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m (Adjusted Resimere's (Resimare's) name to fit the recent name change.)
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Airhaven (/'ɛrheɪvən/) is a town nestled in the tranquil Hollow Hills of the -,+. It includes a single capital city of the same name, split into five indistinct districts. Airhaven covers an area of almost 250,000 square metres and has a cold mountain climate. The nation has one land border with [[ResimareResimere]] and two water borders with [[Falstadt]] and [[Stonewall]]. With 3 inhabitants, the civilisationcivilization is close to being a one man nation in several regards and is mostly treated as such.
The lands of Airhaven remained uninhabited until settled in late 2017. Evidence of only one other attempt to settle the land had been found in what is now Ravinetown. The island was mostly undocumented before settling; only after its coasts were mapped was it claimed by Vale. As Vale fell into inactivity, Airhaven moved allegiances but pledged its own values more than any labels. This is also evident by Airhaven's absence from both the Western and Northern Alliance, although it is a member nation of the Order of the White Lotus.
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[[File:AirhavenFounding.png|thumb|270px|Airhaven shortly after founding.]]
=== Secession of land to ResimareResimere ===
In February of 2018, RektTangle gave the Eastern coast of Airhaven together with almost all of Eichenfeld to [[ResimareResimere]], a group from [[Devoted]], for no price other than a request to take care of the land well. They continue to have good relations.
=== Independence ===