Alex Cristal

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By special request from alex_cristal, here is his civcraft story in his own words:

first i joined civcraft 2.0 in july 2015; i first played with a nation called balkania; i raided a house in sentissten; i surrendered to them after 1 day and faced trial; i was pearled 3 weeks;

afterwards i joined icenia and helped them build the nations

i got bored and raided the whole town

i got caught and pearled

i had hidden the stolen stuff in different locations

i convinced a player called britishwanderer to release me after i bribed him with a part of the loot

in civ 3.0 i raided crocodile isle

and played with the commies but did not raid them

on civrealms i played as well

i did not raid there

on civclassics i joined in june 2018

already there was a player who held a grudge against me

aimuari his name

idk why

i settled in mta,did some mining and trades

started my own nation called forland

again, i hot bored so i went and raided kaltsburg

they had no snitches and never knew it was me

i stopped playing for 3 months

came back in november

raided in mta

killed azkedar in mta for fun

claimed a land that was not mine and then sold it for 25d

pretended i got mobbed by a guy in commonwealth rail station

he got pearled

raided some abandoned nations

cant rmemeber their names

stopped playing until a few days ago

joined icenia but disliked their town

heard kaltsburg was playing again

went to their leader, asked if i could join their nations

he agreed and gave me access everywhere

i stole all the iron and d

no griefing

made the deal with bloom

bloom did a nasty one on me

and here i am, perma pearled

Of course, now, he is no longer disgracing the civ genre with his presence, as he is permanently pearled by Bloom.

Unbiased History of Alex, by ChrisChrispie, leader of Icenia.