get him banned from the server on fake accusations.
Ezvark split
The situation continued to worsen when 2 of Bloom's 3 judges, Xcios and Truck_Man1234 left to form an independent town with Meaghann called Ezvark.
=== Rakoch_ Ministry ===
On the 28th of November Rakoch_ was elected to serve as Bloom's 5th Prime Minister with 5 votes to 4, bringing an end to a lot of the troubles that Bloom had faced over the previous 3 months.[[File:Bloom under Rak2.png|left|thumb|The City of Bloom in January 2018. Under Rakoch_, much of the city was finally completed.]]
==== Reform ====
In the early days of the Rakoch_ Ministry the electoral system in Bloom was completely reformed with overwhelming support from Parliament. Proportional Representation, where citizens vote for political parties rather than individual candidates, was adopted in an effort to make elections simpler for new citizens.
New party system.
The daily percentage tax was also immediately cut in half then several weeks later it was abolished entirely by Rakoch_.
Abolition of taxes.
==== Growth ====
After nearly four months of stagnation and then decline Bloom began to grow again. At the end of November 2017 Bloom's population was at it's lowest levels since April that year. Aided by an influx of new players, an end to infighting and a host of new assistants, Bloom experienced the most rapid growth in it's history - going from just 68 citizens to 201 by the end of Rakoch_'s term.
The size of the capital was also greatly expanded.
Rakoch_ was responsible for many of the buildings around Bloom being completed, freeing up a lot of prebuilt housing for new citizens - despite complaints from Liberal Party members that there were too many houses being built.
==== Rise of the Liberals and the meme war ====
[[File:Smear3.png|thumb|Conservative Party advertisement from December 2017 attacking the Liberal leader, dBeatzx (left) and United Alliance leader, Nessie97 (right).]]
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Throughout the meme war the two sides relentlessly attacked each other with propaganda.
With a month still to go before the next election the Liberals were reaching a high. In Parliament the Liberals held 4 out of 9 seats, with the Conservative government also clinging on with 4 out of 9 seats. Soon the Liberals would disintegrate after Nessie97 and the United Alliance left the Liberal Alliance and Slushhi was reinstated as party deputy leader. Weeks before the January General Election dBeatzx resigned as party leader causing chaos within the remaining party. Now worried about the prospects of not being elected to Parliament, mostall of the remaining Liberal candidates defected to the Conservatives.
=== Collapse of the Conservatives ===